Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1321: : It's not my pull

The second time, Sen I seemed to be unparalleled tall. With the dual combination of King Xuan Feng, the spirit of the Lord of the Earth was absorbed into Sen I and turned into boxing.

The strongman on the high stage should stand up unconsciously, deeply stunned by my fist. I can't believe my fist can resonate with the world and the world.

After taking a sip, my body moved forward, and everything in front of me was ruthlessly destroyed. As soon as I continued, I wanted to open my own path and crush everything.

There was a crisp percussion, and my fist hit the ghost's long sword. The sound was harsh. This was the fragmentation of the weapon.

The long hair of the ghost was blown in a mess, and the moment I fisted his sword, I yelled, but at this time I took the initiative to admit defeat.

Faced with Dingdang’s unrepentant Seagod fist, some lucky ones swam a few steps. At this time, facing my certain bone pressing fist, it was completely crushed to death.

The ghost uttered a scream, and his body was like a kite with a broken wire. I punched him and flew to the ring outside.

Even if he admits that he has failed, my book writer cannot recover all of his boxing power, but it is only part of it, otherwise the ghost will be seriously injured, otherwise, it is estimated that a punch will kill the ghost.

After landing, the ghost spouted a mouthful of blood and stared in horror, as if he was watching a monster. Just now he personally felt the breath of death. If it weren't for my pull, it would have been beaten to mud.

The red eyes disappeared quickly, and my book hero returned to his original appearance, licking his lips, as if he hadn't finished talking, and wanted to continue fighting.

"Monster, it is really a monster, how did he practice, why his martial arts is so powerful, simple martial arts can not be so powerful, but he can use the power of heaven and earth." Master Huobao stood up excitedly, with an incredible color, muttering to himself.

Many people whispered, only Hongyue sat quietly, eyes locked on me, there seemed to be a strange color, as if I had just met my general.

"With his ability, it is not impossible to break into the top three!"

The master of the Red Hand Gate's eyes flickered, looked at me, and said vaguely.

"I don't think so. Although this kid's boxing skills are relatively domineering, it is very single." If relying on boxing is difficult to achieve the goal, then Ding Yifeng's unrepentant Poseidon boxing is no less than his. Boxing method, and Luo Yifeng's multi-color ring-by-ring boxing method cannot be completely broken by boxing technique. The month without a trace* wants to rely on this boxing law and cannot break it, unless he still has the threat of a killer.

"Master of the Deep" whispered, analyzing the power of these people.

Yes, although this boy has a strong boxing power, his opponent is weaker than him. With the traces of the moon, Luo Yifeng and Ding do not regret entering the martial arts field, and the power of martial arts is not weaker than him. It is difficult to get the top three! "

Bishop Mo Shan said slowly.

"Let's take a quiet look. This boy doesn't look so simple. There must be some secrets we don't know. I think so!"

Lord Holberg laughed.

Yang Hua always smiles. He seemed to underestimate my strength. Even if he cannot enter the top three and four, he should be safe. If there is no accident, the next opponent is either Fang Hanzhu or Xu Qingfeng. Obviously, there is no trace of the moon and Luo Fenghe deliberately confused with the few people who do not regret, and they will remain suspense in the end. ..


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