Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 423: : Frozen

I looked at the white jade bottle and said, "So is yours. If I swallow this strand of eternity, I might practice eternity."

The sword said, "In theory, it is possible, but it is very difficult." Because this eternal gas is just a wisp of gas, like a flower bud, you must cultivate it into a forest. This is not Easy to talk about. Of course, if you do, then congratulations, you can leap into the dragon gate with this eternal spirit. "

"What is the function of this eternal spirit?" I asked.

Jianjing said, "There are many uses, such as using half-work half-length exercises to double the effect, changing the body, warming the soul, and nourishing the soul." Of course, the most important thing is that it can increase life expectancy. When you practice later, you will find that no treasure is more important than life expectancy. Especially after reaching a certain level, every promotion must experience fate robbery, that is, fate robbery, and every life robbery, even if successful, will damage life expectancy and make life expectancy more precious. "

"Will you lose your life when you get through the storm?" I don't understand, "Don't you think that when you succeed in a disaster, life expectancy should increase?"

Sword shook his head. "That's when you don't threaten your destiny. When you reach a certain level of power, that is, when you threaten your own destiny, destiny will pay attention to you." At this time, a series of obstacles appeared. Of course, the fate of the legend does not dare to do too much, and always leaves a thread behind. However, how difficult it is to cross this line! How many emperors, how many desolate gods, how many giants stopped on this line? "

"Does fate really exist?" I asked.

"Jian Jing" whispered, "When you ask whether destiny exists, I can't give you an answer, but you can think about why people and all things have the end of life." Why do people grow old, sick and die? Simply put, why do we die? Can you figure it out? "

Why are you dead?

I just froze.

Why would anyone die?

Natural law?

However, who set this law of nature?


No one in the world sees the so-called destiny. However, more and more strong people can feel this mysterious existence. The stronger these strong people are, the more they can feel the existence of this so-called destiny.

At this time, Jianjing suddenly said, "People will grow old, sick and die, but as people practice, many people will not get sick and die hard." In fact, from the moment you start practicing, you have changed your mind. life. It should be said that it is fighting the sky for life! You should die, but you don't want to die, you practice, you get more life, in this way, invisibly, you are the right destiny. "

Having said that, she looked at the white jade bottle in front of Xiaobai. "Going back to the truth, the reason why this eternal gas is so precious is to practice this spirit, which will not only improve her physique and make her body container stronger, but also extend his life." With the extension of life span, we can go farther, and the farther we go, the closer we are to the so-called destiny. If we overcome this so-called fate, we may be able to live forever! "

I nodded and said, "Cultivation, in fact, the ultimate goal is to practice your life. This should be said to be a renewal of your life." The eternal spirit is strong because it can renew its own life. With life, it has everything. "

Jianjing smiled and said, "Yes!"..


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