Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 249: : Two adults

After this intertwined chain of order, the combat effectiveness of the two sides seemed to become stronger. The male war with me will once again overthrow the rules of the road, this time he is stronger and obviously wants to kill me last.

On the other hand, the war was fierce. The emperor's robe was surging on the surface of the emperor. He was cutting down with the emperor's sword, and each sword contained an atmosphere of indescribable horror.

This place broke out and was completely wiped out. Bloodstains splashed, roads and laws were chaotic, and the vague Yin and Yang battle bodies seemed to merge together, but it was difficult for me and the emperor to join forces to break in. .

The emperor was even more fierce. The sword in the emperor's hand was chopped off, and the incarnation of Yin Zhan was directly cut into two pieces, and the body exploded directly in the air.

"Well, they are all incarnations outside of the body."

In the end, I ended the battle, and the flesh of the war was destroyed.

"The war between yin and yang will not be as terrible as it is said, will it?" Wu Houdao frowned behind him, because everything seemed a bit abnormal. How powerful is the Yin-Yang War in the legend, but how could it break out today? How could you directly lose to me and the emperor? This failure was so complete that it was a little unimaginable.

In the depths of the endless starry sky, there is a very old star with no other buildings on it, only two eternal tombs.

The big tomb is facing each other, and the two ancient stone monuments are facing each other, and the stars are shining on the two tombstones, making the tombstones flow colorful at this time, and countless light rain showers. At this time, in front of the two tombstones, there is a pedestal on which two people like gods sit. Once, when they opened their eyes at the same time, a terrible light came out of their eyes. It's like a series of thunderstorms, directly obliterated here.

Such a scene was so terrible and so unusual that all sentient beings were shocked.

In the depths of the two tombs, there are endless fairy lights surging at this moment. It is the existence of these fairies that make the two people sitting opposite to be covered with dust in this life.

"Two adults!"

At this moment, a figure flew in and fell in front of the tomb of this ancient star. He couldn't help kneeling on the ground, unable to bear the pressure of this kind of authority. Because these two people used to be terrible, even if they are changed now, they are still very unusual.

"What are you doing here?" The fight on the left will slowly open his eyes, but there is no smell of fireworks in his words, so he looks cold.

"The prince asks you two to go to war. There are many things. Please give up other things temporarily, including the discord between the little emperor, etc.." Someone bowed and spoke.

"Oh? Is there anything more important than the little emperor's discord?" Yang Zhan will slowly open his eyes, his breathing is relatively gentle, with a smile on his face, but people are afraid to look at his eyes carefully. Fear of causing unnecessary things.

"The prince said that a person has appeared. This person may prevent him from coming into this world and prove heaven, so I want to ask two people to do it." The man said, although his status is not low, But in front of the two generals, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. & #160;..


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