Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1048: : The Fall of Fu Hongxue

This kind of emotional collapse is something no one can easily bear.

"No, no, you must have made a mistake, mother, you must have made a mistake!" Fu Hongxue landed single-handedly, shaking his head, her expression a bit decadent.

"Child, I'm sorry, I have to save my son." Hua Baifeng said to Fu Hongxue full of debt.

But this debt obviously cannot make up for Fu Hongxue.

After Hua Baifeng finished saying these words, she knew it shouldn't be too late, and her first hand grabbed Ye Kai's shoulder, jumped, and between several ups and downs, she left Lu Yang's sight.

Fu Hongxue pursed her lips and frowned tightly, his eyes were a little hollow. Lu Yang had never seen Fu Hongxue before.

Lu Yang sighed, patted Fu Hongxue on the shoulder, and said, "Brother Fu, this is the end of the matter. You should accept the reality. Is Yang Changfeng your father? Is this important?"

"No, no, it must be the mother who made a mistake, it won't be what she said. I am Yang Changfeng's son, I must be Yang Changfeng's son! I want to catch up, and I need to ask my mother to ask for more details!" Fu Hongxueyan After that, we have to turn around to chase.

Lu Yang stretched out his hand and pressed Fu Hongxue's shoulder, and said, "There is no mother in the world who will mistake his son. Brother Fu, you admit this reality."

Fu Hongxue reached out and pushed down Lu Yang's arm, took a step back, and was silent for a long time before she said, "I am not the son of Yang Changfeng and Hua Baifeng, but Ye Kai is their son. I am not Fu Hongxue, then who am I, then I am... …"

Speaking of this at the end, it was already a posture of mumbling.

I'm going, isn't Fu Hongxue going crazy? Lu Yang was speechless and couldn't help but said, "Brother Fu, don't ask the origin of the hero, why bother with this? No matter who you are, I will treat you as my best brother. Is it not enough for you to have my brother? Huh?"

Fu Hongxue listened to Lu Yang's words, her eyes refocused, and she said, "Lu Yang, don't follow me, I want to be alone."

Fu Hongxue said, turned and left. Lu Yang saw Fu Hongxue's back disappear in front of him, but he didn't stop him.

Fu Hongxue was still very decadent at this moment, and Lu Yang knew that even if he caught up, he would not persuade him to come back. Perhaps Fu Hongxue will fall forever because of this, and a generation of heroes will have to fall like this.

"Ding! Activate the system mission to help Fu Hongxue get out of sinking! The mission failure penalty, deduct two world points!"

Suddenly, there was a system alert sound in Lu Yang's ear, which didn't remind him of anything, and it shocked Lu Yang who was sighing about life.

Deduct two world points? According to past experience, two world points will be rewarded every time you go through a world, and the world points can keep what you have learned and gained in this world. This Nima is all deducted at once, isn't this the end of the world just for nothing? Lu Yang was speechless, this is too vicious.

It seems that this task will not work if it is not completed. However, it is not easy to persuade Fu Hongxue. It seems that you have to ask the resourceful little girl for help. Lu Yang figured out this discount, and turned back to Zhulin Xiaoyuan.

In the small garden of the bamboo forest, everyone is gone at this moment. The only thing left is Mingyuexin. Seeing Lu Yang's return, Ming Yuexin greeted him and asked, "How is Ye Kai?"

"Ye Kai was rescued by his mother, and he will be fine. It is Fu Hongxue who is in trouble, but he is miserable." Lu Yang sighed and said.

Mingyuexin's brows twitched slightly, and the corners of her mouth said bitterly, "He still knows his true identity, the princess still couldn't hold back, she said it."

The princess in Mingyue's heart naturally refers to the magic princess Hua Baifeng. It's just that Mingyuexin actually knew about this, which surprised Lu Yang.

"Hey, did you know about this a long time ago?" Lu Yang looked at Mingyue with a clear look, and exhaled, "You are really a female Zhuge, there is nothing you don't know."

"I only accidentally heard the conversation between Hua Baifeng and Ye Kai, so I knew all this." Mingyuexin said lightly.

Lu Yang was stunned, what the little girl said misunderstood, most of it was overheard. This little girl is really a careful bitch. For men, this kind of girl has a different temptation.

"Then you won't tell me?" Lu Yang picked his chin and said.

"You haven't asked me before, so naturally I won't tell you. I'm just afraid you know it and can't keep the secret. Instead, I told Fu Hongxue, and it was a disaster." Mingyuexin's eyes were shining with light. Said with a smile.

"Hey, do you think I'm a big-mouthed woman? I tell you, I know this news, but before you know it, I've been conservative and haven't leaked a word yet, so I'm a tight-lipped person!" In this regard, Lu Yang can be regarded as a professional.

"Well, you know it early, but you didn't tell me, then we are even." Mingyue said lightly, her words were a bit of joking.

Lu Yang exhaled again and said, "Unfortunately, Hua Baifeng still said it."

"There is no mother in the world who can ignore the life and death of her son." Mingyue frowned and said, "What are we going to do now?"

"Fu Hongxue is my brother. I can't watch him sink down. I have to find a way to cheer him up again. You have many tricks, do you have any good ideas?" Lu Yang raised his eyebrows, and the trouble with Mingyue Come on heart.

Mingyuexin put out a finger, pointed her finger to her forehead, thought for a moment, and said, "For this plan, two women may be able to help Fu Hongxue."

"Isn't it? It's about time, are you still trying to find him a daughter-in-law? Looking for two? I don't think he can appreciate it!" Lu Yang was telling the truth.

Mingyue's heart whitened at Lu Yang, and said angrily, "Hey, what are you thinking in your head all day? I'm talking about Madam Yang and Hua Baifeng!"

"Ms. Yang and Hua Baifeng?" Lu Yang pondered, and then asked, "How can these two women help Fu Hongxue? Hua Baifeng hurt Fu Hongxue's person, did you forget?"..


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