Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 793: : Booklet of the Soul

Tie his hair to his right wrist with a gold cord. When they saw the four beasts on the opposite side, they stood there, motionless.

Suddenly, the blonde girl moved, just flashed past, and then lost track. The four beasts quickly gathered together, back to back, each facing one side.

At this time, a golden giant's hand appeared in the petition of the four beasts, one hand was pressed, the sky suddenly became dark, and the entire space was torn apart. The four beasts seemed to be crushed to be unable to fight back. Desperately resisted, but all this was in vain. Finally, I was firmly held by the giant's hand. The four giant snakes had their mouths in the middle, and they seemed to be talking about something. The giant snake's hands did not move, and the snake's head hung , As if sighed, I saw the big hand trembling suddenly, four illusory four beasts emerged from the body and were sucked into the big hand. When all this was over, the giant's hands were gone, and the familiar back figure was revealed in the void. At this time, his hair turned black again, and the four giant beasts disappeared with a wave of their hands.

However, at this moment, his head turned slightly behind his back. Now he saw the corner of his eyes and a small corner of his mouth, and he could see that his eyes were looking back clearly. Then, there was a poplar at the corner of his mouth and said a word, but it could flow through the soul. As soon as this sentence was finished, the whole picture disappeared immediately.

At this moment, I sat up and said, "The one I ran away from?" The one who ran away? This dream. It seems to be longer than before. Before, I only saw that person and four wars. This time I saw the end! "Is this really a dream?"

The door creaked, a slender, beautiful woman, this woman saw me sitting up, her bright white hands covering Cherry’s mouth, Kyoko’s eyes opened wide, as if she had seen something incredible and stammered Saying "Gee". Hey, hey. Son, are you awake? Are you awake? "

I was still dizzy and startled by this sudden scene, "Uh." Yeah, I woke up. I don't know, Pan Lao. "I'm dizzy.

"The ancestor woke up six days ago. Sun Ji couldn't wake up. The boss called a lot of doctors. The doctor said you were all right, but I don't know why you can't be unconscious." The woman said.

"Ah? How many days have I been in a coma?" I asked in surprise.

"Back to son, you have been sleeping for seven days."

"Seven days?" I said in surprise

"Yes, son."

"Where is the king's messenger? Are you still there?" I asked again.

"The messenger waited for you for six days and returned to the king yesterday." The woman replied respectfully. "Okay, I understand, thank you!" I said.

"When the son is polite, serving the son is the blessing of the slave, and the slave retreats." The woman blushed and said shyly.

My deeds are no longer a secret in the Pan family. Of course, there are some obscure things they don’t know, they only know that my great martial arts master killed Liu Chang that day, repelled Liu Xiao, and was in the war with Liu Yuanhua. Hurt him badly. This time, he killed the city master who seemed to be higher than them. Now, to them, I am already a fabulous existence. This waitress has more than me. But for a proud son like me, age is not a gap, so even in their circle, he is honored to serve me.

I smiled awkwardly and felt my body. "Xuan Qi seems to be purer, it seems that it is not far from the peak of a great martial arts teacher!" I am fifteen years old, and it seems that I am going to stand up! First of all, learn casting from Lao Pan. My blood sword comes from the new casting, and it is also a life-saving support, right! "With this, I will sink my knowledge into the sea, and he will find that the five-color lotus has no wind swaying in the sea, does it emit a faint colorless brilliance." These five-color lotus have been in my sea for a while. , But it doesn’t seem to help me. I don’t know what effect it has. Forget it, at least it won't hurt me. "Thinking of this, I took a deep breath, paused, and took out another ring from the vaccine. Seeing this ring, I took a deep breath and felt relieved, because this ring has his best What I want is Cao Yue's soul spirit!

I sneaked into the Lord of the Rings, and only for a moment, I was completely stupid, because he found the Heavenly Spirit Stone in Cao Yue's ring, and there were nearly a million Lower Spirit Stones.

As the foreign deacon in the southern part of the Animal Soul Hall, Cao Yue's important job is to penetrate the southern region and establish the power belonging to the animal soul hall. The venture fund will not be less, it should be a bit more, but it has been deducted layer by layer, and there are only more than 200,000 celestial spirit stones left in Cao Yue's hands. Over the years, Cao Yue's oil and water have been searched around Tianyun City, coupled with his own training, only left so many, even so, I am still deeply shocked, because he has never seen so many spiritual stones!

I recalled my thoughts and searched for what I wanted on the ring. Suddenly, he saw a booklet about soul reading. I was so excited that I took it out, calmed down, and started reading the brochure.

This booklet did not give me a simple feeling, so I believe that the real book is one. "This file is okay. Anyway, the recorded things are the same." Thinking of this book, I opened it.

After a while, I was a little frustrated, because this soul only recorded the first half of the soul "Come on, even the first half is rare, you must get the second half in the future."

I put the pamphlet back on the ring, and when I read a small sign, like gold and iron appeared in my hand, it said "Beast". The character of this animal is very strange. Only when I guessed the word did I distinguish it. "This seems to be Cao Yue's status symbol in the Animal Soul Hall. Keep it. What I want to get is the second half of the fusion soul. This mark is still very useful."

I looked at the other things on the ring, and some herbs, all in the jade box, I was not interested in it either. Put away the ring, stand up, and prepare to see Lao Pan to discuss the research on casting.

Now I am very anxious, because he does not have much time!

When I got out of bed, the door slammed open as soon as I reached the door. Pan Yunhai appeared in front of me. "Nephew, you are awake!" You are worried about me! Are you okay! How are you feeling? What can you do? Why don't you lie down for a while? "I'll go to the kitchen to get you some supplements!" Pan Yunhai continued as if he was crazy when he saw me.

"This makes Pan Lao worry, I am fine!" Pan Honghai's conjunction moved me. He was in Liu Family's college. So far, in addition to Moody's and winning the feeling of cold heart to relatives, now this Pan Yunhai also gave himself this feeling. Even if I know that Pan Yunhai used to be because he really wanted to contact the so-called power behind him, what he is doing now still makes me feel hot. ? ..


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