Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1343: : Can't say that

"This gentleman, you are really joking. Although I am strong, the other party was assassinated. There are still many holes to find. Moreover, the person who assassinated me is also a real strong spiritual person. I also talked to him yesterday. After fighting, I was very strong, and I was almost handed over by him."

After listening to Seinfeld, I frowned, nodded, and said, "This is the way. Then please cooperate with our work. We need you to tell us something."

"No problem, no problem."

Regarding Sein Fei's question, it seems to be going well. I know almost everything they want to know.

But Liu Xin fell down and found nothing.

"What to do?" There are some worries in the tone of the eighth, this time the captain should be the nine me.

But I am a novice, so all the pressure is on him.

"Come on, this is just a clue, we can have two or three clues. By the way, as mentioned in the second day, he said he has no problems, it does not mean that he has no problems, this person is terrible at all. Unlike a real strongman in the spiritual realm."

Hearing what I said, No. 8 nodded and said, "What you said is reasonable. I also think that Seinfeld should know something. If he doesn't know anything, why did that person kill him? Before we came, he was Assassinated two or three times, which seems to be a bit more."

After all the comments of the "separate investigation" were published, the bookstore and the eight people glanced at each other and said. this is not over yet, please turn the page that night, Liu Erqing sent me to ask, "Well, did you find anything?"

"By the way, Liu Erbo, how much do you know about Song Fei?"

Song Fei? Liu Erqing was in a daze, and then said, "Is he a problem?"

"Maybe. I just want to know what he might know, but that's not him." I nodded and said.

Liu Erqing nodded and said, "He is just a loser. There are four doors over there. Each of them wants to be the leader of the alliance. Later, there are four people who often quarrel," Liu Erqing nodded and said, "He is just a loser. . He just pushed open a descendant who guarded the gate before the split and became the leader of the alliance. The so-called alliance is just a puppet of four people. You may not know that an alliance leader and four spiritual hyacinth alliances The issue of the deputy leader is very famous throughout the Federation."

I frowned and said, "That is to say, although this person is a real person with a strong mental state, it is actually a waste. He is incapable and just kicked out of the puppet?"

"You can't say that." Liu Erqing shook his head when he said, "You think if he is really a puppet, a loser, he can stay in this position for so long. Tell me, what did you find What happened?" Our Liu family is also investigating this matter. "

"We found out that Seinfeld, this man, should know something. According to him, the murderer seems to be looking for a chance to kill him."

"Oh, well, I see. The direction we are investigating here is not the people within us, but some hostile galaxies and hostile families, but now nothing has been discovered. The ancestors said, you have to do your best At this point, even if you can’t find it, you don’t have to blame yourself. In fact, if you can’t find it, you don’t have to blame yourself. There are many children in Liu’s family, and they are excellent. Every day, people fall, even though, Liu Xin, a straight disciple, has great potential. Unfortunately, the Liu family can still fall. You don't have to blame yourself for this."



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