Xianxia World.

Linghe City.

"Wanxiang Lou doesn't sell exercises above the Jiedan Realm, I don't know if other markets sell them?"

Ye Hao changed the appearance of a middle-aged man, his aura remained at the peak level of the Foundation Building Realm, and went to other exchanges ~ Yifang City in Linghe City.

"Senior, although Linghe City did not say it explicitly, the unspoken rule is to prohibit the sale of the above exercises of the Jiedan Realm. "

"Senior, don't say that Linghe City, the trading fang city in the territory of Zhao Kingdom should not have the exercises above the Jiedan Realm, this is the five major cultivation immortal sect restrictions cough, senior, - I can't go into details. "

"Senior, maybe in the black market in the territory of Zhao Kingdom, you can buy the exercises of the Yuan Infant Realm level, but it is too easy to be eaten by the black. "

"Senior, you can explore ancient ruins or secret realms, and you may be able to obtain the practice of becoming an immortal inside. "

Ye Hao walked around the trading houses of all parties in Linghe City, and he also completely gave up the idea of purchasing higher-level exercises in Zhao Kingdom.

In order to limit the rise of the Immortal Cultivation Family and Scattered Cultivation, the five major immortal cultivation sects forbade trading immortal cultivation exercises above the Jiedan Realm, and on the bright side, Ye Hao simply could not buy higher-level exercises.

As for going to the black market, Ye Hao did not hesitate to deny it, there are too many unstable factors.

As for exploring ancient ruins or secret places, it is even more impossible.

The exploration of these ancient ruins and secret realms is not like the Spirit Medicine Mountain Range, which only allows cultivators of the Qi Refining Realm to enter, which is too dangerous

The five great immortal cultivation sects actually have exercises that have cultivated to the Yuan Infant Realm, and even higher-level exercises.

Unfortunately, Ye Hao could not obtain it through normal channels at all.

"It seems that you can only go to MixC once. "

Ye Hao thought for a long time, but he still planned to go to the headquarters of the Vientiane Tower to purchase more advanced exercises.

This is the safest option.

"Great Shang Empire, Hengduan Mountain Range, MixC City. "

Zhao Lingkong of the Vientiane Tower had previously told him the location of the headquarters of the Vientiane Tower, and there were several dynasties to pass in the middle, which was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

"Is there a teleportation array leading to Vientiane City in the territory of Zhao Kingdom?"

Ye Hao came to the Vientiane Tower again and found Zhao Lingkong.

"Senior, there is a teleportation array, and there is a teleportation array in the Vientiane Tower in Linghe City. "

Zhao Lingkong saw Ye Hao's changing middle-aged man, and greeted him with a warm and respectful face.

"It's just that the price of teleportation is too expensive, and you need 500,000 spirit stones each time. "

Zhao Lingkong smiled bitterly.

Anyway, since he came to the Spirit River Sect's Wanxiang Building Branch, this teleportation array had not been used.

In the general Qi Refining Realm, the resources that the cultivators of the Foundation Building Realm want to buy can be purchased in the Wanxiang Tower Branch.

And the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles was nothing to the cultivators of the Jiedan Realm.

Therefore, he did not talk to Ye Hao about the teleportation array last time, but only told Ye Hao the location of the headquarters.

After all, in his opinion, even if Ye Hao was a wealthy Foundation Building Realm cultivator, it was impossible to spend 500,000 spirit stones to open a teleportation array.

If you really want to go to the headquarters, at the speed of a Foundation Building Realm cultivator, it will only take ten days and a half a month.

And 500,000 spirit stones is not a small amount for Foundation Building Realm cultivators, not to mention for Jiedan Realm cultivators, who would be willing to waste so many spirit stones,

"Open the teleportation array for me!"

Ye Hao said without hesitation.

This is flying hundreds of thousands of miles in the wild, and who knows what dangers will be encountered.

Zhao Lingkong: ".

"Daoist friends please~, under Zhao Qingyun"

After Ye Hao really paid 500,000 spirit stones, one of the stewards of the Foundation Building Realm in the Wanxiang Building couldn't sit still, and took Ye Hao to the teleportation array with a smile on his face.


This master is too proud!

It's not bad for spirit stones!

However, thinking of Zhao Lingkong and the information he said, Zhao Qingyun was also a little relieved.

A suspected existence of a second-grade top alchemist, his net worth is definitely not inferior to a cultivator in the Jiedan Realm.

Maybe the other party is just to buy the golden pill that has broken through to the Jiedan realm, so that his alchemy realm can reach the third grade.

In that case, half a million spirit stones would be nothing.

"Daoist, the teleportation array will teleport you to the teleportation city of the Hengduan Mountain Range, which is only more than a hundred miles away from the MixC City. "

"After you arrive in MixC City, if there is anything inconvenient, you can use this token to contact my clan sister Zhao Qingzhu. "

Zhao Qingyun said and handed a cyan token to Ye Hao.

"Thank you~"

Ye Hao took the cyan token and then entered the teleportation array.

"The teleportation array is on!"

Ye Hao only felt that there was a white expanse in front of him, and his body was in a state of extreme imbalance.

It lasted about a quarter of an hour before this state disappeared.

Ye Hao had already been teleported to the teleportation city of the Hengduan Mountain Range hundreds of thousands of miles away, and from time to time cultivators were teleported away, or teleported over.

"Wang Yueyue has seen the senior, I wonder if you need help?"

At this moment, a female cultivator with a beautiful face, dressed in red, and some of the nine-layer realm of the Qi Refining Realm, walked over with a warm face.

"I have lived in the Hengduan Mountain Range for more than 20 years, and I know all the forces here, and I only need 1,000 spirit stones to take my predecessors to be completely familiar with the Hengduan Mountain Range. "

Wang Yueyue is obviously a tour guide in the Hengduan Mountains.

"Daoist friend's side!"

A woman wearing a long black dress walked quickly towards Ye Hao.

She has slender snow-white long legs, walking around, it seems to have a kind of magic, swinging people's hearts, her body is plump, and her body is full of royal sister breath, which makes people itch.

"Zhao Qingzhu has seen Daoyou, clan brother Zhao Qingyun and clan member Zhao Lingkong have asked me to receive you well. "

Zhao Qingzhu's voice is very gentle, which is easy to make people feel good.

"Ye Fan has seen Daoyou. "

Ye Hao reported his pseudonym.

"The Hengduan Mountain Range was originally a mountain range that stretched for thousands of miles, and the mountain range was composed of Xuan Tie Stone, which was indestructible, and it was difficult for the attacks of the Jiedan Realm to cause too much damage to Xuan Tie Stone. "

"Tens of thousands of years ago, it was flattened by a great cultivator with a sword, and later the ancestor of Vientiane City occupied a main vein. "

While Zhao Qingzhu took Ye Hao to fly towards MixC City, he introduced Ye Hao to popularize information about the Hengduan Mountain Range.

According to the information provided by Zhao Qingyun and Zhao Lingkong, the top alchemist of at least the second grade in front of him was most likely a scattered cultivator.

Otherwise, why do you still need to buy exercises in the Vientiane Tower.

A scattered cultivator who may become a third-grade alchemist may not be worthy of the attention of MixC City, but it is worthy of the attention of their Zhao family.

The composition of MixC City is very complicated, there are immortal cultivation families, scattered cultivators, and disciples cultivated by MixC City, and the competition is very large.

What's more, she is now only a cultivator of the seventh layer of the Foundation Building Realm, and she is very happy to befriend a second-grade top alchemist.

Otherwise, she would not have personally come to Teleportation City to greet Ye Hao.

"It is worthy of the headquarters of Vientiane Building. "

The two flew for about a few minutes before they came to a huge city with a length and width of more than a thousand li, a city about a mile high, and a gate that was 100 feet long and wide, and the whole body was black.

The entire city was shrouded in a larger white energy, like an ancient giant demon sitting between heaven and earth, very shocking.

Under the leadership of Zhao Qingzhu, Ye Hao registered some basic information before entering Vientiane City.

"Ye Daoyou, this is the headquarters of the Vientiane Building, I don't know what you want to buy?"

Zhao Qingzhu took Ye Hao to a huge pavilion in the center of MixC City, which covered an area of several miles, was about a thousand zhang high, and purple throughout.

"Exercises, what is the highest level of exercises sold here?"

Ye Hao asked.

"Wanxiang Lou only sells exercises to the Yuan God Realm level on the surface, but if the consumption amount in Wanxiang Lou reaches a certain amount, you can purchase higher-level exercises. "

"As for what level it has reached, I don't know. "

Zhao Qingzhu introduced.

She is only an elite member of the Vientiane Tower, and she has no right to know the true background of the Vientiane Tower.

"Then introduce me to several exercises that can cultivate to the peak of the Yuan God Realm and are extremely powerful. "

Ye Hao did not hesitate to choose the highest level of exercises that could be purchased at present.

"Good~" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhao Qingzhu was slightly stunned, and a thick surprise flashed in his eyes.

The exercises at the peak level of the Yuan God Realm can only be purchased with mid-grade spirit stones, moreover, there are still tens of thousands.

Only a thousand Spirit Stones can be exchanged for a Medium Spirit Stone.

Is this ordinary looking man in front of him actually rich to this extent?

"This records the introduction of all the Yuanshen Realm level exercises. "

Zhao Qingzhu quickly took a piece of jade Jane with five golden marks engraved on it and handed it to Ye Hao.

"Tiangang Star Technique, Yuan God Realm mid-level exercises, good at manipulating, absorbing the power of the Heavenly Stars, and integrating attack and defense"

"Reincarnation True Sutra, Yuanshen Realm Early Level Exercises, Good at Yuanshen Control"

"Yuan Devouring Demon Gong, a late-level level exercise of the Yuan God Realm, can attract the cultivation of living spirit qi and blood, soul, and mana"

Ye Hao took the jade Jian and quickly skipped those exercises that could not be cultivated to the peak level of the Yuan God Realm.

"Burning Heaven Fire Technique, Yuan God Realm peak level exercises, single attribute fire spirit root can be cultivated, cultivation to the extreme, relying only on simple mana can burn the Yuan God Realm powerhouse. "

"The Great Dream God Technique, the peak level exercises of the Yuan God Realm, the cultivation method of the Great Dream True Monarch, it is rumored that he used the Great Dream God Technique to let several Yuan God Realm powerhouses fall into their dreams, and died in the dream, and the Yuan God also dispersed. "

"Ten Thousand Swords True Technique, Yuan God Realm Peak Level Exercises, Ten Thousand Swords True Monarch's cultivation method, back then it was a peerless sword cultivation that could be called invincible in the Yuan God Realm, with the reputation of ten thousand swords flying together and invincible in the world. "

"How do you sell this Ten Thousand Swords True Technique?"

Soon, Ye Hao chose the exercises that suited him.

The Ten Thousand Swords True Technique combined with the Divine Instant Killing Dafa should complement each other.

"80,000 Spirit Stones. "

Zhao Qingzhu replied.

"This is the Dragon Scale Grass that has reached the fourth grade elixir. "

Ye Hao's heart moved, and he took out twenty fourth-grade elixirs from the storage bag.

"The medicinal effects of these dragon scale herbs are more than five thousand years, and each plant is worth about 3,000 spirit stones. "

An elixir who was called by Zhao Qingzhu carefully looked at each dragon scale grass and exclaimed.

This vintage dragon scale grass is simply a four-grade creation pill.

"There are ten more here. "

Ye Hao said and took out ten more dragon scale grasses.

Such dragon scale grass, he has more than a thousand.

"This is the practice of the Ten Thousand Swords True Technique. "

Zhao Qingzhu looked ecstatic, and then quickly ran to the treasure house, and after a while, he brought back a golden jade Jane with the true secret of ten thousand swords written on it.

When this deal is reached, she can almost commission a thousand medium-grade spirit stones!

Change to the next grade spirit stone, it is a million!

"Do you spend 10,000 points to convert the True Technique of Ten Thousand Swords?"

When Ye Hao took the jade Jian and read the exercises inside, the prompt of the group system sounded.


Ye Hao did not have any hesitation.

With the point transformation, he didn't need to spend a lot of time on his own to transform the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique into the Ten Thousand Swords True Technique

"Ding-dong! Deduct 10,000 points, the conversion is successful!"

In silence, the mana in Ye Hao's body turned into black sword qi, and the power did not belong to the golden sword of the Great Freedom Xuanjin Sword Technique.

At the same time, Ye Hao's comprehension of the Ten Thousand Swords True Technique also reached the peak of the Jiedan Realm.

【Immortal Cultivator】

【Points: 725774】

[Realm: Peak of Jiedan Realm (0/100,000). 】

[Exercises: Ten Thousand Swords True Technique. 】

[Divine power: Instant killing Dafa (0/100,000). 】

[Alchemist: Yipin (0/10,000.] 】

[Tianji: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

[Formation Master: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

[Fu Shi: Yipin (0/10,000). 】

"Raise the realm!"

Ye Hao did not have any hesitation and said.

[Dingdong! deduct 100,000 points, the first layer of the Yuan Infant Realm (0/200,000). 】


One floor of the Yuan Infant Realm!

The golden pill in Ye Hao's dantian shattered instantly, and a Yuan Baby that was very similar to Ye Hao's appearance, but shrunk a lot, appeared in the dantian.

At this moment, Ye Hao's lifespan skyrocketed again, directly reaching about two thousand years.

His strength has changed drastically, he can easily kill himself before the peak of the Jiedan Realm, and his every move seems to have the divine power of destroying the heavens and the earth, and he can easily attract the power of heaven and earth and suppress the enemy.

"Keep rising!"

Ye Hao did not pause and said again.

[Dingdong! deduct 200,000 points, the second layer of the Yuan Infant Realm (0/300,000). 】

The second layer of the Yuan Infant Realm!

[Dingdong! deduct 300,000 points, the third layer of the Yuan Infant Realm (0/400,000). 】

The third layer of the Yuan Infant Realm!

While Zhao Qingzhu and that elixir were still marveling at the amazing medicinal effects of the Dragon Scale Grass, Ye Hao had unknowingly broken through directly from the peak of the Jiedan Realm to the third layer of the Yuan Infant Realm.

Crossing a big realm!

Break through three small realms!

At this time, he, the immortal cultivator of the Zhao Kingdom, not to mention invincible, was already one of the top powerhouses.

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