Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 397: : On the fourth floor

Mu Bushuang shook his head.

Wu Mushuang said, "First of all, we cannot take away all people without a voice. Even if we want to take away, we can only take away the real and powerful." Let us ask, we have taken away the real situation and Coming, where are the rest? The victors will not let us go. Once they can't find us, they will operate on ordinary people, or drive us out with those ordinary people! "

At this time, she paused, and then said, "In a family, in addition to the upper class, the people at the bottom are equally important, because they are the foundation. We abandon them, which is tantamount to destroying the foundation!"

"Then what can you do?" I asked.

Wu Mushuang shook his head slightly. "I can do nothing for the time being!"

In the field, he fell silent again.

After a while, I said "I still have an extreme idea!"

Wu Mushuang glanced at me. "Why are they all extreme?"

"We can't do anything," I said calmly. "In this case, we can only go to extremes."

"Tell me!" Wu Mushuanglu.

I nodded, he looked around, and then started talking.

About a quarter of an hour later, Wu Mushuang murmured, "You will become stronger!"

I nodded, "This is more difficult, whoever is strong will win." They are more difficult than us, they won, we won! "

Wu Mushuang was silent for a long time, and then said "Yes!"

I said, "Well, this is a deal."

Wu Mushuang nodded slightly. At this moment, her face and I changed a little at the same time. Then, the two people looked to the left at the same time, the space suddenly trembled, and then an old purple robe appeared in front of them.

When I saw this old man, there was a hint of surprise in my eyes, because the old man he knew was the old man from Jianxiancheng.

The old man in purple looked at me and Wu Mushuang, and finally, his eyes fell on me. "Wu Shao, miss, please!"

Miss, please?

I frowned. "What does she want from me?"

"Wu Shao will know when he leaves!" said the old man in a purple robe. I thought about it, and then I looked at Wu Mushuang. "You go back first, I'll go to Jianxian first."

Wu Mushuang glanced at the old purple robe and said, "Isn't this dangerous?"

The old man in the purple robe smiled bitterly. "Miss Shuangmu laughed." With Wu Shao's current strength, I am afraid that even the strong in the six districts can't keep him! "

Wu Mushuang looked at me, "Be careful of yourself!"

I looked at the old purple robe, "Let's go!"

The old purple robe nodded slightly, then trembled and turned into a sword light that disappeared in place.

An hour later, Lao Zipao and I came to Jianxian County.

Taixian Building, on the fourth floor.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Wu's power has increased again!" Behind the screen, the mysterious woman smiled slightly.

I said, "Say something, girl. I'm a little busy!"

Behind the scenes, there was silence for a while, and the woman suddenly said, "I remember, Wu Shao still owes me a favor, right?"

I smoked a cigarette lightly at the corner of my mouth, which is a human feeling.

The mysterious woman said, "There is one thing that needs Wu Shao's help."

I was silent for a while, then asked "what's the matter?"

The mysterious woman said, "I want to go to a place, but it's a bit dangerous. I want someone to go with me."

I thought for a while, and then said "Can you change someone?"

"Wu Shao doesn't want to be busy with this?" the mysterious woman said.

I smiled in pain. "This girl, your strength must not be weak, you feel that you are in a dangerous place, I don't think I can go back!"

The mysterious woman smiled and said, "In fact, if I know one thing, I don't have to say, Wu Shao will definitely go."

"What is this?" I frowned.



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