Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1421: : Worship

"Okay, please come out of the bride!"

The master's voice yelled, and the voice was immediately lowered. All eyes were concentrated on the other side of the hall. After hearing a bell, Hongyue Nalan slowly walked out with the support of the crowd.

Stu Bucks turned and went to the other side. In Nalan that month, he couldn't help swallowing saliva, obviously attracted by the appearance of the red moon Nalan.

"Blessed are you, Brother Ulu!" Marrying such a beautiful man. "

Laughter came from a distance, attracted by the appearance of Hongyue Nalan.

Standing in the center of the venue, Hongyue Nalan stood on the right, and Stuwulu stood on the left. The two stood side by side and climbed up to the sky above a red moon. They were countless with Stu, the King of the Red Moon and Stu The master of the figure family.

"It's time to respect heaven and earth!"

The etiquette in astrology is very simple, as long as the worship of heaven and earth, the worship of parents, the etiquette is completed, and both parties will get married.

"Lan, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Stuwulu turned around, Moon Nalan faced the world, this sentence was a bit contrary to willpower.

Hongyue Nalan didn't have any expression and was indifferent. Even if a heart was locked, it didn't play any role after half a year. Her heart has not changed.

Moon Nalan ignored him, and Stuulu was not angry. He organized a shirt and prepared to worship heaven and earth.

"Worship has begun, please stand up!"

The governor yelled again, and everyone present stood up. In the kingdom of stars, believe that the heavens and the earth, they are God, this is customary.

The governor signaled that the two men could begin to worship. Everyone's heart is attracted by two people. A handsome man and a woman are definitely a natural pair. Surrounded by the cheers and wishes, they walked into the ears of two people.

Hongyue Hongtian's smile, but behind this smile, there is too much bitterness.

Situ has a bold expression, the faces of two people also have strong smiles on their faces.

Time, gongs and drums, and the ceremony officially began, and the two walked towards the altar step by step.


When he walked to the altar, the governor shouted, let the two men bow, and the service officially began.

"and many more!"

Just as the two people were about to bow, a cold voice appeared, and then a young man came from outside, who didn't know how he got in.

"Who is here, why are you stopping the wedding!"

The governor drank a large glass, and the etiquette was about to succeed, but was interrupted by a cold drink.

"The wedding was canceled, and all irrelevant people get out."

The young man came in, so bossy, because he had no affection for either party, and if he was not with his beloved, he wouldn't even mind the complete destruction of these two families.

Hongyue Nalan slowly turned her head and realized that the face, the familiar smile, the corners of her mouth actually smiled, the waves of a generation of cities, as if unhappy eyes, even teardrops flickered in her eyes. The red moon Nalan turned his head slowly, his face, a familiar smile, and the corners of his mouth were smiling.

"I'm late, I make you suffer."

I didn't notice Master's roar, nor did I notice it. People on both sides were watching greedily, but they walked towards Naren on the red moon. ..


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