Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 257: : Three pieces of bronze

"The **** of the Lord of the Sun and Moon has been destroyed again. Today I seem to have the opportunity to take the Emperor on the road, just like Jiang Ziya." The golden cicada opened a boring mouth, and his voice reached me like thunder. Ears.

However, this voice made my heart a little heavy, and I felt an indescribable pain. There is no doubt that the life of this immortal emperor is absolutely not much, and it is very likely that it cannot be supported, so at this last moment , He wants to do his best to bring the highest presence on the road.

"It doesn't matter, I will go on the road with my Taoist friends, I may have the highest position on the road." Dao Yan was about to pass this voice with a smile.

"The two quasi-emperors have such confidence. Maybe at the last moment, I can also play a supreme role on the road. This is to solve the problems of some days!" My answer is that unlike these two emperors, he It takes time to wait for fatigue and relax vigilance before all problems can be solved.

The corpse came out from the front again, and every punch had a terrible tremor smell, and the blood in my body was almost running out, almost drying up.

"The mole and ant still want to look up at the dragon, but also want to go against the sky and shoot for the dragon. This is not enough, and it is also sad!" The lord of the sun and the moon looked at the scene and couldn't help laughing coldly. He changed places with the remaining nothingness and killed me again.

At this time, the Lord of the sun and the moon was covered in blood, wounds were too many, and the source of the passage was very serious. If he does not die, he will undoubtedly have more damage, because he needs to repair his **** and needs to steal more life torrents, otherwise, he is destined to be killed!

I looked cold, and continued to urge the appearance of the corpse to kill, and then at some point, he sacrificed three pieces of bronze and roared forward, forming a character with the smell of swaying stars.

At this time, the sky collapsed, the general aura and cry of ghosts and gods dispersed, and the stars dimmed, because these three pieces of copper absorbed a lot of the breath of heaven and earth, and then exploded directly in the sky.

"Emperor Qing!" The ghost emperor breathed the cold air, because on this copper plate, they felt the emperor and Qing emperor's breath in a day of mankind.

"How could this be the taste of the Qing emperor?" Even Shi Huang was a little shocked. As one of the five emperors of mankind, the Qing emperor of Dongtian emperor led the clan to create a new era in the least possible years.

For such a character, even if the same witness would admire a few points, don't expect his breath to appear at this moment.

Three pieces of bronze glittered, then exploded in two minutes. All other nothingness frowned slightly, but no one frowned. Once these three bronzes are blown open, they will be comparable to the blows of the Emperor of Heaven, and they will exist in destroying all things.

Although this is not a forbidden device, I don't know what fragments are, but the power is unimaginable, and it is probably no different from the emperor's self-destructive power.

The terrible light enveloped the body of the Lord of the sun and the moon with a loud sound. Soon, his figure appeared again, and he could see that his whole body was wounded, his bones were broken, and a shallow crack appeared on the spiritual platform. This is obviously difficult to fix for a while. In this case, even if he wants to sublimate, he cannot be sublimated. ..


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