Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1027: : Come again to the top of the sky

Lu Yang patted Ye Kai on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Gong Ziyu wants to deal with me, that's a bit too close. Hey, if you don't catch up and lose Yue Xin and Zhou Ting, you will be really sorry. me!"

Lu Yang had said so, Ye Kai and Fu Hongxue had to leave Lu Yang and follow Mingyuexin and Zhou Ting instead.

Both Ye Kai and Fu Hongxue's martial arts are extremely powerful, and they are both upright. With these two people protecting the two girls, there is no danger in thinking about it. In this way, Lu Yang could go to the top of the sky with peace of mind.

This is not the first time Lu Yang has been to the top of the sky. He is familiar with the road, even the back road of the top of the sky is clear.

The only problem was that Leng Yue was always in a coma. Lu Yang had to carry this girl from beginning to end. Moreover, she was extremely weak, and Lu Yang had to find a quilt to wrap her thin body.

So if you look at it from afar, it looks like Lu Yang was scurrying around under a quilt. This scene is also a bit funny.

Lu Yang walked the old path of the top of the sky, mentioning fast walking, and at the moment, Lu Yang has already learned the sky and the top of the sky, it is more like playing. When it comes to the top of the sky, it is night.

The buildings on the top of the sky are still messy, leaving Lu Yang confused. Fortunately, Lu Yang was a person with a systematic map. Fortunately, he knew Lengyue little **** the top of the sky, but also met the girl.

Lu Yang immediately searched for the location of the meteor, and she was really on the top of the sky. To say that the pedestrian, Gong Ziyu, came back early enough.

It was night at this moment, and Lu Yang broke into Meteor's house by taking advantage of the darkness and carrying Leng Yue on his back.

The girl Meteor didn't take a shower. When she saw Lu Yang come in, she was a little surprised on her pretty face. When she saw Lu Yang carrying a quilt on her back, her surprise was even more obvious.

"Lu... Lu Yang, it's you? Why did you come to my room with the quilt on your back! Don't you know that Gong Ziyu has ordered you to be pursued?" Meteor chattered.

But Lu Yang could see tear marks on Meteor’s cheeks. She and Leng Yue are close to sisters. Leng Yue has an accident, and now she lives and lives, naturally, this girl will not be so indifferent and unkind.

"Hush! Don't yell, I'm not afraid of being involved by you and killing your good sister, but don't blame me! Where is your bed?" This meteor envoy's room is also big enough. Lu Yang stared at him for a long time. Could not find the location of the bed.

"Sister?" Meteor didn't react for a while, was stunned for a long time, and pointed to the direction of the bed for Lu Yang.

Going around a screen, only saw the bed. Lu Yang put Leng Yue, who was tightly wrapped in the quilt, on the bed and slowly opened the quilt. She looked in poor condition.

"Lengyue?!" When Meteor saw Lengyue, he was naturally surprised and delighted. He hurried forward, grabbed Lengyue's hand, and then said, "God, why is her hand so cold?"

"You have to ask your good master to go up!" Lu Yang said out of anger, "Lengyue was injured by his Great Compassion Fu Inner Strength, and that would kill in minutes. You first get out, I have to Give her some anger, otherwise I'm afraid she won't last long!"

Meteor obediently stood aside.

The internal strength of Ye Kai and Fu Hongxue only temporarily protected Leng Yue's heart. If Lu Yang hadn't used her true energy to maintain her life along the way, she would have died long ago.

To say whether it was worth wasting so much true energy for this girl, even Lu Yang himself couldn't figure out this question. However, he is probably considered a natural love, and since he looked at someone's body, he could never die.

What's more, Leng Yue can be regarded as a first-class beauty. Lu Yang had no reason to die.

The meteor on the side was so tense that even the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath. Lu Yang gave her a white look and said, "Hey, you don't have to be so nervous, right? You can talk too!"

"She... is she still saved?" Meteor said in a trembling tone with tears in her eyes.

"Of course some help, otherwise, what would I do to waste so much real anger to continue her life?" The meteor suddenly seemed innocent and lovely.

When Meteor heard this, Fang wiped away tears and said, "What do you want me to do?"

At this moment, Lu Yang’s true energy has successfully continued Leng Yue’s life, so he put her body down gently, and said, “Yue Xin told me that there is a kind of medicinal herb on the top of the sky, called Yin Yin grass, you know them. Where did it grow?"

Lu Yang didn't want to look for that little herb all over the mountains and plains at night, not to mention that Lu Yang had never seen any cloudy grass, even if he looked at it, he would pass it without hesitation.

It would be great if Meteor knew this girl. And if you are accompanied by such a beauty on the way to find herbs, at least you won't be bored. This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

When Meteor heard the three words Mixed Yin Grass, his face was surprised, and said, "You mean, Mixed Yin Grass could save Leng Yue's life?"

"Yeah, that's what Yuexin said. As long as she takes the mixed yin grass, and then I can heal her injuries, everything will be solved." Lu Yang saw that the meteor's expression was not right and slowed down. The tone said, "What? Is this shady grass hard to find?"

Meteor pursed his lips and said, "The Yin Yin grass is in the most dangerous position on the top of the sky, but the danger of the mountain is not the most critical, the most important thing is that there are terrible beasts. There is a forbidden place on the top of the sky, No one who enters there can survive."

Yo, like this kind of place, there will be a forbidden area, no wonder Mingyuexin is worried. Lu Yang couldn't help but became interested, and said, "Since no one has ever walked out, how do you know that there are beasts in there?"

Meteor looked terrified and said, "There are pets of the Lord in there! Every few days, people who offend the Lord will be thrown in!"

Lu Yang was speechless, this son Yu was really not a good bird, just like Xiang Yingtian, he likes to keep some more abnormal pets. ..


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