Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1127: : Take down Huazheng!

Lu Yang did just that. He violently pushed the thin body of the little girl Huazheng to the wall, and kissed her lips without saying a word. This Bidong was absolutely domineering.

This little girl's lips were warm, with a touch of tenderness, and people couldn't help but sink in.

At the very beginning, Hua Zheng resisted fiercely, but after resisting for a while, he obeyed, and after a while, it was an initiative to cater.

This little girl was wilder than Lu Yang had imagined, her waist twisted, almost making Lu Yang unbearable. The duration of the kiss is still very long, from outside the cave to the inside.

Hua Zheng's movements became even wilder. Instead, she pulled away Lu Yang's belt in desperate need, and pulled her clothes down, revealing her shoulders as white as jade.

Does Lu Yang have reason to continue to endure? This is the little girl willingly, there is no forced interest from Lu Yang.

Lu Yang also pushed the boat along. To say that this girl with great desert style is different from the girl of Middle-earth, this kind of taste cannot be described in words. The similarities and differences are subtle, and they can only be expected to be unspeakable.

The energy of this little girl is also unlimited, and it has been tossing for a long time before it ends.

"Ding! Complete the system mission and own Huazheng! Get experience rewards, 10,000 points! Money rewards five thousand taels!"

A system prompt sounded from Lu Yang's ear, and sure enough, the world still needs to conquer these little girls.

Huazheng was lying close to Lu Yang's chest, sweat dripping into his cheeks. She listened to Lu Yang's powerful heartbeat and said, "Do you have to go?"

"Yes, there are some things that must be done by me!" And this is not stipulated by me, but by the system. In the second half of the sentence, Lu Yang didn't say anything.

"Okay, then you have to promise me that you will come back in the future!" Hua Zheng said with a serious face, her lips tightly pressed.

Lu Yang patted Hua Zheng's smooth back and said softly, "Don't worry, I will definitely come back. You are so beautiful, I will not leave you alone anyway, don't worry!"

After experiencing this kind of thing, this little girl is no longer willful. Therefore, it is the absolute truth for men to conquer women.

After a short break, it was another fierce battle. When the girl Hua Zheng walked out of the cave, she had become a mature young woman. The changes in this were also very subtle, and only men with rich experience could see it.

It was early in the morning when Lu Yang came to rescue Hua Zheng, and it was already midnight when he returned with Hua Zheng. What happened during this period is not enough for outsiders.

Temujin couldn’t wait a long time ago. Although he heard the Jiangnan Six Heroes and the Daoist Ma Yu say that Huazheng is safe, but never saw Huazheng return safely, this Temuzhen still couldn’t rest assured and paced back and forth in the hall. . Listening to the cloth, he eagerly greeted him when the Golden Swordsman returned with the princess.

"Lv Yang, Huazheng, it's great for you to come back safely!" After all, Temujin is still a father, and naturally he is extremely concerned about Huazheng. "Khan, I am here this time to say goodbye to you!" Lu Yang said straightforwardly.

Temujin was slightly startled, and said with some surprise, "Farewell? Didn't you just take my golden knife and become the golden knife cohort of my desert? Why do you want to leave today? Don't you plan to have a wedding with Huazheng. Huh?"

Temujin had always been indifferent, but at this moment he asked a few questions in succession, apparently he was extremely shocked.

"Hua Zheng is my beloved, I will naturally be with her. However, I have to do things in Zhongyuan, and I am afraid that there will be risks. If Hua Zheng is carried, it will only make him suffer in vain. I will Hua Zheng is stored here in Da Khan, and he will definitely come to pick it up in the future!" Lu Yang said decisively.

Tie Muzhen was startled, his gaze gradually turned from Lu Yang's cheek to Hua Zheng's face, and asked, "Hua Zheng, he wants to go, do you agree?"

"Men always have their own things to do, Dad, don't you often tell me that?" Hua Zheng looked at Lu Yang's eyes at this moment, but they all loved it, and said, "I will naturally not stop him. Do what he should, as long as he keeps me in his heart at all times!"

This is the happiness of young women, Temujin would not understand.

Hearing what Hua Zheng said, Temujin sighed leisurely and said, "Since you two have no objection, I will naturally not object. Lu Yang, Hua Zheng, before you come back, Warrior Ke will also say goodbye to me. He also said that he would take Guo Jing with him. It seems that Lu Yang is going to follow them all the way?"

The speed of Ke Zhen's wicked rhetoric was quite fast, and Lu Yang said, "That's right."

"Okay, I will naturally prepare a platter of dry food for you. You are all good warriors in my desert. I, Temujin, will always remember it!" Temujin said boldly.

Lu Yang always felt a little awkward at these words, as if these people were dead and needed to be remembered.

In the early morning of the second day, that was the day of departure. As expected, Temujin prepared a lot of silver biscuits, a lot of mare's milk wine, and a lot of roast leg of lamb, which was enough to eat on the way.

Temujin, Huazheng, and Torre went out together to see them off. They had been sent far away before returning.

Lu Yang is naturally riding his sweaty BMW. The six Jiangnan monsters, Guo Jing, and Ma Yu also have their own horses, but they are much inferior to Lu Yang's sweaty BMW.

Ma Yu was going to the Zhongnanshan Quanzhen Sect, and he was on the same road with a few people for a short while, and then separated from the others and went alone.

At night, everyone rushed to a ruined temple. Although it was a bit dilapidated, it could shelter from wind and rain.

Everyone rested, and Han Baoju said, "Always drinking mare kumiss is no good, Jinger, you go find some water, let's boil some water to quench our thirst!"

Guo Jing grew up so big, that was the first time he had left the desert. He was a little dazed and said, "Water? Where is water?"

Lu Yang couldn't help but sighed and said, "I'll go, you are waiting here!"..


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