Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1431: : Wishful thinking

The man pondered for a while, and said, "This is a scene of a friend who was killed by the devil twenty years ago, but after my friend was killed by the devil, the spirit stopped for a while, but this time it was not that long." To come to this magical repair, its repair is even more powerful. "

This person said that all practitioners are half-believing, just because although magic practice is the enemy of fairy practice, there are not many people who want to meet in ordinary days. Although some immortals also desire to practice magic, they don’t wait. If it is refined, it will be observed by people and come out of groups and attacks. How can we keep him alive?

The power of magic is limited by boundary power. It is difficult to reach the world for leisure. Level 3 or 4 magic practice is lucky. Using this power to open cracks in the world, how to hurt one party is also a moment to be killed. .

Although practitioners have not lacked in practice for a hundred years, there are very few things that happen to us when we practice evil.

It turned out that when I heard this man's words that day, he nodded silently. It turned out that he had disappeared in the human soul, hiding the secret breath of no magic.

The so-called magic formula is like the mantra. Zen Buddhism is generally a special kind of magic practice. Its power is the same as the real word, and Zen Buddhism is the same.

But non-phase magic is the best magic, just like the ratio of unbounded true words to ordinary true words. Although the magic formula has been circulated in the magical world, unfortunately, it has not yet become a system, and it is difficult to compete with the unbounded truth words and Zen words, so people know nothing about it.

This non-phase magic formula carried forward greatness, and was the last leader of the magic world, Somaye. This person can be said to be a genius of the magical world. In the magical world, many skills have been collected and classified, so it has become the highest magical power, becoming the world's first magical world for 100,000 years. Later, wishful thinking, he wanted to hit the temple and fly to the sky, but was finally destroyed by the paradise he inherited.

The original heaven came to this place because of this person, so even if all the practitioners did not know the existence of magic, how could the original heaven not know? However, if things are easy to tell, there will be no exposure of their own history, and the original city and sky will also be difficult to tell.

From the moment Lin Dan-sheng's spirit disappeared, the former heavenly king knew that in these practices, he had incorporated a kind of magical practice. He knew that he had no magic formula and his identity must be noble in the world of demons. The non-aspect spell is a special practice in the magical power of Somayet. How can you teach people easily?

The path of spiritual ascension was initially to directly swallow the fairy budding fairy. It is conceivable that the first two missing monks must have been killed. The only thing Cheng Tian didn't understand was that if this magic practice really had such a magical method, how could it transcend national boundaries and come to the world?

Thinking of the evil world when it first started, it was painstakingly managed and transferred to the world through ghosts. The original collection of gods and monks had to be broken. This law requires a lot of manpower. If the magic world wants to use this method, how can we? Can you hide it? Think twice.

In this way, it is impossible to come to the great magic practice in this world. It is a magic practice mixed in practice, and the most fundamental thing is the real level of practice. ..


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