Martial Arts Conquer System

Vol 14 Chapter 996: :Nine-step formation [guild for subscription]

Oh **** it!

Seeing the changes in the scene, the traces were immediately lost, and the fallen blood clothes suddenly darkened.

In the end, he realized that Ming Chong's previous attack in "Fu Chuan" was just a bluff, only a temporary delay in order to settle the formation calmly.

And because I didn't use similar methods and the formation of the nine steps of cultivation, Ming Chong, who was subjectively neglected, is the true disciple of Shenmen!

But at this time, I was trapped in the matrix, the **** clothes didn't care what I regret, and I was more afraid to think about how to quickly defeat Ming Chong, but the spirit was overwhelmingly released, scanning every corner of the body.

To fall into the division formation is to lose the initiative to fight. If the division is a powerful fighter, you must be more careful.

So this time the blood suit is not for merit, but for no fault. After all, there is only invincible hope. Once it falls into the hands, all hope will be destroyed.

Time continued to pass, the blood clothes guarding the surroundings carefully, but there was no action.

"This fool, can't he see that Ming Chong is deliberately delaying my recovery?" Looking at the legally immobile blood coat, many people looked at the people below and said contemptuously.

Of course, some people retorted, "He is not a static defense at this time, how to defend?"? Between the formation method and Ming Chong hard fight

In fact, he knew Mingzhong’s intentions half an hour ago, but when he tried to move to find a flaw in the formation, he immediately felt the pressure of the formation. He knew that under pressure, stars could strike at any time. In him.

Although the blood suits are confident, even if Ming Chong launches a sneak attack on him, and then the combined attack formation may really not be able to defeat him, they have to pay a great price, that is, even if they really hit the Ming Chong, they cannot When it hit me.

So what's the point of defeating Ming Chong? He is betting on the contribution of value or losing, and then he has to face the challenges of others, even when his position will continue to lag behind!

The composure of the blood suit is thinking about how to break Ming Chong's formation with the least sacrifice.

As long as you pass my level, then the people behind will have a chaotic battle for ranking, and then occupy a level that is beneficial to you, and it is possible to reap benefits, so this is now a key battle in his life.

Time passed by, but the blood-shedding clothes found that he was more impatient, and he figured out a way to simply calm himself down.

At this time, my face was no longer pale, and my **** clothes expected me to take a day to recover. It was based on his belief that my practice is spiritual power.

In fact, what I practice is not spiritual power, but heavenly power. Not only the power is amazing, but the speed of recovery is not comparable to that of the practitioner. Not to mention that I came out from the Pill Temple to represent the Pill Temple in the Battle of the Gods and I lacked the pill?

Although I have taken the elixir of life, it only happened more than an hour ago, but in fact, the power of heaven has been restored by nearly half. This is because my heavenly power is stronger than before, otherwise, based on the previous power, at least% of my memories will be restored.

At this time, the blood-stained clothes that had calmed down still did not think of any effective way to break the formation. At this moment, he couldn't help the cross on his chest, biting the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of real blood spurted out. In an instant, seeing the blood-drenched red clothes become more dazzling, the whole person's momentum is also rising rapidly.

Blood sacrifice!

Blood suit, then blood suit sacrifice!

Seeing this scene, many people yelled and felt the changes in their blood clothes. At this time, even the appearance of Lan Yunting disciple changed slightly.

It is said that by using this technique, a person's strength can be greatly improved in time according to his own situation, and the price paid is that one hour later, the cultivation will return to the same order.

Obviously it was to bet with me that in order to become a god, the blood suit had begun to desperate!

Seven hundred and eighty-seven

The momentum continued to climb, and the smell of the blood suit had now surpassed the feeling of holy realm, and even passed through the defensive barrier. Even if it was hidden in the battle of Ming Chong, the crowd felt that the blood suit looked more like an advanced force.

Boom...Amid the **** clothes, I saw countless rumbling noises, and my eyes kept rattling like the sound of glass breaking.

The intermittent seal was broken, and huge force was fed back into the body. Even though Ming was deeply cultivated, his body involuntarily stepped back after such a blow, and his face suddenly became pale.

However, as soon as his body retreated, his mental power took another step forward, and the illusion shattered in front of his **** clothes suddenly became solid.

Use Ming Chong's experience of nature to understand the power sacrifice of the blood suit, and also understand the defect sacrifice of the blood suit!

In my current situation, there is no way to defeat me who made the blood sacrifice, even if I barely support myself, because Ming Chong believes that the blood sacrifice clothes are priceless every minute and every second, and it is absolutely impossible for me to complete the nine-step team. shape.

Then what I have to do is to block the blood suit for an hour at all costs, so that the blood suit will no longer have the strength to fight, and naturally it will not pose any threat to me.

Mingzhong has already seen that I intend to join Qingyun Pavilion, how can he not satisfy his brother?

In addition, Ming Chong does not plan to join the Qingyun Pavilion of the Shenzhen Branch Division. This time, he participated in the battle, first tempered himself, and then protected and escorted me. So how could he easily throw the blood-stained clothes in the past?

Looking for death! "Look, he actually ignored the counterattack of the method and continued to get into trouble. The **** clothes launched an offensive. However, the blood suit was repaired at the sacrifice of the blood suit, and the blood suit has been greatly improved. Now, although they are just Random attacks, but the power it contains is stronger than any battle I have seen before.

The array method is only a solidified moment, and the array method is only a moment, and even more of a moment, it is filled with blatantly.

It's just that during this process, the **** clothes looked nothing special, but Ming Chong's face became paler, and even the corners of his mouth began to overflow.

Of course, this is not deliberately dragging the bleeding clothes. In fact, although his strength has been greatly enhanced, this is not the strength he eventually cultivated, so at this time he can only treat it as a simple attack, not in martial arts. Play a role, otherwise, it is beyond the capacity of his body. It is not only a retrogression, but it is most likely to be broken. ..


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