Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1366: :Very healthy


At this moment, he has taken into account the attention that energy fluctuations have caused. This golden eagle is really too precious. There will be no chance before it gets down today!

Feeling the green light in my eyes, the golden eagle's eyes also crossed a trace of vigilance. It is the offspring of the immortal beast. Naturally, I can feel my power at this time, which will pose a fatal threat to it.

Only it has not retreated, but spread its golden wings and stared at me!

It is an immortal beast, its majesty and pride do not allow it to escape!

"What a powerful monster!"

I shouted, in the face of threats, the instinct of monsters is to escape. The golden-winged roc is completely different and must fight head-on!

Even if there is danger to fight, facing your own fear is war!

Such pride and dignity, even a few people!

"Thousand Swords"


I was about to use the most powerful means when there was a burst of cheers.

This sound was terrifying to the extreme. At the moment it appeared, it seemed to break the world of time and space, and even disrupted the virtual power in my body, making the good attacks he had brewed disappear!

"Too powerful! Who is it?"

My eyes changed, and my body immediately retreated. At this moment, the golden eagle also yelled, and actually bowed his head honestly and lay on the ground.

At this time, a cold-faced middle-aged man in a black robe appeared in the field with one foot on the head of the golden eagle.

"Who let you out?"

The shock of the earth, the entire golden eagle's head was stepped on the ground, and the original ferocious eyes became completely frightened and angry at this moment!

However, it dared not resist, or even moved!

Seeing this scene, I also froze. He did not expect that the golden wings with the blood of immortality would be so afraid of this middle-aged man!

"This can only show that his power is strong enough to make people earth-shattering!"

My eyes are dignified, and my footsteps slowly back away.

Golden Wing Roc is like this middle-aged man, isn't he more fleshy?


An invisible spirit erupted, and it shocked my body on the spot, spurting blood!

Just have a drink and make me hurt!

"Oh? Just spat out blood?"

When the middle-aged man saw me, a bright light flashed in his eyes, looking at Fang Henglai carefully.

After watching for a long time, the middle-aged man took a step and walked straight to me with a sneer.

"Your body is very good, very strong, and your blood is amazing, isn't it? Who can absorb the power?"

After hearing these words, my heart leaped sharply, and the gravity in my eyes had reached the limit.

His voice alone hurt him, just glanced at his dark door!

This is definitely a master, as tall as I am, unable to resist the master!

"Well, the roots and bones are only eighteen years old and full of power, but according to the blood, true power and long sword in their hands, the total combat power fluctuates between the quartet and the pentagon. This is good, hey. This well."

The middle-aged people looked at me and kept talking to themselves. Looking at my eyes, they gradually became hot.

When his fingers were bent, Dan's medicine was shot from the middle-aged man's hand and he was caught in the square.

"This is a good medicine for your injury, take it."

After hearing these words, I clenched my fists and deliberately stuffed the pill into my mouth, but at this time my body's strength was fully mobilized.


The sword light flashed, and my mouth was about to touch Dan Yao, but my long sword split into the head of a middle-aged man!



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