"The formation of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range is really strong, and with my strength, it should be impossible to break the formation. "

As soon as Ye Hao entered the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, his mind entered a state of high alert, sensing the large array guarding the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

However, he had expected this situation.

After all, the five great cultivation immortal sects have discovered the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range for nearly a thousand years, and I don't know how many methods to try to break the formation of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

Now the formation is still intact, which shows the strength of the formation.

"As soon as there is a pause in the entrance closing, I can fly out in an instant. "

"Even before I had time to fly out of the exit, I was able to access two safe point worlds through chat groups. "

The peerless Shuangjiao world where Zhaoyue is located, and the Xiaoao Jianghu World where Yue Buqun is located, both of them have opened the permission to let Ye Hao enter and exit freely.

"The teams of the various sects did not get together, and even different teams of the same sect, they all chose to fly in different directions. "

After determining that there was a safe way to retreat, Ye Hao had the mind to look at the rest.

Each team is miles apart.

In a short period of time, there should not be a big war between different Immortal Cultivation Sects.

"What a rich aura!"

Determining that no battle would break out for the time being, Ye Hao's divine sense began to secretly probe the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, and he immediately felt the extraordinary nature of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

The mist in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range was all formed by the concentration of Spiritual Qi being too high, and if you cultivated in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, it would be at least ten times or even dozens of times that of the outside.

"It is worthy of the Elixir Mountain Range. "

Ye Hao nodded secretly.

He could clearly feel the strange medicinal aromas mixed in the air.

Because he was a first-grade alchemist with enhanced points, he could clearly distinguish the year of these medicinal herbs through the medicinal aroma.

Decades of elixirs can be called massive, hundreds of years of elixirs are also innumerable, more than a thousand years of elixirs are definitely not a few, and there are some ancient medicines that may exceed 133 years old.

"The Spirit Medicine Mountain Range should also be the place where the disciples of the Spirit Medicine Sect tried to try, there were many phantom arrays, maze arrays, puppets, and demon beasts, and danger and chance coexisted"

Ye Hao's attention soon turned to the internal situation of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

"Surprised, right?"

At this moment, Wang Hai flew to Ye Hao's side again, greedily breathing the aura of the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

"This place is even better than the main peak cultivation environment of our Linghe Sect, and in order to compete for this place, the blood of the five major immortal cultivation sects was bloodied. "

"Even now the five major immortal cultivation sects maintain a fragile balance, once a certain immortal cultivation sect greatly increases its strength, it will definitely take this place for itself"

Before Wang Hai could say anything, he was interrupted by a beady and majestic voice.

"I will only take you to the outer areas for half an hour, and then I will enter the inner areas of the Elixir Mountain Range, after which you will need to move on your own. "

"If you want to leave early, you can leave now. "

Cao Xiuxiu is particularly tall, has a slender and round long legs, and her figure is also incomparably rich, although her face is beautiful, her temperament is biased towards heroic martial arts, and her every move is sonorous and powerful, like a Valkyrie.

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

Cao Xiuxiu's words fell, and more than 30 people left in a team of 100 people.

At least they were all cultivators of the eighth layer of the Qi Refining Realm, most of them were cultivators of the ninth layer of Qi Refining, and the other five cultivators at the peak of the Qi Refining Realm in the team all left.

With their strength, they had already obtained a lot of information within the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, and they knew that unless the peripheral areas were unlucky, it would be difficult to gain anything.

As a disciple of the outer sect of the Linghe Sect in the fourth layer of the Qi Refining Realm, Ye Hao must have followed the team honestly.

However, although his body (AFCF) followed the team, his divine sense had already carefully and continuously detected the surrounding situation.

"It's really good luck to find a five-crystal chalcedony flower!"

About fifteen miles to the left, Ye Hao's divine sense suddenly discovered a third-grade elixir hidden by the second-grade phantom array.

Five crystal chalcedony flower is one of the main medicines for refining the top elixir of the three products, Jindan.

Jindan, as the name suggests, is an existence similar to Zhujidan, which can help the peak of Zhujidan Realm break through to the Jiedan Realm.

His divine sense easily broke through the second-grade illusion, wrapped the third-grade elixir, and then cast a simple illusion to hide the traces of the elixir, and instantly put it in his storage bag.

A set of actions flows through the clouds.

There is a chat group to cover the aura of heavenly machine, unless someone keeps staring at this elixir, no one knows that a elixir has disappeared here.

Even if someone saw the elixir disappear with their own eyes, in their eyes, the elixir disappeared out of thin air, and they couldn't trace Ye Hao's body.

At the beginning, he harvested a three-pin elixir, which made Ye Hao feel very good.

"This is the main medicine for refining the second-grade high-grade elixir Divine Washing Pill, and there are actually three second-grade elixir Divine Soul Grass. "

Almost at the same time, eighty miles ahead on the right, Ye Hao's divine sense made a new discovery in the gathering place of more than a dozen iron-backed apes.

A group of iron-backed apes didn't know what was happening at all, so they found that the three elixirs they were guarding disappeared out of thin air, and suddenly shouted angrily.

"I, this is a 10,000-year spirit ginseng, or red blood ginseng, which belongs to the ancient medicine level, which is enough to extend the life of a cultivator in the Jiedan Realm for a hundred years. "

"For cultivators in the Yuan infancy stage, they have a certain life-prolonging effect, and they are worth more than one million spirit stones. "

Ye Hao's divine sense once again penetrated a second-grade phantom array, and went straight to the 10,000-year red blood ginseng inside, and it was another set of moving clouds and flowing water, and collected it together with the spiritual soil where the 10,000-year red blood ginseng grew.

By the way, I also received more than a dozen soul flowers inside.

Although the value of the Soul Leaving Flower is not as good as the 10,000-year-old Red Blood Ginseng, it is also a second-grade elixir, and the Soul Leaving Pill refined is a good superstition.

"It is worthy of being the place where the cultivators of the Spirit Medicine Sect Refining Qi Realm were tested, and only when the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range broke through to the Foundation Building Realm, the cultivators with deep roots had hope to break through the second-grade phantom array, and their talent must be extraordinary. "

"After breaking the phantom array, if you see the 10,000-year-old red blood ginseng, you will be carried away, and if you don't carefully observe the situation inside, you will be stunned by the Soul Leaving Flower, and thus lose the opportunity. "

"Only geniuses with a cautious and steady personality and knowing how to leave the soul flower medicine can successfully obtain 10,000-year-old red blood ginseng. "

Ye Hao couldn't help but marvel.

However, what does all this have to do with him, a disciple of the outer sect of the Linghe Sect of the fourth layer of the Qi Refining Realm?

"Swoosh~", "Swish~", "Swish~"

The formations, demon beasts, puppets, and other tests that guard the elixir in the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range are all used to test the cultivators of the Qi Refining Realm and the Foundation Building Realm, and under the divine consciousness of the ninth layer of the Jiedan Realm, they are completely useless.

Without Cao Xiuxiu and the disciples of the Linghe Sect knowing about it, one plant of first-grade elixir, second-grade elixir, and third-grade elixir flew into Ye Hao's storage bag like a hundred birds returning to their nests.

"One ancient medicine, two fourth-grade elixirs, sixteen third-grade elixirs, three hundred and eleven second-grade elixirs"

Ye Hao probed the harvest in the storage bag, and a smile flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Everyone said that there was no chance in the peripheral area, and Ye Hao disagreed.

Opportunities abound!

Faster than he refining pills to earn spirit stones!

The value of these elixirs is millions of spirit stones.

Therefore, Ye Hao's divine sense continued to frantically harvest the elixir.

"You each cherish each other, I'm going into the inner area. "

About an hour later, Ye Hao, who was immersed in the joy of harvest, heard Cao Xiuxiu's voice.

"Senior Brother Wang, I found a place to hide first. "

Ye Hao also knew that it was time for him to leave.

Staying with the other disciples of the Linghe Sect was still a little unexerting.

After speaking, without waiting for Wang Hai's reaction, he attached a divine talisman and quickly left at a speed comparable to that of a cultivator in the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm.

"Junior Brother Ye is indeed a sincere person. "

Looking at Ye Hao, who disappeared quickly, Wang Hai looked stunned, and then looked satisfied and self-satisfied.

What he said, Junior Brother Ye completely listened to.

"You can lie here honestly instead of me. "

After running for more than ten miles, Ye Hao found a cave, affixed a concealment talisman, and under the wrapping of divine consciousness, silently used a substitute puppet to transform into his own appearance and replace his own Buddha-figure.

At the same time, he left a divine sense on this stand-in puppet, so that the chat group could continue to help him cover the aura of the heavenly machine, so that the possible strong people could not see through the substitute puppet.

It is also to prevent disciples with the Qi Refining Realm from finding here. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

After all, the concealment talisman he posted was only a first-grade high-grade talisman seal, which could only conceal the cursory probing of the cultivators of the late stage of the Qi Refining Realm.

Therefore, once a Qi Refining Realm cultivator or Foundation Building Realm cultivator discovers here, his divine sense will throw a consummation-level ecstasy to the other party.

Let the other party lose part of his memory, and ensure that this substitute puppet lies safely until the end of the trial mission.

At the same time, Ye Hao had completely hidden his figure three hundred miles away, appearing above a king kong ape tribe.

"As the first demon beast I killed, I will give you a pain!"

Ye Hao's divine consciousness shrouded the King Kong Ape tribe below, and instantly locked a King Kong Ape leader who was one foot tall and golden all over, like King Kong Liuli, with the middle realm of the Foundation Building Realm, and killed him in seconds.

Then, he put the corpse of the ape-leader into a storage bag and transformed himself into the ape-leader himself.

No one knows that the leader of the Ape has been replaced.

"The next thing was done by the leader of the Vajra Ape, and it had nothing to do with Ye Hao, a disciple of the outer sect of the Linghe Sect. "

Ye Hao's changed King Kong Ape leader took away all the ripe purple spirit peach on a purple spirit peach tree guarded by the King Kong Ape Tribe, and then jumped away quickly.

He did not take away the purple-veined spirit peach tree, and with the growth rate of his strength, it would not be long before he could break the formation that guarded the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range and freely enter and exit the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range.

This may become his back garden, and there is no need to uproot it.

"It's time for me to enter the inner area of the Elixir Mountain Range too. "

[Wuxia chat group. 】

At this time, the chat group is a bit heavy.

Great Qin Zulong: "I don't know if the Great Immortal is now in danger?"

At this time, Ying Zheng was a little unwilling to eat, and it was difficult to sleep.

Daisen won't encounter any danger, right?

The world will help the master: "Are there many strong people at the level of the Great Immortal in the dangerous land?"

Xiongba let out a long sigh, also extremely worried.

What if there is an existence inside that is more powerful than the Great Immortal?

Daxian must be cautious!

Xiao Li Feidao: "Since the Great Immortal has a certain certainty, there should not be too many powerful existences than the Great Immortal." "

Wudang hundred-year-old Taoist: "Maybe there has been a big war that we can't imagine, but I believe that the wisdom of the great immortal is enough to deal with everything." "

Master Wing Chun Yip: "I don't know how terrifying the battle at that level of Daisen is, I am afraid that the universe will be overturned, time and space will be cut off, and there will be unimaginable great horrors." "

Huashan sent Yue to be in charge: "Daxian will explore the dangerous land alone, and no one will join forces to deal with him, right? "。

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