Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 243: : Butcher's Hand

"It doesn't hurt. I was an ally before killing the butcher." I smiled. This experience told him that in the current situation, loneliness is a very dangerous thing. They have experienced life and death together. They are invincible people, if they can work together. This is good for you.

"In this way, I can also respect it, choose the right time, and I will go to the customs today. On the day I leave the customs, there should be news of the butcher. At that time, we will kill the butcher together!" The war mad stood confidently. Up.

Pharmaceutical Industry

Finally, I formed an alliance with my own will, and before we united to kill the butcher, I formed an alliance with the five allies.

After doing this, the people were separated, because even if they knew the exact news about the butcher, it was not easy to kill him. They had to wait until everyone took this crucial step, and it was natural to kill him.

I said goodbye to a few people, and I am ready to find an opportunity to continue to hone my path.

Soon, the nine lions and other lions were released. Although they didn't know what happened after being locked up, they could only imagine that it must be a scene of purgatory like a sea of ​​blood.

"Is that the East Mansion among the seven criminals in ancient times? I can't believe this is so dangerous. Someone rushed ahead and grasped part of the ban." Hong Chen sighed and opened his mouth.

I sighed and gave a general account of the incident, focusing on where it was one of the seven culprits. Most of the creation fell into the hands of the butcher.

"However, this time the butcher did not leave a few of us, so I think he may not succeed in getting what he wants, and there may be opportunities in the future." I said slowly.

"What!? A person called a butcher killed hundreds of thousands of experimental practitioners with one person's power. Only a few invincible people, such as war madness, can escape!"

"It is said that my companion is also one of several candidates for escape, and even my young devil has been forced back, enough to show the power of a butcher!"

"Dare to kill people all over the world in the name of a butcher! Such a person is too dangerous. If he exists in this world, I will be in danger!"

It is said that the war mad and others have reached an offensive and defensive alliance, as long as they get accurate information from the butcher, they will work together to punish the butcher!

All kinds of news made the whole sacred market boil. These things were completely covered up even before I cut off a pile of water. From today, the butcher's words echoed in the sacred market.

At the same time, outside the sacred ruins, it is difficult to see many high-level sacred relics through the three thousand border doors, and it is difficult to see the extreme side.

Although they couldn't see what happened in the coral sculpture, they saw what happened in the ecstatic world, heard several people talking, and guessed what happened. ..


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