"Travel back into the past? "

"How could it be so against the sky?"

It's more than 2,000 years ago, and it's too taboo and unreasonable. "

"What kind of world is the world where Gao Yao is located, how can there be such a thing against the sky?"

The crowd in the chat group suddenly exploded, and they only felt that their heads were buzzing.

Although Ye Hao's words are not much, the information contained in them is too terrifying and subversive.

"I feel like I need to be quiet and take a good moment. "

Li Xunhuan couldn't help scratching his head, rubbed his face, and digested the huge impact of Ye Hao's words with a complicated face.

A person living in a new era, according to the Common Era, that is, 2010.

If he remembered correctly, it should be 221 BC ~ 201 BC.

When Ip Man uploaded the history book, he mentioned relevant records.

The difference between Gao Yao's era and the Qin Dynasty's era must be more than two thousand years.

Then, Gao Yao, a person living in the new era, was able to directly cross the past more than 2,000 years and return to the distant past.

That is, the past that has become history!

Wouldn't it affect history if Gao wanted to go back to the past?

Won't it change the future of the Qin Dynasty?

If changes were made, wouldn't the entire history have changed dramatically?

Other than that, if Gao wants to kill a person by mistake, this person may be a very ordinary person in the Qin Dynasty.

However, the descendants of this person have stretched all the way into modern times.

Now this person has not had time to leave descendants, he was killed by Gao Yao, according to this logic, all the descendants of this person after the Qin Dynasty will disappear?

Even people who are related to this person in the new era will disappear out of thin air?

How scary is that?

"This is just Gao to kill a person by mistake, what if he accidentally kills a village, a town, or even more?"

Li Xunhuan only felt that his scalp was numb and his back was cold.

Gao Yao crossed into the Qin Dynasty, but he was not just a traverser.

He would also become Zhao Gao of the Qin Dynasty.

Zhao Gao was a great eunuch who left a deep mark on history, leading to the early demise of the Qin Dynasty.

Every move of such a person is the life and death of thousands of people.

"So it is!"

"So it is!"

Yue Buqun said the words that suddenly realized, but his face was full of shock, and his eyes were about to pop out.

He really couldn't imagine that there was such a magical thing as crossing and directly refreshing his cognition.

"Can you even be like this? Can you travel back in time?"

Xiongba also looked shocked and incredulous, muttering to himself.

He really didn't think that there were any magical things in heaven and earth.

"You should be glad that you are the hero of the TV series world, if you are the hero of the comic book world, I feel that you are not unable to sleep in the evening, I am afraid that you will not dare to sleep at all." "

Ye Hao heard Xiongba's self-talk and laughed secretly.

Although the TV series Fengyun World is currently the world where the group members are located, the world with the highest level of strength boundaries.

However, there is still a big gap with the world boundary of the comic world.

The hero of the TV series Fengyun World may have a huge gap with Di Shitian and Xiao Sanxiao, but he is also a strong person who can be ranked.

However, in the world of comics, there are too many people who are stronger than Xiongba, and there are too many anti-heavenly existences that Xiongba cannot imagine.

"Great Immortal, how did Gao Yue cross over to the Qin Dynasty, is there any powerful existence in his world that can reverse time?"

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but ask the core question.

He was really too curious about what kind of powerful force could make Gao Yao travel back two thousand years ago.

"The world Gao Yao is in is a very magical world, and in this world, various treasures with magical properties will be born. "

"And the power that allows Gao to travel to the past is something made of this special treasure, the tiger-shaped pendant and the treasure box, which has the ability to travel through time and space. "

Under the influence of this time-space correction, only two specific people can travel to a specific time and space and become part of history. "

This is the result of Ye Hao's deduction through the heavenly machine.

In addition to the tiger-shaped pendant and treasure box that Yi Xiaochuan and Gao want to cross, another treasure with great influence is the meteorite that fell from the sky.

In the plot, Cui Wenzi was able to refine the elixir of life, mainly relying on the star powder on the meteorite.

"So it is~"

When the chatting masses heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

If there is a being in the world where Gao Yao is located, it will be too scary and scary.

"You may encounter this kind of existence in the future." "

Ye Hao looked at the performance of the chatting masses, an inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes, and he secretly said in his heart.

In some martial arts worlds, there are still some unreasonable existences.

"Daxian, I don't want to cross ah!"

"I don't want to go to the Qin Dynasty, can I not cross over?"

Gao Yao looked at Ye Hao with a pleading expression.

He lives well in the new era, and he doesn't want to go to the Qin Dynasty at all. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Moreover, he will also become Zhao Gao when he crosses the Qin Dynasty.

Although he didn't know who Zhao Gao was, he could still guess from the words of the chattering masses that Zhao Gao was definitely not a good person.

What's more, he has now joined the martial arts chat group, and if he gets a little leftover from the chat group boss, he will be developed.

"As long as you are in this world, you will definitely cross unless you have the power to resist time and space. "

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"It's already a fact that you're crossing this thing. "

"After you travel to the Qin Dynasty, you will become Zhao Gao, and Zhao Gao has taken the elixir of life and has lived until now. "

Ye Hao explained.

When Yi Xiaochuan traveled to the Qin Dynasty, he also wanted to change history and tried to save Xiang Yu, Xiaoyue and others, but he eventually found that everything returned to the trajectory of history.

According to Ye Hao's deduction of the heavenly machine, this is the influence of space-time correction.

No matter what Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao did in the Qin Dynasty, time and space would correct everything to the original trajectory in order to maintain stability.

Similarly, the Gao who crossed to the Qin Dynasty to become Zhao Gao and lived to the present already exists.

Under the correction of time and space, this high must now be crossed to form a perfect closed loop of time and space.

"In this world, there is another high master who has lived for more than two thousand years?"

"Gao wants to travel to the Qin Dynasty to obtain the elixir of life, and it has become a fact to live until now?"

The chattering crowd was all stunned, and their expressions were full of great shock.

Now this high point has not yet been crossed, but, because, history is what has happened.

Therefore, what happened after Gao Yao's encounter with the Qin Dynasty has long been a part of history.

Now it's just a matter of crossing the height in front of you, forming a perfect cycle.

At this moment, everyone only felt extremely shocked, and their heads were a little messy.

"Great Immortal, is the Qin Shi Huang of this world also immortal?"

Only Ying Zheng's face was a little stiff, and even his face turned black.

"Nope. "

Ye Hao replied.

"That high-level elixir is also an elixir that deceived Qin Shi Huang?"

Ying Zheng felt his fist harden again, and he gritted his teeth with hatred.

Qin Shi Huang of the Fengyun World is like this.

Could it be that Qin Shi Huang of the mythical world is also so sad?

If you can't refine the elixir of life, it's nothing!

However, even if you refine the elixir of life, you will be deceived, which is too ruthless.

Is it so difficult for Qin Shi Huang to want immortality?

"It's not. "

Ye Hao looked playful and said.

"That's good. "

Ying Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

A total of three elixirs were sent to Qin Shi Huang, and he was afraid of poison, so he asked a concubine to try the medicine and eat one. "

"Gao wanted to see that the elixir was really effective, so he took one himself. "

Then Gao Yao deliberately put the elixir in front of Qin Shi Huang, who was about to die of illness, and Qin Shi Huang could only watch another elixir in front of him, and then die. "

Ye Hao explained.

Ying Zheng: ".


This time, there were enough three elixirs delivered to Qin Shi Huang, but they didn't eat one?

Is there any reason for this?

What made him most angry, Qin Shi Huang of the mythical world actually watched the elixir die, what irony was this?

How miserable?

He felt that Qin Shihuang was targeted by the heavens and realms!

It is really difficult for Qin Shi Huang to want to live forever and die! .

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