Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 302: : A little angry

Xiao Yin said with an unfamiliar hand: "Your eyes are clear, your feet are calm, you are full of energy, and your pulse is stable. You shouldn't be so empty. How can you let your master hold them?"

In short, the ghost hand made a big red face and was kicked on the **** by Liu Ruyin before he could explain it!


As people walked out of the original world, we were ready to say goodbye to each other, but the red rainbow cloud ran over happily and seemed a little excited.

The mysterious treasure is weird. I don’t know what kind of moth this guy wants. He put his hand on the horse and combed it for a while, felt his mood, and soon changed his face and said to people, "You wait a minute. , I will come!"

People stood on the top of the North Hades Mountain, the Xuanbao rode directly on the red rainbow cloud and rushed down the mountain with a dive.

Before a cup of tea, Xuanbao came back with a serious face, and said to the crowd: "A lot of golden cavalry came down the mountain. Now I don't know if it is for those people or us!"

As soon as they heard the news, they all changed colors. Xiao Yin calmly said, "It should be us!" Beicheng Jin has great power. He wants to become the king of the Khan, provided that there must be a Khan's people, which is basically Helan's last strength. If he does not let them go, the whole Helan will become a wasteland, and it will not become a country! "

Liu Ruo nodded, and said to Xuan Bao: "He has no reason to kill!" These people all know that Lien Dan has gone, and if he wants to go down the mountain, he will not stop him. He should follow the devil's instructions to deal with us! "

Guishou was a little angry and said, "Brother, we must act like a way to prevent them from getting up, otherwise how can I pick up fireweed!"

Xuanbao nodded thinking about it, and said to the people: "You are waiting here!" Then, there was no red rainbow cloud, they flew down the mountain alone!

About people gathered at the foot of the mountain, pushing a crossbow, and waiting with a quiver. A person, Beicheng Jin, at the moment he is also full of armor, killing on one face.

According to the plan discussed with the devil before, she got lotus pills, and he got a sweaty seat. With the help of Lien Dan, even if the little prince is hidden to the ends of the world, she can find it, and even use Avatar to help him kill his nephew, and disappear forever in the world!

But in the end, it was destroyed by a group of people on the mountain. Not only did Lin Dan not get it, but even the pastor ran away with her! When she left, the woman said, "If you want the priest to come back, kill the people on the mountain!"

Bei Chengjin, who was tempted by Khan's throne, didn't know how heavy that guy was, and didn't think he could defeat the devil. How could he be afraid of these mortals? What he knew was that without the priest, he, the king of the golden riders, would be nothing!

Over the years, he knew how much help the pastor had given him. In the battle of the royal family, he lost to two. When he left, he could not take away the wizard, but he snatched the priest back to Jin Jifan.

It turned out that it was not the pastor, but the real adviser, giving Beicheng Jin dynasty constant advice. Some things still went to war in person. In less than three years, Jin Jiafan became a vassal of the Helan tribe!

In the past, Helan's most powerful vassal was the head vassal. He had forced Jin Jiefan to have difficulty raising his head for nearly ten years. The vassal king was a villain and hollowed out the bottle, but in the end, the priest personally took the body back to Jin Jiafan and hung it on the city gate for three months!

Therefore, Beicheng Jin is very clear that he has all the jobs that rely on the pastor today, and that he wants to truly become King Helan and needs the protection of the pastor! ..


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