Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 13 Chapter 1542: : Facing me

The stranger in front of him, seemingly empty along the way, went straight to a place full of weeds. I saw it, but I saw it vaguely. It was a mass cemetery that I didn't know for many years. I saw it vaguely at this moment, but it was a mass cemetery unknown for many years. However, the strange man walked straight to the largest cemetery, but suddenly stood in front of the tall stone monument, followed him with an empty and strange look in his eyes. There was a strange cry in his mouth.

I looked back a long way, and suddenly remembered the old legends of the old people in the village, or some old people had nothing to say, the rest, those, stories.

But now, it seems to be a legendary thing, as if to let you see it in front of your own eyes.

When I looked at this faraway place, when I was thinking, the person in front of me suddenly made a strange move. Suddenly, he grabbed a handful of soil and put it in his mouth, not counting. At the same time, he also made a strange sound. When I was surprised, the man suddenly had a new movement, and at the same time he made a strange sound, just when he grabbed the ground and stuffed it into his bottom. At the same time, he also made a strange noise. But suddenly both hands were stuck on his neck, following him, and suddenly his eyes turned white, but these were nothing, but in the next moment, perhaps because of his own strength, a kind of grass that fell on the ground.

Then the grassy ground rolled up.

"No, what happened!"

I drank a little light suddenly, and followed behind, the shadow of my body floated out, but in the next moment, the person who appeared on the ground fell in front of the man.

At this moment, the man is full of strange faces, his eyes are also a strange expression, his face is a strange black and blue!


My heart, in the face and eyes of the person before me, suddenly understood everything.

Evil and evil! Or, in other words, the murderer, the murderer stranger!

I was angrily, suddenly a hand quietly pressed on the man's head, followed him, breathing gently but extremely violently, staggering and rolling down!

After a while, the man uttered a bleak tone, unlike a living person. Suddenly his body shuddered violently, his face, and suddenly the strong black air was also like tide! There was also a strange and terrifying expression in the eyes, as if looking at us in front of us, eating me raw.

But it is facing me!


After drinking a cold drink, suddenly, in his eyes, there was a sudden burst of hot light, like the noon sun.

The terrible light appeared in my eyes, and suddenly, the huge black light reflected the man's eyes.

Suddenly, the black light in the man's eyes was suddenly illuminated by my strong light, like snowfall, there was a bleak ghost cry in his mouth and in his body. This is also the sudden escape of black gas.

"where to!"

I drank a cold drink, my hand sucked in the black pressure, but when he entered the dark pressure, he also bypassed the man who was almost fooled by the devil, and the same thing was true. The dark air made a bleak ghost cry, and then, suddenly, a lot of darkness, as if I had such a moment, almost defeated it.



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