Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1418: : Knowing to kill you

Another person came out, and seemed to have some impression of the tyrant's strange picture. For many years, no one has studied this painting, and it was finally given out by Sangcheng Auction House.

The six approached the emperor's Qitu and wanted to take a closer look. There are only three brothers whose faces are heavy, and they always feel abnormal. How come the paintings of the Sancheng Auction House come here? In the cave, there was no sign of anyone coming in. Everything is strange.

One of them was about to reach for it when the three brothers behind him suddenly shouted, "Don't move!"

The young man stopped his arms in the air, turned his head, and looked at the three brothers with a puzzled face.

A few others changed their faces and immediately took out their weapons and stared at the terrible picture of the overlord. A strange sight appeared, and a figure emerged from the terrifying picture of the demon king and slowly walked out of the picture.

Faced with the changes, the six people have ever thought that in this painting, there is also a person who directly amputated an arm.

The figure fell slowly, walked to the ground, reached out and took a step, the emperor strangely put the map back into the storage room, everything was a faint cloud.

"The young frame, it's really you, really can't find a place on the iron shoes, and came without any effort. Give me the fairy Dan, so that you will not die."

Seeing the man painting, six people suddenly laughed. They searched for more than ten days. Its purpose was to find the sun frame and grab the elixir. Sure enough, they were all ahead of schedule.

"Just because of your rubbish, you want to stay with fairies."

I laughed it off. If I didn't break through the realm, it would be very troublesome. Now that the realm breaks through, the seven evil immortals may not be in sight.

"It's dying, how dare you say to our people in the Kylin Palace, you are dead, when I kill you, I will also take the fairy Dann away."

It turns out that this group of people are all members of the Kylin Palace, and they are also in the Hailan Star Region, belonging to a second-class force, second only to Tianwu Palace, but they should not be underestimated.

"It turns out that the people in the Kylin Palace are not afraid of the sky house, do you know?"

I smiled, treating them as dead bodies a long time ago, and since they know their identities, they cannot stay.

"Who knows to kill you, even if Tianwu knows, our Qilin Palace is afraid that he will not succeed."

The tone of the young man's speech was full of irony, but there was an expression of excitement on his face, and a good thing hit them on the head.

"I'm really not afraid of life or death!"

My body is killing people more and more fiercely, and the sword of killing has been irresistible. If it weren't for my suppression, people who could already talk would kill.

"Yang He, I read that you are a disciple of Tianwu Palace. You have handed over the elixir and obtained the elixir for thousands of years. In the practice of self-abandonment, I can consider a way to keep you alive."

The three brothers gave a speech, which seemed to be out of good intentions. In his eyes, he was full of poisonous gas.

"let me go?"

"You want me to lose my career and meet people all over the world after me. You are strong enough."

My tune suddenly became cold, and abandoned Xiuxiu. It would be better to kill him directly, knowing that he has already got the fairy pill, and if it falls into disrepair, he will not be tortured to death.

"You are not stupid, if you are willing to hand over Xiong Dan, I will give you a good time."

The third brother's heart was exposed by me, and I didn't care, anyway, he was a dead end, as if he was teasing on his deathbed.

"Today, whether I give up or not, this seems like a dead end, doesn't it?"..


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