Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1357: : This boss

Fight together. As long as they lose this battle, they will disperse the whole army! "Ding'an City must be very dangerous at the time!"

The yellow inflamed eyes are also extremely dim. How can he not see the ferocity, only a moment can think of a good solution.

"Please allow me to ride three thousand vehicles, charge for a period of time, and give the army a respite!"

My eyes flashed and finally said that he really didn't want to leave him, but the soldiers are now very scared, and the other three generals will control the soldiers. He is the only one who has the least time, of course, he went.

"Are you sure?" Huang Ziyan asked seriously: "If you are not sure, continue to push back. As for the future army, when will you give up."

After hearing these words, Fang Heng's heart was very hot, knowing that Huang Ziyan could give up even the morale of the army in order to protect him, and immediately nodded, "I will definitely not die."

"Then go, Wang Meng, Qiu Yuan, you have to lead 1,500 people and follow Fang Heng's instructions!"

As early as in the battle between Huang Ziyan and Wang Jiantian, they rushed over in a panic, immediately heard the order, immediately responded to the order, and fought.

"You brothers, don't panic, come again to the generals, they won't be arrogant anymore!" I shouted, "Those who have the courage to run with me!"

When the words fell on the ground, Fang Heng didn't even ride a horse. His body ran like the wind, full of real power bursting out, alone, rushing towards the infinite laughter and magical martial arts.

"Follow General Fang!"

Wang Meng and Qiuyuan also drank at the same time. Immediately, the rumble of horseshoes sounded, full of three thousand cavalry, Fang Heng followed closely, and rushed towards the fierce army!

When we met a warrior once, the red flames gathered on his long sword. In the dark night, he only saw a flame rolling back and forth on the iron skin charged by the demon. The broken arm kept throwing away!

Seeing me Wei behind Sanqiantie, the physical struggle became more intense, and one by one shouted a long sword loudly, fighting back and forth!

Howling and screaming are loud enough at this moment, and in the chaotic army, they are becoming more and more fierce.

"Kill the boss!"

"Tear him apart and eat!"

A series of voices rang from the devil's mouth, and soon, the infinite weapon mixed with the black mist, and pierced in my direction.

A black door fell, countless weapons were resisted, the true essence was confused with the magic fog, and turned into energy to fall into Fang Heng's hand, making his sword more powerful and lethal faster.

"But faster than they kill us!"

Fang Heng smashed two demons with a sword, and his eyes were full of gravity. In his sense, except for Wang Meng's pair of hammers and Qiuyuan's spear, most of the others were quickly killed. !

"This is the advantage of a chance! Lead, win half!" I clenched my fist tightly and shouted: "Wang Meng, don't like fighting, play and walk!"

After the news came out, the two men also nodded frantically, but at this time, countless demons rushed to them both.

These demons saw that I, Wang Meng, and Qiu Yuan were the strongest three. I couldn't do it for the time being. Then I would kill them two first, so that the accusation would not become meaningless.

Loud horror sounds followed, Wang Meng and Qiuyuan shook their bodies, blood flowing from his mouth and nose. This time, they are all evil riding elites, they all have nine levels of martial arts, with strong and horizontal * forces. Although Wang Meng and Qiuyuan were born masters, they were both seriously injured. ..


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