Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 457: : In the hot boiler

I can be sure that any large array has a source. As long as the source will be destroyed, it will be able to destroy the large array. This is what I want to do at this stage.

Answer yourself firmly in your heart, because this is forming a space. Then according to the logic of the array method, this should be a simulated world. If it is a simulated world, then naturally there will be strong people who simulate human beings.

With this in mind, I realized a key issue, I am afraid that the strongest person here is the root of this battle.

Don't hesitate, if you have an idea, you will act on it. To prove that I was right, I ran fast, like lightning, and was quickly swept out. When I walked out of the plunder, I was surprised to find that everything here was the soul and the power of the soul, and I would never use it.

This is a difficult test for me. The yellow sand in the sky blocked the view. After perceiving it with spiritual power, there is no margin at all. If you go out alone, it will take a lot of energy.

But there is no way, there is no outside world, there is enough power to exist. In this world, if you want to go out, you can only rely on your own legs, which plays a very important role in training people's perseverance.

I don't think so much. Since I want to go out, I can't stay. That's what I think in my heart. If you stay here all the time, without taking a step, talk about how to get out of this barren desert and also talk about how to break through this psychedelic group.

Starting a new journey of my own, I covered my chest, torn a piece of my clothes, and tied it directly to my forehead to absorb my sweat.

A determined figure is difficult to walk in this vast yellow sand desert.

Time passed quietly, I don't know how long it took. There is no dividing line between day and night. I have been walking in this desert. The sun is above my head and the earth is constantly burning. I feel that my consciousness has become extremely weak, as if only a gust of wind can blow me away. . I am thirsty, and my consciousness cannot be fully maintained. It was just a stumbling block, I fell directly into the yellow sand, as if I fell into a hot boiler, a kind of scorching pain.

I can't even say a word. I am not in the yellow sand, my consciousness is silent for an instant.

When I did not enter the yellow sand for a while, a hazy light and shadow turned into a stream of light, which instantly appeared beside me. Then came a stream of light. If I were awake at this time, I would know that one of them was an old man, and the other was a woman with great dignity. She was a girl with a flower drum.

"Master, is this a bit cruel to him? As soon as he comes up with such a way to deal with him, will he make him despair of the world? If it is too affectionate, I am afraid it will hurt his heart." The old man was concerned. Say.

Needless to say, he doesn't have much time now. Before the game of God begins, he must be allowed to break the curse formed, and his abilities must be completely eliminated. The tone of the girl with drums was firm.

The old man heard this almost commanding voice and took a step back without saying anything.

So the Huagu girl waved, a drop of dust condensed, and the last roar, being rubbed at will by the Huagu girl, turned into a human form, and her skin grew quickly.

If I saw it, I would be surprised. This is to form your own world and lay out the life you yearn for.

Although this fabrication is just an illusion, it is indistinguishable from my current situation.

The condensed figure made me unconscious, and walked forward staggeringly against me.


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