"The Sword Saint who fought with the number one killer organization of martial arts for seven days and seven nights, he is not dead at present, moreover, there is an extremely terrifying sword qi brewing in his body. "

"Once this sword qi is born, I am afraid that Wei Neng will have unimaginable and amazing power under another unique move in Wushuang City. "

When the mud bodhisattva saw Ye Hao's calm and relaxed, he no longer tempted, and directly threw out a heavyweight secret.

Decades ago, the Sword Saint was a legend of martial arts.

However, since the sword saint retreated, there has been no trace of the sword saint in the rivers and lakes for decades, and when they heard the news of the sword saint, many people thought that the sword saint had died.

I am afraid that no one would have thought that the Sword Saint not only did not die, but could also realize a taboo sword move at any time.

Once this sword move is born, its power will definitely make the entire martial arts shudder and tremble.

"It's your turn!"

The mud bodhisattva said indifferently.

"The martial arts myth that was once as famous as the Sword Saint is nameless, and he is not dead, and now he is living in seclusion in the Chinese Pavilion. "

"His Sword Dao has reached the Heavenly Sword Realm. "

Ye Hao said unhurriedly.

"No wonder! No wonder!"

The mud bodhisattva's face first changed drastically, and then his expression was relieved.

About ten years ago, he suddenly couldn't deduce the nameless qi engine.

Either Nameless died, or Nameless broke through to a higher realm.

Now hearing Ye Hao's story, the mud bodhisattva also understood why he could no longer deduce the opportunity to be nameless.

Heavenly sword realm, the sword is endowed with clouds, the metaphysical sword, no one in ancient times, ten thousand swords worship, worship like a heavenly god.

Those who have reached this realm have reached the realm of heaven and man, and it is no longer something he can figure out.

957 "Could it be that this person's ability to deduce the heavenly machine is really above me?"

The mud bodhisattva's heart was extremely shaken, and he was a little unwilling to admit defeat.

Maybe it's just a coincidence, the other party has seen Nameless with his own eyes.

"Nameless, real name Wei Yingying. "

Just as the mud bodhisattva was about to open his mouth to say a bigger secret, he heard Ye Hao's words sound again.

"An ancestor Wei Tian who faked his death five hundred and twelve years ago, he actually has another identity. "

Ye Hao continued.

"How do you mention the nameless ancestor more than five hundred years ago?"

The mud bodhisattva looked confused and puzzled.

Even if Wei Tian's fake death has any amazing identity, more than five hundred years have passed, and the bones are gone, why fake death is probably meaningless.

"Wei Tianqi's true identity is Emperor Shitian. "

"Emperor Shitian?"

Listening to Ye Hao's story, the mud bodhisattva frowned and kept thinking.

He hadn't heard of the name Di Shitian, could it be that Di Shitian was very special?

"Emperor Shitian's real name is Xu Fu, born in the Warring States period, because Qin Shi Huang wanted to live forever, he invited the heavenly priests to look for the elixir of life, and Xu Fu (AHDC) was invited. "

After studying numerology, he deduced that the phoenix, one of the four great beasts, existed in the human world, and finally succeeded in capturing it through hard work. "

Then he used phoenix blood with various rare medicines to refine the elixir of life, swallow it on his own, and become an immortal body. "

With Ye Hao's narration, the mud bodhisattva had gradually changed from shock at the beginning to fear.

He already knew what Ye Hao was talking about.

Xu Fu!

An ancient figure of nearly two thousand years, he obtained immortality during the Qin Dynasty and has lived until now.

In this thousand years, he has incarnated various identities and played games in the world.

The nameless ancestor, Wei Tian is an identity in the human world of Xu Fu Game.

"In the long years, I felt bored, began to join the various martial arts sects in different capacities, used the thousand years to learn the martial arts master, Xu Fu, the leader of ten thousand martial arts, gradually changed his temperament, and began to provoke martial arts disputes through various means and play games for all sentient beings"

Ye Hao's voice was like a nightmare, which made the mud bodhisattva break out in a cold sweat and his heart trembled.

Di Shitian is too dangerous!

Too dangerous!

"Has his ability to deduce the Heavenly Machinery reached this level?"

"Maybe even reach the legendary realm?"

The mud bodhisattva looked at Ye Hao with a stunned expression, with expectation, admiration, and unwillingness.

Although he is known as the first phase of the world, he can deduce the scope of the heavenly machine, all below the realm of heaven and man.

Once it involved the secrets of the Heaven and Human Realm, he could not deduce it clearly.

However, as long as he did not reach the realm of heaven and man, he could deduce one or two.

His realm has reached the peak of ordinary physiognomies, and further up, there are countless people who know the heavenly machine, refine the five elements of gossip, and pursue the supreme realm of their whole life, the heavenly mechanic.

Heaven and earth yin and yang, know everything!

After reaching this realm, there is no heavenly machine that cannot be deduced.

"One hundred and thirteen years ago, Emperor Shitian was seriously injured and dying from Wu Invincible, and after a hundred years of cultivation, his injuries have healed and he may be born at any time. "

Ye Hao threw a bombshell again.


The mud bodhisattva was first startled, then his back was cold, and he was covered in sweat and stood upside down.

Wu Invincible was able to almost kill Emperor Shitian, and his martial arts talent was so brilliant.

It's just that after experiencing this life and death catastrophe, Emperor Shitian is afraid that he will be even more perverted and crazy. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Waiting for the birth of Emperor Shitian will definitely bring unimaginable heavy blows and blows to the entire world.

Is there still a world in the world today that can resist Emperor Shitian?


Sword Saint?


One by one, the names flashed in the mind of the mud bodhisattva, and all of them were denied by the mud bodhisattva.

These people are far from it.

"Could it be that the change in Lingyun Cave is related to Emperor Shitian?"

The mud bodhisattva felt powerless.

"If this person in front of him really reaches the realm of a Heavenly Mechanic, and he deduced that this place is very safe before, it means that this place has nothing to do with Emperor Shitian. "

The mud bodhisattva suddenly remembered Ye Hao's previous words, and already had an idea in his heart.

"I recently discovered that Kyushu's luck has moved west, and Kyushu will usher in a low tide of luck in the next few hundred years, which may be invaded by other civilizations. "

"Therefore, I speculate that in the extreme west of the Central Plains, there must be a civilization not much different from the civilization of Kyushu, and there is also a vast land that does not belong to the Central Plains at all. "

"If you can tell the exact location of that land, I will throw in the towel. "

The mud bodhisattva had already reached the peak of his physiognomy, and he was able to spy on the collapse and deviation of Kyushu's qi luck, which is why he was so nervous about the life and death of the fire unicorn.

Once there is no Fire Qilin guarding the Lingyun Cave, there is a problem with the dragon vein that suppresses Kyushu Qi Luck, and Kyushu Qi Luck will weaken faster.

As for the specific situation, only the sky pilot can see it more clearly.

Coupled with Ye Hao's ability to deduce the heavenly machine of Emperor Shitian, he must be the legendary heavenly mechanic.

With this Heavenly Mechanic present, he will definitely be able to deduce a way to deal with Emperor Shitian.

"Strictly speaking, there are actually seven continents in this world, and the whole world is very much like a circle, like a giant orange. "

For Ye Hao's words, the mud bodhisattva looked confused.

He didn't know whether to believe or not.

He could only see that in addition to the continent where the Central Plains were located, there should be another continent.

As a result, Ye Hao told him that there were a total of seven pieces?

Fengyun World is a huge sphere?

This is also too bizarre!

"My ability is limited and I can't be sure if your deduced is correct, but I admit defeat. "

Although the mud bodhisattva was confused, he was not dissatisfied.

After Ye Hao pushed the Emperor Shitian Heavenly Machine, he knew that he was not as good as Ye Hao.

It's just that Ye Hao said that the world has seven continents, and the world is a huge sphere, and he maintains a skeptical attitude.

Even the Heavenly Mechanic would not go against the sky to such an extent, right?

"This is easy to confirm. "

Ye Hao said with a smile.

"How to confirm it?"

The mud bodhisattva's eyes were fiery, and he hurriedly asked.

He may be able to see the earth-shattering methods of the Heavenly Pilot immediately.

"I'll take you around the world, and if you fly in one direction and eventually return to the same place, then the world is a sphere." "

Ye Hao's heart moved, and a golden sword qi turned into a golden auspicious cloud to hold the mud bodhisattva, and in an instant he reached the Pacific Ocean.

Mud Bodhisattva: "???".

This is what you call a simple confirmation method?

Fly around the world?

Are you sure who else but you finds this method easy?

YouTM are definitely a fake celestial mechanic!

You are definitely a fairy!.

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