
"Absolutely impossible!"

"How could they possibly have so much money?"

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen was shocked by electricity, and his expression was hideous, and he said.

Previously, in order to collect 100,000 taels of silver, he repeatedly asked hundreds of officials to raise donations, among which Liu Shangshu, who had two sleeves of clean breeze, donated 100 taels of silver, and he also praised Youjia and rewarded the other party with ten pieces of brocade.

Now tell him that Liu Shangshu's family has three million taels of silver and five hundred thousand taels of gold.


Definitely fake!

These loyal generals in his eyes have so much family property, so how much money will they have in his eyes for corrupt officials.

"You help your father to the side hall to rest."

A Jiu looked helpless and said.

If the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen is allowed to continue to stay, when he knows who is in front of him, I am afraid that he will die directly.

"If you don't leave, you want to see how you control the capital?"

"There are still tens of thousands of elite troops in the capital, and once they hear the movement in the palace, they will definitely come to the rescue."

How could the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen give up his imperial throne.

What's more, he never considered himself a comatose king?

03 He is diligent and loves the people, thrifty and thrifty, and leads by example, how many emperors in history can achieve his level?

"Since Emperor Taishang wants to see it so much, let him see it."

"Order the Golden Fire Cavalry and the Hundred Battles Armor Piercing Soldiers to conduct a comprehensive count of the family properties of officials, princes and nobles, and wealthy and tycoons inside and outside the capital."

"Whoever has a family property of more than 100,000 taels of silver shall destroy the family."

Ying Zheng said coldly.

He had already learned about the situation of the Chongzhen Emperor's dynasty through the history books uploaded by Ip Man.

The country has reached the time of life and death, these officials are rich businessmen, princes and nobles have a lot of wealth but do not want to serve the country, and there is a remnant of death.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ying Zheng also wants to carry out a comprehensive clean-up of Daming.

Daming has already decayed and rotted.

Keeping these officials and wealthy merchants who lived in the Chongzhen era will only allow them to carry the rotten atmosphere of this era to the next dynasty.

"Even if you kill all the officials, it's okay."

Ying Zheng is very calm.

There is a world behind every member of the chat group, and it may be difficult to find a toad with three legs, but there are countless officials with two legs.

"It's time for us to act."

Xiongba looked at the rebuke of Fang Xuan and killed the decisive Ying Zheng, and couldn't help but look at Li Xunhuan.

Daming is now suffering internally and externally.

The problems of the court were solved by the government of the court.

As for the problem of foreign enemies, he must intervene, otherwise it will be difficult for him to get too many point rewards this time in a group mission.

"When Daxian goes online, I will also trade a mount with Daxian, otherwise, it will be too inconvenient to travel."

The hero secretly said.

"It just so happened that the Battle of Songjin broke out between the Ming army and the Qing army, and the main forces of the Qing army were in the area of Songjin, as long as the main force of the Qing army was solved, the Qing army was not worried."

Li Xunhuan nodded.

So, Li Xunhuan once again acted as a transport man.

The chatting masses, as well as Gai Nie, Donghuang Taiyi, Bei Yuzi, Xunzi, Wei Zhuang and other top masters, were transported to the area of the Battle of Songjin.

Therefore, Ying Zheng was busy preparing for the Zen ceremony in the capital, as well as killing heads and raiding homes.

The rest of the chat group, as well as the top experts of the Daqin world, were transported to Songshan City.

Songshan Castle and Jinzhou Castle were the two major military towns in the Battle of Songjin.

The Qing army was to break through the city of Jinzhou, destroy the Ningjin defense line, and clear the way for entering the customs.

The Ming army was to rescue Jinzhou and relieve the siege of Jinzhou.

The Ming army originally had the power to fight the Qing army, but unfortunately, at the urging of the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen and the imperial court, the Ming army was besieged by the Qing army, cutting off all contact and food supplies from the rear.

And at this time, the Qing army camp.

Huang Taiji was sitting in the camp, full of spirit, his eyes were shining, and the smile on his face could not be hidden.

In the early days of the Battle of Songjin, the Ming army once had the advantage, causing the Qing army to suffer a lot of losses.

However, he had a good teammate, Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen.

With the cooperation of the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youqin, the Ming army could only rush to war with the Qing army.

Although the Ming army had a certain numerical advantage, the Qing army was basically iron horses.

Under these circumstances, the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen also dared to urge Hong Chengzhu to take the initiative to launch an attack many times, and the Qing army was invincible, which was completely unreasonable.

"Your Majesty, now that the water surrounding the Ming army has been drained, and the food and grass of the Ming army have almost been exhausted, is it time for us to attack?"

The blue-flagged lord, Prince Zheng Zierharang was a little excited and said.

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen did not expect that the Ming army would be so miserably defeated.

The Qing army also did not expect such a big victory.

The original strategic purpose of the Qing army was to destroy the Ningjin Line.

Now the Qing army can not only destroy the Ningjin defense line, but even wipe out the nine-sided elite that the Ming Dynasty has worked hard to build.

Without the nine-sided elite, in the future, if the Qing army wants to attack the Ming Dynasty, it will be able to attack the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty has no power to fight back.

"As long as I launch another charge with the white flag, the Ming army will definitely collapse." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The White Banner Lord, Prince Doduo of Yu, looked excited, and his face was full of bloodthirsty aura.

The white banner under his command is among the eight flags, and the combat effectiveness is also in the forefront.

In this battle, Zhengbaiqi will definitely be able to obtain a large number of slaves.

"Don't worry, I think it won't be long before the Chongzhen Emperor will issue a holy decree to let Hong Chengzhuo take the initiative to attack."

"Remember that the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen sent people to deliver the decree, must not stop them, let them enter Songshan City."

Huang Taiji Zhizhu is in his hands, and he has a good heart, Dao.

Although the Qing army took the initiative to attack, it was bound to win a big victory.

However, there are certainly quite a few casualties.

Even if the nine-sided elite of the Ming Dynasty often did not pay military salaries, or even insufficient food and grass, their combat strength still caused heavy losses to the Qing army.

Now he only needs to wait, that hot-tempered, suspicious, irritable and unwise Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen will definitely not be able to resist interfering with the front-line command.

570 Moreover, the micro-operation of the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youzhen is even more breathtaking, and it will definitely launch an attack on Hong Chengzhuo.

One was the iron horse attacking the infantry in the city.

One is that the infantry attacks the iron horses in the field.

The losses in the two cases are completely different.

"Your Majesty is wise."

The white banner Lord Rui Prince Dolgon, the white banner Lord Yu Prince Doduo, the blue banner Lord Prince Zheng Zierharang and others bowed down one after another.

"Once the Ming army attacks, Dolgon, Dorduo, Zilharang, and Yue Zhen will follow me to face the main force of the Ming army."

"Azig will lead you to seize the grain and grass that the Ming army has accumulated in Beacon Mountain, and once the last grain and grass of the Ming army is lost, the army will definitely collapse."

Huang Taiji quickly announced the battle plan.

"The Mandate of Heaven is in the Great Qing, and the heavens are on our side, and no one can prevent His Majesty from seizing the world."

Dorgon, Dordor, Zilharan, Azig and others looked amazed.

In this battle, there was nothing that could prevent the Qing from winning.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

The next moment, dozens of figures appeared silently in the tent, and the tent became a little crowded for a while.

Grand Master Peak Oniyako!

Great Grandmaster Peak North Hades!

Grand Master Peak Eastern Emperor Taiyi!

Grand Master Gai Nie!

Grand Master Wei Zhuang!

Grand Master Hero!

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