Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 10: : Make Lin's heart tremble

"It's no surprise that I have been the master lotus root for nine days around Xuanlian. It's no surprise that I can live to this day. I didn't expect things to become like this." Qingguang seemed very sad!

"Everything in heaven and earth has its own number, now the lotus brother has appeared, can't stay, let the people of Jiuli swallow it together, die together." The two beams of light gathered together, emitting a dazzling light!

Since then, the light groups in the sea have disappeared, and the nine light groups that swallowed other light groups don't know where they went!

I don't know how long it has been, Lin slowly opened his eyes!

"You seem to have many skills, and your will has surpassed a few of them." As soon as Lin Gang opened his eyes, he heard a faint voice echoing in his ears.

The consciousness of a hand in the forest clapped and jumped aside.

Lin looked around after parachuting, when he was no longer in the dry well.

Instead, enter the cave.

The lights in the cave are very bright now. A white-haired woman was sitting on the stone platform, looking at her vaguely.

"They are all dead?" Lin hesitated for a while, then asked slowly.

"Of course, they are all dead, otherwise you will still stand here alive!" a white-haired woman with red lips asked me.

Oh! Lin nodded when he heard what the other person said.

But soon Lin changed his face and immediately looked at it from the head! "Thank you, old man!" Lin Wenyan was stunned for a while, but quickly turned around and thanked him with her fist.

"We live and die together," he said. "What's your name? How old are you?" The white-haired woman flickered, suddenly asking a little elusive.

"Young generation! It has been nearly two hundred years since then!" Lin, considering that the other party was an old monster thousands of years ago, seemed flattering and unusual!

Now the white-haired woman has no blood at all, and the blood on the other side seems much better!

As for the specific situation of the other party, Jeremy Lin did not see half of it at all!

It makes Lin's heart tremble! Knowing that the devil must regain a lot of power when she comes out, she is not an opponent.

"It turned out to be Friends of Dao Wu, what a coincidence, my surname is Wu!" The white-haired woman heard the boy in the robe say his surname was Wu, but it was a surprise.

"Oh? What a coincidence! I don't know what my ex said?" Lin asked carefully.

"Long time no see! My real name seems to be dead now. My real name is Wu Yuexia." I don't know if Lin rescued her from her sleep, but the words didn't smell so cold.

"Did Wu really live for thousands of years?" Lin hesitated for a while, or asked a question he had been curious about.

"I lived alone for thousands of years. Speaking of that year, one of the five evil tribes used his vitality on me. I didn't live a long life until then!" The white-haired woman said here, complicated It is complicated.

"The younger generation has a lot of questions to ask the older generation, don't you know the older generation?" Lin was shocked when he heard that the other party had really lived for thousands of years! But then he wanted to ask a lot of questions.

"I know what you want to ask, let me tell you a story." The white-haired woman knows that Lin has only lived for two hundred years. Of course she also knows some annual events, the young robe boy doesn't even know. ..


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