Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 234: : It's sad

"Well, no matter who it is, anyone who can provide me with clues is an ally of my killer god! My killer shrine can represent human beings. As long as someone provides me with clues, no one will care about it in the future. Everything about is owned by the person who provided the clue! Because I am destined to be a pile of dead bodies at the foot of the assassin's court! "In the other direction, someone opened his mouth. The emperor’s beast is the master of the people, but judging from the murderer’s shrine, it can be said to be my inborn attack. I disagree with the other party’s opinion. Once I have the opportunity, it will definitely kill my town. It will be rude of.

Many people were shocked, and they couldn't believe that the people in this step were unhappy. Some people wanted to kill me. This kind of thing deserves many people's attention.

"If you want to kill me, this should be the best opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, no one knows what will happen!"

Many indigenous peoples and indigenous peoples reached consensus. At the same time, they also understood why the foreign emperor was so afraid of me, because once he gave me a chance to fully grow up, he probably would have no room for checks and balances. Now he must find a way to kill him and no longer delay.

"Are all the ghosts and snakes jumping out, so I am not afraid of another hijacking and sending them all on the road?" I sneered, my heart intended to kill the boiling.

These so-called supreme emperors of various nations, one by one, are a bit taller and determined to get it. This gesture can't see his eyes. If I had a chance, I would never mind causing a robbery in the sky. Kill all these people.

"As long as I can open the jade coffin and watch the stone carvings, I am confident that my path will take another crucial step. By then, I will destroy the emperor's foreign peak and let those high-ranking officials understand and intervene in the trial as they please. It is really sad!" I speak very slowly, and there is an indescribable smell in my voice.

A few days later, Ferry and I arrived at our destination. This is the stone world. The entire small world is full of stalagmites, standing between the heaven and the earth like stalagmites. At this time, there are special regular fluctuations spreading, which can melt the sacred power, so that all the sacred powers in the human body are suppressed by all the numbers.

"This is not just a rule, but the breath here does not allow divine power to exist." I opened my mouth gently.

The wheel nodded, saying that it had seen something similar and something more terrifying than here, not only to imprison the divine power, but also to imprison physical strength. It is said that in such a place, even the emperor will become a mortal and may fall at any time.

"Most of my power in this place will be imprisoned, so when I go in, I will most likely fall asleep, but if something happens, you can wake me up and I will try my best." The wheel returned On my eyebrows, remind me carefully.

I nodded. At this moment, he had nothing to retreat, but slowly walked into a stone forest on a small wheel.

There is no grass in this small world, but strange forces spread around it, making my combat effectiveness disappear completely.

You can see a group of ants crawling out of the cave. They are all big and powerful.

And in the high sky, you can also see bees flying, these bees are also big, as if a rock is suspended in the air. ..


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