Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1402: : You were wronged

This lasted for a month and was interrupted by dreams several times. As long as the dream received Tang Yue's cold peak, the dream would stop.

This made Tang Yue very angry. Today, he learned that he dreamed of going out to work, so he followed up and prepared to teach this nosy fellow.


The thing is basically like this. As long as Tang Yue reaches the peak of the ice and snow, his dream will definitely appear, which can also prevent Tang Yue from raising his head. "",

Regarding this incident, there were not too many blows in the dream. Although there was no danger of life, there were still many dark diseases.

This time, I bought some psionic medicine and healed the injuries on his body, but the three of Tang Yue stopped.

"Tell me why you ruined my good things time and time again. If you don't make it clear, I will waste you today!"

Tang Yue acted very domineering. In the past few years, many people died in Taibo's hands, but the outside world did not know.

It cannot be sold at the door. It is behind the mountain, desolate. If you kill your dream, basically no one knows.

"Tang Yue, I advise you to do better. You can't offend some people. If you are witty, it's time to stop now, because you also want to be trapped by the cold teacher and sister."

Meng wipes the blood from the corners of her mouth and says fiercely with a face.

"Well, I want to see those who I can't offend, since you want to die, I will do it for you."

Tang Yue was also enraged by his dreams, ready to kill.

Seeing the three people showing a strong sense of killing, they were very calm in the face of the dream. From the moment they caught here, the dream knew that their life had fallen into their own hands.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you take care of them!"

With a sad smile in the dream, a long sword issued a dragon yin in his hand, which could not only fight, but also drag the death **** on his back.

Tang Duowu Wu, but the other two, but the other four peak martial arts, still have a chance to kill a dream.

"You don't have to apologize, you did a great job!"

As soon as the dream fell, a man in blood slowly appeared and walked in from Wu Shu's entrance.

The dream should be a desperate battle, one of which is counted as one. I did not expect that someone would come in and interrupt the conversation between them.

Dream wiped their eyes, and some didn't believe it, how did I fall from the sky.

"You have been wronged!"

I just listened to a large part of it. Although not all I heard, I basically guessed seven or eight. The door of truth was opened, and I seemed to have extra computing power.

Even with one sentence, I can infer many things, not knowing it is unclear, as if the way of heaven is like this, I just followed the way of heaven.

I saw me coming magnificently, standing on the side of the dream, a man shouted loudly, his voice was very sharp.

"No matter who I am, you want to beat my woman and say how you want to die, it makes me very angry."

I waved my finger. Several women were his counterbalance. Whoever dares to touch it, I will kill it.

"It turns out that a few of them said they have a close heart, so it's you!"

Tang Yue frowned immediately. His pursuit at the time was cold. He once told him that they were very interested in the people and hoped that Tang Yue would stop pestering them.

Who knew that Tang became less and less convinced, thinking it was the excuse they made, but it seems not, they didn't lie a few.



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