Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1041: : Guiding mother and child

Hua Baifeng nodded, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"I can tell you the specific address, but you must promise me one thing." Lu Yang suppressed his smile and said solemnly.

"Just talk about it!" Ye Kai felt a little relieved at this time.

"Xiang Yingtian is at the back mountain of the top of Yuntian. You will come across a small bamboo garden on the way. I want you to promise me that you can't enter this small garden anyway!" Let this original match see his lover , It's weird not to fight.

Both Ye Kai and Hua Baifeng were puzzled.

Ye Kai asked, "Is there anything terrifying in this small garden?"

"Just leave it alone. Just listen to me. Otherwise, I don't plan to draw this map for you. Besides, you can rest assured that Xiang Yingtian is not in this small garden." Lu Yang did not discuss it.

As a result, Ye Kai had to agree to Lu Yang's request. Lu Yang, who made flowers with a wonderful brush, immediately drew a map for Ye Kai and Hua Baifeng to reach the mountain behind the top of the sky.

Ye Kai collected the map, said to Lu Yang, "Thank you for your kindness!"

At this moment, the sky is white, and it is almost dawn. Lu Yang said goodbye to Ye Hua Bai Feng and returned to the ancient house.

Outside the ancient house, there was a person standing alone. Chaoyang hit this person, but pulled out a shadow, but compared with ordinary people, this shadow is also very short.

The shadows are so short, let alone this person.

When Lu Yang looked over, he saw it really, isn't this He Lianpeng? This dwarf hadn't been beaten to death by Xiang Yingtian's heart-pushing palm. It was a strange thing.

Lu Yang looked at the kid and said, "He Lianpeng, how do you know this place?"

He Lianpeng showed a smug look and said, "I have dealt with Xiang Yingtian for so many years, don't I have any defense against him? I know the places where he often goes in and out. This ancient house is just one of them."

Yo, this little man is quite capable. Lu Yang smiled and said, "General Helian, what's the point for visiting early in the morning?"

When Lu Yang said this, Fu Hongxue, Mingyuexin, and Nangong Ling all woke up. When they came out of the ancient house, they all showed surprise when they saw He Lianpeng.

He Lianpeng stroked his stubby beard with his stubby fingers, and said, "I'll tell you one thing, Xiang Yingtian is not dead!"

Lu Yang stared, this guy's news could be considered blocked. For Lu Yang, this was the news 800 years ago.

When He Lianpeng said this, Fu Hongxue said immediately, "Do you know where he is?"

He Lianpeng saw that everyone heard his words and was not surprised to the point of closing his mouth from ear to ear. He was surprised to close his mouth from ear to ear, and said, "What? You already know that Xiang Yingtian is not dead? You don't want to look for him. Revenge?" To put it bluntly, this He Lianpeng just wanted to use the hands of Lu Yang and Fu Hongxue, except Xiang Yingtian. He estimated that the internal injuries on his body had not healed yet.

"Of course I want him to take revenge, but unfortunately I don't know where he is, otherwise he would be dead now!" Fu Hongxue's words were still very domineering.

However, Lu Yang had arranged for Ye Kai to go with Hua Baifeng at this time, and said, "Xiang Yingtian was seriously injured in the battle at Xia Ke Villa. I am afraid that his profound arts will be difficult to recover. Maybe he has been seriously injured and died. I'm dead."

This is optimistic.

"That would be too cheap for him!" Fu Hongxue advocated revenge on the knife and knife, and death by himself is the most boring.

He Lianpeng shook his head the size of a sesame mung bean, and said, "Xiang Yingtian's profound arts cannot be restored, but don't forget that there is a ghost next to Xiang Yingtian!"

"Phantom? You mean that person is not a ghost or a ghost?" Lu Yang asked in a speechless voice.

"Yes! The Phantom can help Xiang Yingtian recover his skill quickly, and the recovered skill will be dozens of times more than his original skill!" He Lianpeng had a dwarf face, serious, with a bit of funny potential.

But this is not the time to be funny.

Lu Yang frowned and couldn't help asking, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple! That is to say, as long as Xiang Yingtian and Phantom are integrated, his injury will be restored immediately, and he will merge with the essence of Phantom, and his skill will increase dozens of times!" He Lianpeng Waving a short hand and said.

My God, there is such a magical medicine in the world! Lu Yang couldn't help being speechless.

"Integrated? Is Xiang Yingtian still a human being?" Fu Hongxue asked with gritted teeth.

"No one says that he is still a human being. After inhaling the Phantom, he will no longer be a human, and will become a demon who kills at sight, called the Phantom Human Demon! Only I know this, Xiang Yingtian knows!" Helian Peng said in a loud voice, "Xiang Yingtian will avenge him, and he is very competitive. This time you put him so miserably, I think he is bound to take revenge."

"So you want us to find Xiang Yingtian and kill him in time to avoid future troubles?" Mingyuexin took the conversation and said, "Then why don't you look for it yourself? Instead, you want to tell us the news?"

"First, my internal injury has not recovered, and finding someone is dangerous. I don't want to take it personally. Second, if Xiang Yingtian really becomes the Phantom Demon, I will also be the target of his slaughter." He Lianpeng's analysis of the risks is in place.

Lu Yang couldn't help getting nervous, and asked, "Then you say, has Xiang Yingtian sucked the Phantom now?"

"After such a long time, you haven't killed him yet, I'm afraid he is now ready to devour the Phantom. You'd better speed up, otherwise we will all be in danger when he becomes the Phantom Demon." He Lianpeng said.

I have to say that he is a general who is afraid of death.

Lu Yang's heart jumped, Nima, if Xiang Yingtian really sucked the Phantom, wouldn't Ye Kai and Hua Baifeng go to die? It seems that we must quickly find an opportunity to stop these two people.

Lu Yang's face changed slightly, but he did not escape Mingyue's gaze. After He Lianpeng delivered the news, Nangong Ling went to find Ye Kai who had disappeared, and Fu Hongxue went to find the whereabouts of Xiang Yingtian. ..


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