Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1477: : Ask the sky

"Oh, Brother Huang, you are really the think tank of our Stonehenge Hall. After I go back, I will make you the first disciple of Stonehenge Hall!" All the big and small things in the hall will pass through your hands. "

"Thank you, God!"

Hearing these words, it was Huang Yuyun’s deep heart, and he couldn’t help revealing some happy colors. He knew that this position was nothing but empty, and the key was the stone’s attitude of talking. How could he be unhappy when he became his own?

The influence of the Tianlongzong Stonehenge Hall is too great. The stone broke the sky and regarded him as one of his own, which meant that his future in the Tianlong Sect was protected. In most cases, moving into the Ying country society is not a problem, which is very good.

"Bullish Gun!"

Just as Huang Yuyun and the stone began to whisper, a cup of strong wine suddenly appeared from the battlefield, a roar sounded, the explosion sound continued, and a sudden breath of rush was ejected from the yellow sky. In an instant, this breath suddenly condensed into the light of a cold big gun!

With a gun in his hand, the yellow sky on his face changed, and his eyes became a heavy killer, looking at the stone facing the sea again and again.

"Oh? I have seen that you are a weapon-trained person, so I crushed you to death every time before, just to see what your weapon was. Now it seems that I didn't expect it to exist. "

In other words, the palm of the girl in white is very unfamiliar with the yellow sky in front of her, and this palm will be slapped.

At a critical moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded!

Huang Tian's body did not move, but the spear flew automatically in his hand and stabbed the head of Shi Ling Hai in the past!

Seeing the yellow sky gunner holding such a spirit, Shi Linghai's eyes also changed, a white brilliance suddenly appeared in his hand, and he passed toward the spear on the spear head!

The sound of the violent collision sounded, visible to the naked eye, Shi Linghai's palm just collided with the yellow sky spear, directly causing a huge crack in Shi Linghai's palm, and at the same time, Shi Linghai's body stepped back, his eyes full of unexpected colors.

"Why are you so strong?"

The words came from Shi Linghai's mouth, Shi Linghai didn't care about the damage to his palm at the moment, but directly asked the yellow sky.

"This gun is the foundation of my martial arts world and the essence of all my martial arts. How could it not be powerful?"

At this moment the yellow sky said vaguely.

"Really? Yes, you are a very strong person, and your weapons have all the power of the world. This cohesion is naturally a terrible explosive force. In other words, every step you take next will be extremely Fast and extremely fierce."

Shi Linghai nodded with a smile at this time, "A gun in his hand, proud as a master, these eight words, you deserve it."

"So what?" Huang Tian-dan, calm.

"So, I'm serious."

Shi Linghai smiled and said: "From now on, I just want to see your comprehensive strength. Now your comprehensive strength deserves to be taken seriously by me. This is for you and should be an honor."

"Really? But I think it's a pity."

Huang Tianyan said: "This gun is the essence of all my martial arts, but in exchange for taking you seriously, you are scolding me."

"Hehe, for you, you think this is cursing you, but I think for others, my words are praising you, because in God's martial arts, it is worthy of me to take seriously, really not much "..


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