Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1427: : Stab wound on shoulder

Especially the spirit of the gods led by women, the spiritual moon, the eyes are more excited, complicated, and doubtful.

"Miss! I didn't expect that the master of my holy blood would be Sen my wife!"

At this moment, a man in black excitedly said next to the moon, "No wonder I felt my family breathe in the belly of disillusioned apes and apes in the forest. His temperament is the future master of my spiritual world. !"

"I do not have either."

The elf moon is also a whisper.

"Decide, miss. Now, what shall we do?"

At this moment, the person in black asked again: "Fu Zhen and Chen Zhanlong from the Fu Shen Tiangong have moved away. They have enemies with me and they are definitely against me!"

"It is necessary to do this!"

The moon said coldly: "In any case, you can't let the master of my spiritual holy blood be in danger, but this matter must be handled low-key, and these magic masters cannot be obviously offended."

"What this lady meant."

"Thank me, protect that woman" Lingyue said coldly, "You go, we can't do this thing."

"This, yes!"

Hearing these words, the black man was also the first person to nod. The next moment a shadow flashed past and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, standing on the curtain of light, I am also a moving eye. His perfect blood insight is extremely powerful. I have been observing the movement of the field, and I naturally know the human movement of the gods and the temple.

"Guys, keep going, I'll be right back!"

Turning around and saying, the next moment, my body is a movement, rushing out of the shade on the spot.

As soon as I saw me rushing out of the shade, the disciples in the Palace of the Two Gods were very surprised, but the master of the outside world was ecstatic, and the palm tainted by magic soon came to me.

I have cold eyes, my body is like a fish, flashing a few times, avoiding the attacks of these magic martial arts, and then rushing into the virtual air of the distant crowd in an instant! "Stay away from him! He will definitely come back, open the curtains and catch this woman!"

When several magic masters saw it, they whizzed out immediately. Only the distant master drank the sound and immediately let them bombard the soul again to light up the curtain.

At the same time, the crowd in the distance was also looking at me at this time, not knowing what I should do.

"Get out!"

At this moment, with a howl, the real sword on my waist suddenly fell out of its sheath, and a piece of emptiness passed!

At the same time, when the sword pierced through, my palm was cut into a blank again!


Two empty spaces erupted, and the next moment, two shadows appeared in front of everyone.

A figure with a stab wound on his shoulder, blood dripping on the left, is Chen Hualong!

The other figure, expressionless and uninjured, is Fuzhen!

"Well, go!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were looking at him at this moment, Fu Zhen immediately realized that the attack could not be made, and immediately decided and shouted to Chen Zulong.

Chen is also a face-changing person, but without hesitation, his body is a fierce fight, struggling out of my true sword, and coming out immediately.

"I wrote it down, you will die in my hands sooner or later!"

Looking at the two people who left, I didn't chase, but suddenly turned around and had to go back.

He is an important force in the light curtain of the soul. Without him, the light screen of the soul would become extremely fragile.

Just as he was about to go back, a Jie smiled out of the curtain of light, and saw that the magician ran out of the old emperor's sword system at some point, the palm of his hand glowed black, and suddenly hit the curtain of light! .



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