Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 375: : Xiao Yin smiled

If others say this, everyone will be disappointed, but the girls are all concubines. There is a subtle connection between Xiaoyin and Xuanbao that other sisters do not have, so her intuition is always accurate!

The water in Xiaoyin Lake took a long breath and whispered in his mouth: "I have suffered internal injuries in Xianggong these days. Although the original world is the same as usual, I can feel any changes. This kind of inexplicable panic, those three days were the most difficult days, I almost felt I could not get out!"

It should be said that Xianggong has just been rescued from the mouth of the spirit. In the past few days, it has become immovable waste. Xuanbao's mind once appeared decadent and world-weary. I can't believe that this psychology has also affected the original. world.

Xiao Yin exhaled and then said to his sisters: "But after three days, I have a firm belief that I will come out!" I try to communicate with Xiang Gong every day, hoping to get a little response, as long as If I can respond a little bit, I can. Later, I finally came out, and now I think this should be what Grandpa needs. I gave it to him, and you gave it to him, so everything will develop in the direction we expect! "

These words sound very simple, but after thinking about it, there seems to be some hidden information. Mianji's understanding of Yin said: "Sister, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yin smiled, pointed his head with his right index finger, and said to his sisters: "Here you are!" Our strength not only comes from spiritual strength, but also from this place! Who said there is no ability to think? As long as we can twist into a rope and think of one thing, it is possible to achieve what we want! "

Sparrow suddenly realized that General Yin said: "I heard that Xiang Gong said that he was practicing a new kind of power, that is, mental power!" It was similar to what the older sister said. Is this really right? " "Intuition tells me, yes!" Xiao Yin nodded vigorously, and his sister said: "No matter who it is, once we encounter difficulties, when we encounter difficulties, we must not With a pessimistic attitude, we must firmly believe that he will become better. Everyone believes that it will form a new force. When this force is added to the object we want, it will produce very unexpected results! "

The girls nodded together and said, "Big sister, we know!" The Vinci Dance Company said, "In the future, we will not think about other messy things, we just want to make it fair and safe." "In the future, we Don't want to mess up other things. We just want to make it fair and safe!" The ladies nodded again.

In fact, what Xiao Yin said was also intuitive. Although she can't communicate with her father-in-law, she feels that she can feel his father-in-law's thoughts vaguely, and she can feel the same for her.

The lake level calmed down, Xuan Jun retreated from the lake, the water returned to its original clarity, the sky gradually darkened, and the daughters no longer stay on the shore as before, but returned to the king's account.

Xiao Yin's words seemed to untie the knots of the daughters. These words also let Sparrow write them down in their original form, hand them to the wingmen on the side of Stykes Lake, and pass them to Mohuan Palace and the other side of Huangling Mountain. Sisters.

For Xiao Yin, this is not only a comfort for some big talk, but also a spiritual practice that the sisters can pay attention to in the future, so the sooner we know, the better!

All the girls believe that Xiang Gong is like walking a long way, he will soon recover and be able to maintain a cordial relationship with everyone at that time! ..


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