Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 241: : Often born

Such a scene is destined to be amazing. The fragrance at this time is more intense. It seems that as long as those who smell the fragrance want to get close, a small number of them are in the hands of the general.

"It seems to have been trapped here for many years, and has been expecting someone to approach it and take it away so that it can leave!" Hua Lao Xue opened his mouth.

This kind of sacred medicine should not be difficult to leave if it is not trapped in the big formation, but unfortunately, this large group of natural constraints, even if the effect of the years has been incomplete, is not the seven magic flowers that can fight. Therefore, it will not cut off the attraction of the remaining power to the experimenter, and hope to take it away with the help of the experimenter.

I took a slow breath, and then he once again urged an avatar outside of the body to go in that direction.

Soon, I saw that in the center of the sky, a very terrible light was chopped off. In an instant, it razed mountains and peaks to the ground.

This scene made me and Hua Aoxue hung upside down and changed colors instantly. How terrible is this scene? Even if the emperor meets the strong, if he moves, most of the endings are terrible.

In addition, this is the only area that is still the most complete, and it is basically impossible to approach it.

"If we find a way to leave, we can't move these seven magical flowers. Even if I am the emperor, I can't make them here now." I shook my head. Although this place is very special, the seven magical flowers are precious. But obviously this is not something he can deal with unless he has enough spirit at hand, but for a seven fantasy flower, drinking too much spirit is not worth it.

"Unfortunately, this thing is absolutely equivalent to the elixir. Although there is no way to survive, I won't talk about it for thousands of years!" Hua'er is proud of Xue, and at this moment is an indomitable place.

Similar to what they did, the life expectancy of lucky people at five or six thousand years is no longer too much. Those who often call themselves stone monsters, who have lived in the long river for hundreds of thousands of years, are not a big problem. . As long as they are not born often.

So, thousands of years of history don’t sound like much, but if you let these fossil monsters get these years, God knows how long they can live.

As for the young supremacy, these seven fantasy flowers are with you, no matter how much damage you have, as long as you do not die on the scene, you will have a chance to recover. Therefore, the degree of preciousness of this event is really unimaginable.

At this moment, in the outside world, the eyes of the upper class members of these ethnic groups are red, especially those old people who have dried up for decades and cannot survive. They are shaking all over at this moment. If it weren't for them to find the sacred ruins, I'm afraid these old men would kill them directly into the sacred ruins and take away the seven magical flowers.

But there is no way, this is a great creation, but unfortunately, they cannot be close and cannot compete.

"You just gave up like that?" After leaving the area, Hua Aoxue opened her mouth a little confused.

"How can you give up, of course, is to find someone to fight!" I said, he was determined to get this thing, and then he was ready to sharpen his own path, if he has seven fantasy flowers in his hands, maybe his own attempt can be bolder It is not good to reach the goal at once.



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