
"Immediately raise the realm!"

Ye Hao couldn't wait and said.

He was about to participate in the trial mission, leaving the area of the Spirit River Sect, of course, the stronger the strength, the safer.

【Ding-dong! Deduct 80,000 points, the eighth layer of the Jiedan Realm (0/90,000). 】

Eight layers of the Jiedan Realm!

【Ding-dong! Deduct 90,000 points, the ninth layer of the Jiedan Realm (0/100,000). 】

Jiedan Realm Ninth Layer!

【Immortal Cultivator】

[Points: 26774.] 】

[Realm: Nine layers of Jiedan Realm (0/100,000). 】

[Exercises: Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique. 】

[Spell: Ten times the Instant Kill Technique (0/10,000.] 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Danfang: Condensing Qi Pill (Perfection), Essence Cleansing Pill (Perfection), Zhuling Pill (Perfection). 】

【Sky Pilot: One product (0/10,000)】

"Only one layer away from the peak of the Dan Realm!"

"With less than 200,000 points left, you can break through to the Yuan Infant Realm!"

Ye Hao silently estimated it, and couldn't help but feel excited.

Once it breaks through to the Yuan Infant Realm, the strength will change drastically again, and the minimum lifespan can reach a thousand years, and the limit can reach five thousand years.

Moreover, after the formation of the Yuan Baby, as long as the Yuan Baby 03 does not die, it can be reborn.

This made Ye Hao's security skyrocket to a new level, even if there was a strong sneak attack, he could not destroy his Yuanshen in the first place, he would be able to evacuate to the martial arts world.

"It's time to prepare for the practice of breaking through to the Yuan Infant Realm."

Ye Hao fell into a happy annoyance again.

It is clear that the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique that was changed not long ago is now preparing new exercises.

"After participating in the trial of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, go to the MixC City, the headquarters of the Wanxiang Building that Zhao Lingkong said, and buy an exercise that can at least cultivate to the peak of the Yuan Infant Realm, and even transform the God Realm."

"Then this time when entering the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, you must also look for some top-notch medicinal materials."

Because, according to Zhao Lingkong's introduction, the transactions between the powerhouses of the Yuan Infant Realm no longer require the trading of spirit stones.

Ye Hao also doesn't have a mid-grade spirit stone now.

In this case, you can only earn enough Lower Grade Spirit Stones first, and then find a way to exchange some Medium Grade Spirit Stones.

Or find some fourth-grade elixirs in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, or even higher-level elixirs, then they can definitely be used to purchase exercises at the level of the Yuan Infant Realm or the exercises at the level of the Transformation God Realm.

"Upgrade the Instantaneous Killing Technique with points!"

Ye Hao calmed his excitement and communicated with the chat group again.

"Ding-dong! After deducting 10,000 points, the Instantaneous Technique was successfully upgraded, and the Instantaneous Killing Technique was upgraded to the Instantaneous Killing Technique. "

[Divine power: Instant killing Dafa (0/100,000). 】

At the moment when the upgrade was completed, Ye Hao finally understood why the cultivator who had created the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique was able to kill the cultivator of the Yuan Infant Realm at the peak of the Dan Realm.

Because, if you comprehend the art of instantaneous killing to a certain extent, you can comprehend the magic of instantaneous killing.

Instantaneous killing Dafa, sword qi teleportation, cutting space, fast to the extreme, kill all enemies within the range of perception in one thought.

The people who created the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique have a better understanding than many people expected.

However, Ye Hao did not have the slightest intention of crossing the steps to kill the cultivators of the Yuan Infant Realm.

It is best that he does not encounter an enemy until he becomes the strongest in the Immortal World, let alone the enemy of the Yuan Infant Realm.

"The safety of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range trial has increased a little more."

This is what makes Ye Hao happiest.

"Now complete the deal with the chat masses."

Ye Hao collected his mind and set his eyes on the chat group.

Immortal Cultivator: "What do you all want to trade?" "

Great Qin Zulong: "Great Immortal, I want to trade elixirs, spirit stones, and some ordinary flying swords. "

Ying Zheng has never been a stingy person.

Ghost Guzi, Donghuang Taiyi, Gai Nie and others have all made great contributions to him, allowing him to earn tens of thousands of points in several group missions.

Therefore, every time the group mission ended, he would assign some spirit stones according to the merit.

As for the flying sword, it was requested by everyone, and Ying Zheng also hoped to buy some ordinary flying swords.

Not to increase combat effectiveness, but to be able to fly quickly.

Every time he did a group mission, Li Xunhuan didn't have to do anything else, he only needed to be a transporter, and the points and rewards he obtained were always in the forefront.

He gained more points than Xiongba, a group member in the later stage of the Great Master.

As for the elixir, of course, it was to increase his cultivation speed.

The world will help the master: "Great Immortal, I want to trade the Immortal Cultivation Exercises." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Great Immortal, I want to trade elixirs, some basic immortal cultivation sect cultivation resources." "

Zhang Sanfeng: This is to lay the foundation for the transformation of the Wudang Sect into the Immortal Cultivation Sect.

Xiao Li Feidao: "Great Immortal, I want to trade pills." "

The chattering masses hardly hesitated, and they all said their demands. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For Ye Hao at this time, it was too easy to take out these immortal cultivation resources.

Immortal cultivator: "Great Qin Ancestral Dragon, give you 20 Condensing Yuan Pills, 50,000 spirit stones, and 30 flying swords." "

Immortal cultivators: "Condensing Yuan Pill is generally an auxiliary elixir used only by cultivators in the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm, the medicinal power is relatively large, when using it, you must concentrate on refining the elixir." "

Immortal cultivator: "The world will help the lord and give you the five elements true technique that can cultivate to the peak of the Qi Refining Realm, 00 spirit stones." "

Immortal cultivator: "Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist, also give you 20 Condensing Yuan Pills, in addition to giving you some spiritual food, spiritual medicine seeds, spring wind and rain techniques, Gengjin Sword Technique, these small sects must cultivate resources." "

[The immortal cultivator sent an exclusive red envelope to the Great Qin Ancestral Dragon! ] 】

[The immortal cultivator sent an exclusive red envelope to the Tianxia Gang Lord! ] 】

[The immortal cultivator sent an exclusive red envelope to the Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist! ] 】

[Great Qin Zulong received the red envelope. 】

Without even going to the Vientiane Tower, Ye Hao completed the transaction with everyone.

Great Qin Zulong: "Thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian!" "

The world will help the Lord: "Thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian!" "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Thanks to the Great Immortal, with these immortal cultivation resources, the Wudang Sect can really embark on the path of the Immortal Cultivation Sect." "

The moment the chatter received the red envelope 357, their expressions were extremely excited.

Obviously, the cultivation resources Ye Hao gave them were far more than they expected.

Princess Changping: "The newcomer kneels to the Great Immortal, I have 3,000 points, what immortal cultivation resources can I trade?" "

Ah Jiu's face was flushed, and his beautiful face was full of excitement.

Cultivate immortals!

The martial arts chat group is amazing!

There was no one discussing topics related to martial arts, and all of them were immortal cultivators!

Now she seems to have the opportunity to cultivate immortals.

Immortal cultivator: "A Essence Cleansing Pill, a five-element true technique cultivated to the mid-level of the Qi Refining Realm, 1,000 spirit stones, is it in line with your heart?" "

Princess Changping: "Thank you Daxian, kneel to Daxian!" "

Ah Jiu almost jumped up on the spot.

She really traded immortal cultivation resources.

[The immortal cultivator sent an exclusive red envelope to Princess Changping! ] 】

[Princess Changping received the red envelope. 】

Immortal cultivator: "The transaction is complete, if there is nothing wrong, I will withdraw!" "

He needed to inquire more about the trials in the Elixir Mountain Range, and think hard about what else needed to be prepared.

Chef Gao in the cafeteria: "??? "。

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "Daxian, guys, have you forgotten me?" "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I'm still here!" I'm still here! "

Chef Gao of the cafeteria: "I'm a newcomer to the chat group that entered with Princess Changping!" My name is Gao Yao, the canteen chef of the archaeological team. "

Chatting masses: "??? "。。

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