Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 252: : Sealed breath

Such a sound can still shake the ancient sky, causing the fragments of the universe to fall apart. At this time, it is directly flying out in all directions, and the light of the knife in the sky becomes dim.

All the gods inside were shocked, if it weren't for the critical moment, it would have become many times stronger. That being the case, can he afford it?

It can only be said that this woman is too evil, she is one who exists in the sky!

Everyone is in a daze, not knowing how to react for a while! This is the supreme queen, just an ordinary hand, flying around with incomparable strength, the blade lost its luster, in a slight movement.

The scene was shocking and unbelievable.

This is a problem. In the minds of many people, they are shaking and cannot believe what they see and think.

"This is just a weapon, not the same person before!" It was full of anger and anxiety, like a desolate fairy beast, endless anger, and then quickly swallowed the ten sides of the soul, making the ocean of the universe at this time Was extinguished, now it is full of anger and anxiety, like a desolate fairy beast, endless anger, and then quickly swallowed the energy of the ten sides, so that the ocean of the universe will be wiped out. All the power of the stars quickly gathered where they were.

However, the queen did not follow. When she saw this scene, her handprints changed slightly, and then one finger pointed to the sky and the other to the earth, thus pointing to the place where ten sides were destroyed.

Slowly, in the slender hands, the real appearance, an ancient mudra, the mudra is made of runes, with a sealed breath. hegemony is unmatched.

The ten directions are murderous like the sea. It is powerful, can suppress everything, and has invincible confidence, because it is a devil emperor who has been practiced from the nearest fairy tools.

However, at this moment, we feel a terrible cold, as if being stared at by a beast, as if a general who would fall down at any time and be sealed up. He did not hesitate in all aspects, and avoided the momentary displacement. This can be said to be the ultimate blow to the world.

However, the queen was so fast that she raised her hand while the seal was still advancing.


The heavens and the earth were falling apart, and the entire universe collapsed at this time. The breath of the heavens was as big as the sea. Hundreds of millions of runes frightened the earth and directly wiped out the destroyed place. The boundless sword spirit completely collapsed in an instant.


Everything flew by at this time and was broken almost on the spot. Fortunately, it also had its own means. A false shadow exploded, but the real body was harmless and harmless.

Everyone is stupid, because all these changes are a bit too fast, so that they cannot accept the feeling that it is impossible to survive, to kill the world, or even to destroy the world. But now it was almost broken by the queen, which is unimaginable. ..


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