Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 468: : On the dead

What Zhu Yan and Luo longed for thousands of feet was not life and death, but for me. A dead person alive is not worth a wish, he has been waiting for so long.

Zhu Yan's heart also hesitated, and the pursuit of me for so many days has no results, it is better to go back and practice.

The light in the sky full of portraits fell in front of Luo Qianchi. What the editor wanted to say, looking at the same flame and Rose, finally did not open his mouth.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Zhu Yan's eyes. Someone obviously had something to say, but the two people who saw him there didn't say anything and wanted to hide them.

"I don't think I know where I am." Zhu Yan looked at Luo Qiandi angrily, and wanted to swallow it alone, then opened her mouth and said, "Where is the trust between people?"

Luo Jiao frowned and raised his hand. "Come on, we are all allies. We have nothing to hide from each other. Let us be honest with each other."

Then he folded his hands and told the man: "Wang, it is the Nine-tailed Lake that has appeared."

Luo Qidan stood up. He thought there was news from me and heard about the Nine-tailed Lake, so he felt how stupid his decision was.

Tore his face

The nine-tailed tiger has always stayed in the legend. It is said that this monster is hard to find in all parts of the world during the last time in the mess. He is proficient in transformation and psychedelic skills.

The origin of Nine-Tailed Lake is different from other monster sources. Even humans can be refined and transformed. As long as you extract the origin of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, as long as you cultivate the Eight Realms in the spiritual base, you can continue and easily Spanning two major areas, human power can fly to the sky.

In fact, I shared this news with others, so his face is very ugly. His current realm is the spirit of the Five Realms. If you get the origin of the Nine-Tailed Lake, you can immediately reach the spiritual power of the Seven Realms. At the same time, Zhu Yan’s eyes are also active. The value of Jiuwei Tianhu is greater than mine, just like he got the origin of Jiuwei Tianhu, even if there is no sacred fire, he is willing .

"I think the living dead may also die. In this case, don't waste all your time on a dead person. If something else happens, the old man will go first."

Zhu Yan opened her mouth and said, immediately rescue the order, let the Huo Clan people gather immediately, and return to the Huo Clan. Now that the flame of hope has begun, Rose will leave.

Luo Qiongdi clenched his fists and immediately made it clear that he wanted to leave with Rose. I'm afraid he wants to find nine celestial foxes first to make him look ugly.

Coldly asked the person who came to the report: "Where did you find the nine foxes?"

"Never go back" Zhu Rong waited for Mr. Zhu to go back. It is difficult for him to find me now. Went back in less than half a day.

I wish to frown frantically, hope Rong's temper is the clearest, and it seems that some measures must be taken, "Patriarch, how did you come here?"

Zhu Rong was taken aback and turned around and said: "Master." Zhu frantically went around her neck, knocked Zhu Rong down, then walked over and looked at me the same way.

"I have something to tell you."

I nodded expressionlessly, Zhu Rong's power will not be low in the spirit of the Five Realms, and will play tailoring with Zhu Rong, because he can never hide it.

I wish to be crazy near me. The word Zou Runfang just said was suddenly on my body and made me fly out. If it weren’t for his quick reaction, half of the power would be offset, I’m afraid this step would penetrate myself. The chest, let yourself live.



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