Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1353: : Come back soon

Fang Heng turned around at this time and looked at Yan Shanyu and said, "Don't forget, you are my real master of Wumen, if you fall, then I really am the remaining disciple of Wumen, all of them have fallen. "

Hmm! Wang Ye snorted coldly, "It seems that you still don't understand, now the real martial arts is not yours anymore!"

"So what?"

I am beautiful and Mao Yiyang said: "I really have a martial arts, I am stronger than weak, I would rather die than surrender!"

When the words came out, the atmosphere solidified in the fields, and the following registered disciples were very excited.

"I would rather die than surrender! Be loyal to your master!"

"Swear to die and follow the master!"

One by one, more than 300 people rushed up from below and rushed straight to the stage of death, standing in front of Yan Shenyu.

Yan Shenyu looked at these disciples, and when he faced despair, he also became excited.

After all, there are some loyal people.

"Oh, yes!" Wang Tangtian looked at the many people on the stage, smiled and nodded, turned his eyes and looked at me. "My son seems to be very good, you are very good, only two words can bring some vitality to this breathtaking real martial arts school, and can also attract many disciples," Wang Huan-tian looked at the three on stage. Over a hundred people nodded with a smile, rolled their eyes, and looked at Fang Heng. Well, if you come here to bow to me now, I can make you my son. "

"not interested!"

Fang Heng even refused on the spot without hesitation.

"Huh?" Wang frowned and said, "My boy, I gave you this opportunity, but ordinary people can't ask for it. Is it because you think this person can change this situation?"

When the words fell on the ground, the old people stood on the high platform and surrounded them in silence, with a sense of killing in their eyes.

"Wang Luan, don't be arrogant!"

At this time, a symphony sounded, and Huang Ling came out from among the disciples and said coldly: "Zhenwu Sect is the most important friend of the Huang family. If you move, my father will not let you go!"

"This is a spirit." Wang Luan smiled every day. "Your father and I have a very good friendship. How can you be angry about this?" I will take you home in two days. "

"Damn! I won't go back with you. I want to live with the host!" Huang Ling said angrily.

Wang Ling's face sank after a messy day. Wang Ye's python saw it and immediately said to Huang Lingdao: "Ling'er, come back soon!" You can't participate! "

"Wow! Wang Yemang, I still believe that you came here to resist the great cause of magic, but I didn't expect you to have such a mind!" Huang Ling spit, "I am so ashamed of you!"

"How much do you know about men?" Wang Ye python blushed and had a drink. "Now, you are back!"

"For such a loud woman, you seem to be a loser too."

The cold words sounded. Suddenly, Wang Ye's face changed and his eyes were sealed by Fang Heng's blood chain.

"Do you know that your words will deprive you of all your choices?"

"What choice? I made a choice. Why are you still campaigning?" I sneered: "Or do you want to scare me and give me the face you lost in front of Huang Ling?"

When he heard this, Wang Wild Python's face became more and more red.

"You insult my brother, you want to die!" Wang Ye went on to shout, "You think I can't kill you!"

"If you can kill me, you will kill me." "This is because you are not qualified to kill me, that's why I don't bother to talk to you," Fang said. ..


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