Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1013: : The Secret of Peacock Ling

"Lv Yang! You kid really didn't die! I knew you must die so easily!" Ye Kai was naturally excited when he saw Lu Yang, and he stepped forward to punch Lu Yang in the chest and said with a smile.

"Of course I am not that easy to die." Lu Yang was in a good mood when he saw Ye Kai, jokingly said, "A fortune teller, this is my longevity, and I can live to two hundred years by keeping an appointment with me! "

Ye Kai was very disbelief. He gave Lu Yang a blank look, but instead looked over. When he saw Fu Hongxue, the smile on his face disappeared. With a little bit of displeasure, he said, "Hey, Fu Hongxue, you believe this time, I haven't betrayed you anymore!"

Fu Hongxue still had a wooden face, and said indifferently, "No this time, it doesn't mean there will be no in the future!"

Lu Yang couldn't help smiling, this Fu Hongxue was really a hard-mouthed guy, so he patted Ye Kai on the shoulder and said, "Hey, accompany Fu Hongxue to monitor Xiang Yingtian's affairs, but leave it to you!"

"Don't worry! My throwing knife is not a vegetarian!" Ye Kai, a little bearer, heard that he wanted to cooperate with Fu Hongxue, and he immediately got beaten up.

At this time, only Nangong Ling's face was filled with indignation. Seeing her appearance, Lu Yang couldn't help but said, "Ye Kai, have you seen Zhou Ting?"

"Yes! Just a few hours ago!" Ye Kaiman said casually.

Mingyuexin immediately became nervous when she heard Zhou Ting's name, and asked urgently, "Is Huaer okay?"

"You're so embarrassed to ask! Did you do this to someone else's sister!" Nangong Ling finally put her anger on her cheeks and said with a snort.

When Nangong Ling said this, it was natural that the expression on Mingyue Xin's face was not very attractive. Ye Kai said awkwardly, "Zhou Ting... she is... very lost, and she is probably in Grandpa Ghost's lakeside hut now! Are you... married?"

"I haven't set up a banquet yet!" Lu Yang's words seemed even more embarrassing.

"Hmph! Let's talk! I'm going to see Sister Ting!" Nangong Ling, the little girl, looks really temperamental. After saying this, she turned her head and left without bringing her head back.

Everyone's expressions are not good-looking, especially Mingyuexin, who seems to be treated as a mistress. This feeling is still very sad.

Lu Yang couldn't help having a headache. It seemed that it would take a little effort to reconcile the two sisters.

"By the way, Ye Kai, what have you experienced in the Nangong family? How did you get the peacock feathers?" After a little thought, Lu Yang decided to change the subject decisively.

Ye Kaisong said in a sigh, "We met someone from the top of the sky in the Nangong family. I made a mistake and saved Nangong Ling's father. He took out the peacock feather and gave it to Nangong Ling!"

"In that case, why did Zhou Ting hold the peacock feather in her hand when she was on the Cliff of Broken Soul that day?" Fu Hongxue was the most indifferent, but she couldn't help but ask at this time.

Ye Kaidao, "The method of opening Peacock Ling is very special. Simply put, only a woman with the blood of Nangong can open it, and this woman must also be a virgin body. Outside of this, there is no way to motivate Peacock Ling. !"

The heir of the Nangong family must still be a little virgin, which is indeed a bit difficult, and only Nangong Ling meets this requirement. But if she gets married in the future, wouldn't it be that no one can spur this world's first hidden weapon? Lu Yang thought about this, and couldn't help but be speechless.

"This is the secret of the Nangong family, and Zhou Ting naturally doesn't know it. After Nangong Ling took out the peacock feathers from the Nangong family, Zhou Ting took advantage of Nangong Ling's sleep and stole the peacock feathers and went to avenge the ghost face man." Ye Kai He said with a deep breath.

Speaking of this, it is clear. Zhou Ting is no longer a virgin, let alone a member of the Nangong family, so naturally she can't move Peacock Ling.

"Anyway, don't worry about Zhou Ting, she must be very safe with Grandpa Ghost now. Fu Hongxue, didn't you just say you want to monitor Xia Ke Villa? Without further ado, let's go to Xia Ke Villa now!" Ye Kai Still impatient.

Fu Hongxue was naturally indifferent too, only nodding slowly. After that, he turned around and disappeared between several jumps. Ye Kai naturally followed.

Night, inn.

Lu Yang and Ming Yuexin only need one room. Although Mingyuexin is known as the martial arts female Zhuge, it is not easy to find the jade face genius doctor who has disappeared for many years. Mingyue frowned, thinking hard, but she didn't get the slightest result.

Lu Yang pulled Mingyuexin's hands and said, "Hey, if you think about it like this, I'm worried that if you haven't killed Xiang Yingtian, you are already declining before you get old."

"I'm sure that the jade face genius doctor is still alive." Mingyue said with her red lips, "Just where will he be?"

Lu Yang reached out and touched her pink cheeks and said, "This kind of thing can't be solved in a moment, or Fu Hongxue and the others may gain something tonight."

Lu Yang said, putting Mingyue's heart on the bed. In this comfortable environment, with Mingyue's heart overturning and raining, and the cave full of rocks, it is completely different.

Although this time was completely different, Mingyuexin had been thinking about the jade face genius doctor from beginning to end, a little absent-minded.

Fu Hongxue and Ye Kai were not going smoothly than expected, but in the early morning of the next day, they went back down, and Ye Kai was hurt by the palm of his heart. When Lu Yang and Ming Yuexin found them, Ye Kai looked already seriously injured.

Seeing Ye Kai's half-dead look, Lu Yang couldn't help being a little stunned, and said, "Hey, don't you? You are just going to monitor the Xia Ke Shanzhuang, and you are not going to work hard. How can you get such a serious injury?"

Lu Yang asked, but he still helped Ye Kai up, and Luck Zhenqi healed him.

Fu Hongxue replied from the side, "Xiang Yingtian has already summoned the people from the six major sects to the Xia Ke Shan Zhuang. I have always wanted to deal with us together. Ye Kai and I are hidden in the Xia Ke Shan Zhuang, but we obey the Wudang Sect head of the house. There was a strange sound."..


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