Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1019: : Phantom

Lu Yang had just let go of his thoughts, when he saw another person popping up from the fallen upper body. This man is short and looks like a short and poor man.

It seems that this tall He Lianpeng was actually dressed as a poor boy who stepped on Takahashi.

But when Lu Yang looked at this poor and short rub, he felt very familiar, and then he thought about it, isn't this the kid who had an unruly heart towards Mingyue in the main hall of Xia Ke Villa that day?

"It's you? It turns out that you are the real Helianpeng, and you pretend to be some messenger, and have been hiding in my Xia Ke Shan Zhuang!" Xiang Yingtian grinned.

It seems that although Xiang Yingtian and He Lianpeng worked closely together, the two of them communicated through each other's messengers and had never seen each other.

"Yes, I am the real Helianpeng! Your leader is sinister and cunning. If I were not careful, I would have died in your hands long ago!" Helianpeng sneered.

At this moment, He Lianpeng had already suffered internal injuries, and it was easy for Xiang Yingtian to kill him.

It's just that He Lianpeng hadn't spoken yet, suddenly someone ran out, approached He Lianpeng's ear, and whispered a few words. He Lianpeng's face changed slightly, and he said loudly, "What? You said you didn't find the Phantom? How is this possible!"

Hearing this, Lu Yang understood. It seemed that He Lianpeng wanted to find the Phantom and expose it to Yingtian in person.

When Xiang Yingtian heard these words, he was also relieved, He Lianpeng's direct evidence, this is considered to be gone. So he temporarily put aside his murderous intentions. After all, even before the six sects, the killer was still inconsistent with the style of his martial arts leader, and he said, "Huh, do you think our Zhongyuan martial arts fellows are so easy to deceive? I do have with you. But it was just that I, as the leader of the martial arts, had occasional contacts with you in order to resist the invasion of the Western Regions. You want to slander me and stir up disputes in the martial arts of the Central Plains, so that you can take the opportunity to do things. It is too easy to think! "

This is what Xiang Yingtian said, which made people listen, and felt that there was some truth.

At this moment, someone's cry for help suddenly came not far away, shouting, "Help! Help!" This person shouted, and threw it over here.

When they ran, everyone saw this person clearly, but it was Luo Shaobin. And it was the Western Region Corpse Demon, the Phantom that ran after Luo Shaobin!

Everyone was surprised, but Lu Yang was very indifferent. He had arranged this a long time ago.

However, Lu Yang only asked Luo Shaobin to find out in the secret room to make sure that the monster was raised by Xiang Yingtian, but he didn't let him provoke the monster.

This phantom had already been cut off by Lu Yang last time, but at this moment Xiang Yingtian was fitted with iron hands and iron feet, and it looked even more like a monster.

Luo Shaobin ran over all the way, seemingly about to be killed by this phantom. Lu Yang winked at Fu Hongxue, and the two of them shot at the same time and rushed towards the Phantom.

This phantom seemed to be beaten by Lu Yang. Although he didn't necessarily know people, he could perceive the smell of people like animals. He noticed that Lu Yang was approaching, whimpered, and ran away.

Can Lu Yang still give him a chance to escape? He stepped forward and grabbed the white hair of the phantom, and threw it in front of everyone like a chicken. Fu Hongxue also stepped forward, stepping on Phantom's chest, single-handedly against his face.

Although everyone heard what Helianpeng said about the corpse demon of the Western Regions, all of them were very ugly when they saw it with their own eyes.

"You have all seen it, this is the Western Region Corpse Demon, Phantom!" He Lianpeng quickly shouted.

Lu Yang dropped down, put his hands on his back, and said with a smile, "To the leader, this monster appears in your Xia Ke Villa, what can you say?"

Xiang Yingtian snorted and said, "This monster is the first time I have seen this monster. It appears in my Xia Ke Villa, and it does not prove that it has anything to do with me!"

This guy is really a cooked duck, his mouth is hard! Lu Yang was also speechless, so he had to say, "Well, since you don't admit it, let Shaoxia Luo tell the story from beginning to end!"

Luo Shaobin's pale complexion recovered a bit of blood, and said, "Leader Xiang, I never thought that this monster was really raised by you!"

"Luo Sect, what happened? You can start from the beginning, and fellow martial artists will ask for justice for you!" Guo Jie said at this moment, as a reassurance for Luo Shaobin.

Luo Shaobin took a sip and said, "That night, I was caught by this armored man. I was knocked out at the time. When I woke up, I found that I was in a secret room that I had never been to. In. In that secret room, there is such a monster!"

He said, pointing to the phantom that was stepped on the ground by Fu Hongxue, gnashing his teeth and said, "The senior who was arrested with me has already died under the mouth of this monster. At first I didn't know where this secret room was. Only then did I know that this secret room is in the Knights Villa!"

This matter is related to Luo Shaobin's life and death. Luo Shaobin was naturally angry when he said it.

All the martial arts people started to whisper again. However, Xiang Yingtian waved his hand to signal everyone to stay safe, and then asked Luo Shaobin again, "Luo Shoumen, since you are also in a secret room and have nowhere to escape, how can you stand here safe and sound?"

"If it weren't for Lu Yang and Fu Hongxue's timely rescue, I'm afraid I would have died!" Luo Shaobin said with some gratitude.

"Hmph, it's Lu Yang again, Fu Hongxue again, Luo Zhangmen, don't forget, the deaths of Lu Yang and Fu Hongxue and your parents have a lot to do with it!" Xiang Yingtian started this set again .

Luo Shaobin was not fooled, and immediately shouted, "Don't sow discord here anymore! I see the death of my parents, but Xiang Yingtian can't get rid of it!"

The voice shouted, but Xiang Yingtian's expression was very ugly. He said unhappily, "Luo Sect, we can speak with truthful evidence. You slander me so much, and you don't think I am the martial arts leader in the eyes!"

This Xiang Yingtian also played the subject of changing the subject, Lu Yang couldn't help but said, "Hey, I said Xiang Yingtian, you still don't admit it, do you raise this ghost?"..


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