Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1317: :very expensive

Thinking of this, Feng Kai valued my book writer even more. "My group leader, with his back strong, told me that he is not a bad boy, so please forgive him."

He said, "Master Feng, you are welcome. I am not that kind of person. I have seen so many such things. I can see it everywhere, but I have been in a bad mood recently and have some secret money." I can still afford it. . I said, I took out a bottle of jade from the space ring and handed it to Feng Kai.

Feng Kai opened the jade bottle, and the plump pill fragrance emerged. He was a little surprised and asked, "My lord, is this Dan Yao?"

"I want to sell this kind of pill to you. It is called Shengling Pill, but I prefer to call it Shengling Pill." My mouth lifted slightly and said.

"What is the purpose of Shengling Shendan?" Although Feng Kai understands this medicine to a certain extent, it has a strong effect.

This kind of medicine is called Shendan, and it must have a magical effect.

I smiled and said, "This pill is prepared for Captain Feng Yiqiang. I am now, he should be the foundation of legal practice, but he did not break the foundation, so he did not become a practitioner of law." The function of the pill is to let his talents come out. . "

"What?" Feng Yiqiang and Feng Kai were taken aback by my book writer's words. They both stood up, and Feng Kai was even more excited and didn't know what to say.

"Well, King Mori, no, I'm Darren, is this true?" Feng Yiqiang took a deep breath, then took me and said.

I nodded, and then said, "Of course I know, but my asking price is very high. After all, this pill is a **** pill level pill, which is more difficult to refine, and I have taken a lot of elixir and psychiatric pills."

"Buy, no matter what you want, we will buy it." Feng Kai smiled, as if Feng Yiqiang had become a powerful lawyer.

I looked at the cloud next to me and handed Feng Kai the written document as soon as I reached out. Feng Kai doesn't think that the things I want to buy are actually methods of making spiritual towers.

These spells are common or worthless in pagodas, but they are very expensive elsewhere.

I originally bought what I made, but looking at my pill, Feng Kai took a bite and said, "I agree. I will arrange to send the materials you want."

I lifted my mouth slightly and said, "Right? You said that if I sell the pill to others, they will definitely be willing to pay. These are ordinary materials, I only need it once." Others gave me, I believe I will not If you want, the rest will only be your unique materials. "

Feng Kai's face was full of sweat. He finally understood what I meant. He might not be able to sell the things in his house, and he immediately had no intention of bargaining.

"This is a big deal." I lifted my mouth slightly, and said.

"You are really bad. Obviously it is a life pill, but you want to say that life pill is so many blueprints wrong. If they know that life pill is just a middle-flow pill, I think they will be dizzy." Yun Yi smiled and said.

I frowned and said, "Did you know? This is called hunger sales." What they lack most, what we will sell to them, will naturally sell them at a high price. "

After listening to my book writer, Yun Yi nodded, "You are a traitor." But I think this is a good idea. "

Soon, Feng Kai came with the materials I prepared. I first looked at the materials, and then nodded "Yes, it is what we need. This is a good deal." Although I have some losses, I Will become the master of the Feng family, you are my friend. "..


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