Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1332: : Use needles

The dwarf was stung by the burn on his entire face. Although his body was repaired, he was not afraid of this skin pain, but his heart was afraid of difficulties. There are countless secret treasures in the world. Who knows the consequences of this sting? The heart in the heart is afraid of pain, but the heart is afraid of being unbearable. There are countless secret treasures in this world. Who knows the consequences of this thorn?

As for the things used to find wind, this is one of the four treasures given to her by the Freedom Needle Paramount Alliance.

All the treasures given by the four practitioners of the Paramount Alliance in the hunting wind are extraordinary. In terms of efficacy, they rank first in the "New Year's Day God" given by the Nine Sons.

But the favorite of hunting wind is the two sides of this free needle and ice and fire.

But the ice and fire are rusted on the top of the golden pavilion and cannot be used at this time. Another treasure is to protect the soul of a woman. It cannot be sent for use at this time, and needles can be used for free.

This needle was originally hidden in another piece of land. Even when facing the great monk, unexpectedly sacrificing this needle would make the opponent unable to defend.

Now in Garland City, although the maximum use of such needles is prohibited, the nature of such needles far exceeds that of gold and iron hardware, not to mention forging gold and iron bodies.

Just now, it worked. Although it won't cause much damage to the dwarf, it also frightened it. Its pride has also gathered together greatly, and it doesn't dare to look down on the opponent anymore. Seeing that the situation is not good, the dwarf will drape his hands wherever the beauty is still in charge, and want to seize the road and jump up, shouting: "Where is the deacon of the Chengxian Association, come , Help out." Despite his identity, he drank all the way.

Once let him escape into the crowd, no trace of him can be found. He shouted all the way, according to his agreement, put the silver needle in front of the dwarf, slanted in front of the dwarf, he could not find any sign of him, just when he agreed, he shouted all the way, in his hand The silver needle is unwilling to accept the feelings of dwarfs. Go straight into the eyes of the dwarf. The dwarf was short in stature, naturally flexible, his head flashed slightly, and the silver needle was only a few inches away from his face, leaving only a pinhole in his face. The man's face was also thick, and the needle was deep, but he did not puncture blood.

Slowly, the dwarf turned around and rushed into the crowd.

Although the Nine Clouds Hall in the garden is very large, it is crowded with thousands of people at the moment. It is not so empty. Those hot things are also crowded in front of the jade tiles. Once the dwarves crowd into these crowds, hunting wind It's hard to find.

I walked into the garden today. In addition to trying to find some magic weapons for the hunting wind, I also checked the terrain for the special feather repair site the day after tomorrow. I didn't expect to encounter a feather monk here one day.

Since the hunting wind has already fought with this person, they cannot easily let go, otherwise once this person is allowed to leave the city, their situation will be very dangerous.

What he is most worried about now is that many deacons of the Immortal Club in the hospital will stop fighting, and the monks can use their cards to use the fairies freely, instead of being able to compete with the hunting wind.

Therefore, he saw two young people hurriedly coming here, who were deacons of Cheng Shan Hui. They saw that their appearance and clothes were plain and without obvious signs, but there were two laws in their bodies. Cards, their spirits are full of spirits, even though they look flat and empty-handed. That kind of temperament and demeanor is very different from a group of mortals, even if the appearance is obscene, rough hair, it is like standing outside the crowd. ..


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