Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1308: : Thoroughbred blood code

The big mansion in Wolf City is not extravagant, it looks simpler and heavier, like a powerful handwriting. The old home of the new family, like the Stu family, looks much better than the old mansion of the Stu family.

"Lord of the city, I don't think you will invite me here for no reason." After taking a sip of the sweet spring water, Lu Yang said with a smile.

After listening to Shuhao Lu Yang, Yan Zhuo sighed and said, "In fact, I don't know why my friend is watching the movie "Wolf City", but I want to plan something with my friend."

"Plotting with me?" Lu Yang stood in a daze, then became reticent.

Yan Zhuo-ming is known for his wit. He doesn't have to participate in what he wants to do. After all, there is a big family standing behind him.

Lu Yang also knew why Yan Zhuoming would invite him. After all, he was led by a powerful man in the Kingdom of Sea Mirror, with two servants on the ocean border, whether in Zhongzhou or the Northwest Zhou Dynasty. This is a very eye-catching luxury and connotation.

"Yes, the power behind my friend is certainly not weaker than me. If we inform the power behind, I am afraid that we will have a lot of trouble again." After all, there are no secrets in a great army. If I want to do this, I can only find a friend to help. Most importantly, friend, you are just the end of your attention. "Yan Chuming said with a grin.

"Lord of Yancheng, have you discovered that hidden metaphysics is impossible?" Lu Yang Yi Leng heard Yan Zhuo-ming mentioned Xiu, it must be related to metaphysics.

Yan Zhuoming’s head "My friend is really smart. Yes, he is a metaphysical demon totem, and a powerful person left behind by metaphysics. It is believed that there is a monster who carries the secret blood code of the spirit on the heretical level. .

"Purebred blood code? A gray mold that can evolve bloodlines?" Lu Yang took a breath of cold air.

The Soul Blood Secretary is the most powerful deed of the elves. There is not a single copy. There are two types of the most targeted practitioners of the elves, one is the fairy and the beast.

Fairy beasts are born strong, but their spirits are low. Their power will gradually increase over time. After being formed, they will show wisdom and naturally master the talents and secret skills in the blood.

The second is spiritual practice.

The emergence of spiritual practice is a disaster for the elves, because spiritual practice requires killing the gods and wild beasts, purifying the blood of the gods, and using the blood of the gods to cultivate the magic power of the gods and wild beasts.

This is how demons destroy themselves, and humans have the opportunity to rule the Kyushu continent.

"This is correct, even if it is such a secret, it is not a real secret," he said. But according to metaphysics, there is Jinpeng's blood. "

Lu Yang’s eyes shot two bright lights directly. He looked at Yan Zhuo Ming with a smile, and then said, “Yan Chengyou, I need to do it for you. If possible, I hope to communicate about the position of this metaphysics. information."

Lu Yang has Jinpeng's soul and Jinpeng wings. After getting Jinpeng's blood, he will look more like tiger wings. Therefore, Master Yancheng raised the matter of Jinpeng's essence and blood, and Lv Yang had to sell it.

Yan Zhuo said with a smile, "Relax, because this matter has a lot to do with the corrupt Liu Senli family. Those who want to go in are people with strong understanding. I am afraid that you, a strong meditating man, will not be of any benefit. "I don't know this time, my friend, whether your power has arrived, and there is no other power. "..


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