Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 230: : I just spoke

Since then, this place has become the world of green leaves.

Obviously, all these changes have exceeded the expectations of the people in Tsing Yi. If it were not for the most critical moment, without the power of confidence, or the elderly did not save him at the most critical moment, then this group may still exist today.

After a long time, the whole altar returned to calm, no longer glowing, and fell into calm.

I took a slow breath and opened my eyes. The pictures just now explained too many problems, and even the reason for the emergence of this leaf world, let me know. At the same time, I also know some key clues.

"The curse of the aborigines should be the same as the curse of the Tsing Yi people. This curse can be called "the curse of loss." As long as there is this curse, most people cannot leave the sacred ruins and cannot enter a higher level. You can only Confusion here.

It is hard to imagine that a person who was originally qualified to live forever had such a talent, but eventually lost everything because of the curse, and even buried him in the entire nation.

Can only say, how terrible is such a curse?

I remember what I saw in some secrets. I thought it was false, but now I think it is true.

According to legend, as long as the creatures born in this sacred ruin, their bodies carry their own ancient curses. They have no way to leave the ruins. Once they leave the ruins, they will disappear quickly and will not last forever. Even some special areas in the ruins of the Holy Land are not very close to them, because these areas will help increase the power of the curse in their bodies.

Each of these aboriginals and aboriginals has talents and can practice in the kingdom of the sacred king and emperor at a very young age. But their lives will stop there. At most, they are the summit of the supreme emperor. They can't walk half a step forward. Once they walk out of the land of the supreme emperor, they will fall or go crazy.

"Too bad! Poor! Sigh!"

This is my assessment of the scene I just saw. It is hard to imagine how sad this person in Tsing Yi will end up. He wanted to lead the entire nation away from the sacred market, but in the end he himself became the culprit.

Universal chaos

"This place, do you really need to find a closed place?" The wheel sighed, and then opened his mouth curiously.

"There should be no problem with this place. It is precisely because of the disillusionment of this place, all the laws of heaven and earth have been melted, so there should be a new place in this small world. It should contain various methods, let me hone it "I just said.

Understanding the past, understanding the passing time is not my real goal, but a means. By sensing these things, he finally knew where he was looking, whether he was here or not.

Now I am looking for a suitable place. ..


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