Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 7: : Yellow smoke

The opposite is wave after wave of contraction. Jeremy Lin also uttered a complicated spell.

In a short time, the original dry wood was restored in this place, and the weeds were mountain-shaped.

As soon as the formation closed, Lin Fei lowered his head in the air and said, "You continue to wait here, I pack my things and we will leave immediately!"

Musingh was just to welcome the language of export attention, which was difficult to suppress. He nodded in a very smart way.

In this way, Lin also nodded, and then turned into a long rainbow and turned into his own cave.

After a while, Lin came out again. At this time, this is just something in the forest.

The scarlet goblin, it is still sleeping, of course it is essential, except for the little goblin. Some necessary things, other formation methods and other things were also brought to Jeremy Lin.

In this way, the migration of the East House began.

After a while, two bright lights on Kirishima swept into the North Sea and flew away.

Less than half a day after the two light exposures, some khaki light fell from the sky and rushed into the island.

Huang Xia flashed, two middle-aged men and an old man flashed out the body.

The old man was in the front, and the two middle-aged men were in the back. The three quickly returned to the place where Jeremy Lin lived.

When he got here, the palm of the old man's hand was shining with dazzling khaki.

A shudder and flash of light made a strange "chirp" cry. Guangxia slowly dissipated. It turned out to be a cute little thing, like a mouse, not a dog.

This little thing has a round nose, like the iron tail of a whip. As soon as it came out, the old man gave several orders.

The little thing meant something right away, a cloud of yellow smoke sprayed from the tip of his nose, and then the little thing ran in the direction of the yellow smoke.

The old man saw it and he followed the past without hesitation.

"Senior Brother Lu Xun's beast is getting more and more amazing." One of the white-skinned middle-aged men said, looking at the little yellow smoke from the little things.

Chapter 180 A is sent to this city

"Brother Zhuge is really likable! The old man's **** has a single function and can only copy a short picture of the past. It is not suitable for copying the image of a monk from a young age." The old man has black hair and white. Eyebrows, wearing an ordinary black robe. At this time, the old man with long eyebrows seemed to answer the other side humbly.

"Yeah! Both of you are lazy, go quickly. Dan's early monk had a special weapon you gave him. It depends on the self-detonation breath of the special magic weapon. Your soul and beast can reproduce this painting." Another A middle-aged, dark-skinned person, humming at this time, as if a little impatient.

The old man heard the dark-skinned monk's cold hum, and an unhappy expression flashed on his face. However, he also knows this person's spleen, which is also very interesting and has no interface.

The fair-skinned middle-aged man heard his brother humming coldly behind him, smiled angrily at the old man surnamed Xunzi, then touched his nose and quickly followed him.

At this time, the "beaver" has already encountered weeds.

After arriving here, a cloud of yellow smoke lightly fell on the ground, and suddenly a cloud of blood spewed from the ground.

After the blood appeared, the old Xunzi who followed him raised his hand without hesitation and made a white decision.

The law fell on the yellow smoke, and Little Beast didn't seem to have done it once or twice. The tip of the nose was sucked out immediately, and blood, white, and yellow smoke were all sucked into the nose. ..


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