Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 535: : Endless

Xuanhuang nine angle umbrella!

The six people including Su Dingyi were taken aback, and then their eyes showed a hint of fiery color. This Huangtian Jiujiao Umbrella is a magic weapon in the terraced fields. It is made of Taibaixuan yellow iron as its skeleton. It is even more sealed with nine thousand years of evil souls. The nine corners are connected together, and the defense is amazing.

Its value alone can be worth more than one million catties of mental fluid!

"Come on, I still have a pot of pill, I have to save this boy." A wave of Su Leng's sleeves, a dozen feet of clouds set off the crowd, and rushed to the Hanhai Desert!

Endless broken beads

Three look for favorites!

Flowers are in full bloom in autumn, spring and autumn are coming.

To the monk, time is like a winged arrow, half a year, fleeting.

But at Tianfeng's first trial site, due to the different time patterns, the time has been a whole year and a half.

During this time, my work and rest were very regular, refining gas, thinking, quenching, and fixing the sword. When I was really upset, I used my fingers as a pen, yellow clay as a paper, traced runes, and printed text, but I was not alone.

He found a piece of jade in the East Mansion of Jianxian in Hades, Nanman. In the past six months, he has made great progress in speculating that the runes on the ground have reached the list of nine products, and in just one step, he can build an array of symbols and become a magician. .

Nine symbols, one symbol is called the basic symbol. Every role apprentice must master the production of basic symbols in order to produce a higher and deeper symbol.

According to its attributes, symbols can be divided into two types: Yin and Yang. If it is divided into five categories, it can be divided into five categories: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The production of any symbol is inseparable from the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, and the basic symbols are no exception.

The study of rune structure starts from the basic symbols. In other words, each basic symbol represents a rune structure. The basic symbol is divided into five elements, and the structure of each attribute is different. It can be called millions and endless.

This also shows that there are thousands of complete runes, and it is impossible to be familiar with all the basic symbols produced.

However, as long as you can draw a complete rune structure on rune paper, it can be called a symbol; if you can draw two complete rune patterns and make them echo each other like breathing, then It can be called a two-character symbol; conversely, you can draw nine complete rune structures on a piece of rune paper and make them echo each other like one, and then you can call them Symbol for nine characters!

Nine-to-one can be a complete nine-character symbol, and another complete nine-character symbol is superimposed to form a wonderful connection, which can be called symbol array division. The created symbol also has the prototype of the array method.

In addition, in order to achieve the standard of array division, different manifold structures and seals can be cut on the carrier, such as flags, array plates, array stones, etc., to give full play to the power of the array method.

In short, whether it is a symbol or an array method, the stream structure is the most basic and core.

Fu Tao is to master the structure of fluid mechanics and evolve the meaning of heaven and earth. It was originally a vast road. From ancient times to the present, many big countries have used symbols to enter the road and reach the realm of gods!

My understanding of the Dao of Heaven has reached the realm of Dao, and I have mastered a complete sense of style. Coupled with the daily view of Fuxi God, my understanding of Dao is also a natural and rapid progress. Will soon become a wizard.



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