Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1341: : Climbing to Mori

A large-scale raid began, and I encountered a low-level method, and I directly destroyed it. I didn't like Wu and me at all.

After reading a lot of books, I caught a cold. These techniques are all about taking yin and nourishing yang, or absorbing the dead spirits in the body, which is very evil.

More time I spent on resources, no matter what psionic medicine, alchemy materials, or some psionic artifacts, he took away together.

While drinking tea, I cleaned the forest. At this time, a raging fire burst out from the depths of the hall and immediately burned the entire building.

The mouse suddenly jumped out and appeared on my shoulder smugly.

"Right here, let's go to the next place!"

Throw a piece of spirit stone to search and scrape the quality, the mouse grabs it quickly, and it will be bitten off after a while.

The shadow of my book hero disappeared and soon appeared in another secret place of the Devil Sect-the morgue, where there was a foul smell.

Most zombies came out from here, and when I came in, he felt sick.

Looking at a terrible corpse, some of them had been hollowed out, mixed with drugs, and emitted a foul smell.

Soon after I came in, a faint voice came from a nearby room.

I walked into the next room yelling and found a terrible scene. On a pile of things, no more than a hundred people are tied up, and everyone has a large number of rats wriggling.

These people were captured by the demons in order to prepare their bodies, feed them with various poisons, and turn their bodies into poisonous corpses. Once humans get close, they will be attacked by poisonous gas, and it will be very poisonous.

Some people’s eyes have dried up, some bugs in their mouths crawled out of them, and the dark people saw strangers come in and crawl towards Sen.

Some people have eaten their arms, some have a big hole in their chest, but there is no death, and even the heart can be clearly seen, but the heart is already dark.

Only the skull was intact all over, and only a layer of white bones were left on the whole body. The flesh and blood were gone. It was terrifying.

Among the hundreds of people, it is the rock music that my heart is like, and it is also the action of the color on a face, which is against the sky, and evil practices can go against heaven and be counterproductive.

My face showed an unbearable color. These people must not survive. The poison has been attacked, but it stays temporarily and cannot live for a few days.

A certain color appeared on his face, flames appeared, and the faces of those who could still see me were grateful. Sometimes death is the best relief.

The fire spread in the sky and burned all the houses, whether it was poisonous insects or corpses, to ashes. Sen my firepower has reached the level of spiritual fire, hundreds of times stronger than ordinary flames.

It only took a few breaths, a kilometer in radius, and became a pile of ashes, which also attracted the attention of many evil devil disciples.

On this side, when the flames rushed to the sky, nine more fires broke out, and the entire cult fell into the sea of ​​flames, each of which was an important part of the evil devil sect.

Seeing the other nine flames, my eyebrows stretched out, but I was still very depressed. How many innocent people died under the evil devil. Today is the time to avenge those who died.

The deep artillery fire has not affected the front hall. We are still very happy. The welcome team slowly appears on the mountain road. When there is another refreshment, you can enter the evil magic.

The leader of the city is Da Ri City Lord, followed by a large number of people. In fact, thousands of people came to send relatives, and a large number of evil sects moved forward. ..


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