Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1190: Be followed

Lu Yang left the middle-aged home and returned to the inn.

As soon as he came back, Guo Jing said: "Brother Lu, the Beggar Gang just sent a message saying that Wu Mu's suicide note has been protected, but it seems there are traces of gold in the city."

Lu Yang nodded, and Guo Jing said again: "The Beggars asked the spies of the golden men what to do?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You still have to ask, of course, kill them all!"

Guo Jing was taken aback, a little dazed.

Lu Yang saw him look dull and smiled, "What's the matter?"

Guo Jing thought for a while and said, "After all, it is a few lives. The eldest brother killed him if he said it."

Lu Yang looked at Guo Jing, always seeing that he was a little absent, and sighed: "Brother Guo, are you really planning to serve the country?"

When Guo Jing heard this, he nodded and said: "This is natural."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "Then I ask you, don't you kill people to defend your home and country?"

Guo Jing shook his head and said: "This is naturally different, that is to kill the enemy on the battlefield."

Lu Yang pointed to the chair and motioned him to sit down. Guo Jing sat down honestly. Lu Yang said earnestly: "What do you think we are doing to protect Wu Mu's suicide note? Naturally, it is also to protect the family and the country. What is the difference between the two? ?"

Guo Jing was speechless, and Lu Yang smiled when he saw him, "Soldiers, murder weapons. Martial arts are also murder weapons. But even brothers, we have to pick him up to protect our family and the country. But Once you pick them up, you know their usefulness. Different martial arts, you can be a wild crane like my elder brother Hong Qigong. If not, you have to learn to kill and be decisive."

Guo Jing listened and showed deep thought.

Lu Yang sighed and said in his heart, what are the Jiangnan Seven Monsters teaching, should I tell him this truth? It seems that the road for this product is still very long.

He seemed to be a little confused when he saw Guo Jing thinker, worried that he would be disappointed in himself. So he smiled and said: "But you have to have a degree in everything. Your degree is not to kill people. This is good, but this can only be a knight, not a commander. A commander can only win. For this To win, you must be decisive. Don't hesitate to do things, otherwise..."

He thought for a while, and suddenly thought of something, so he said: "Think about it, as the commander-in-chief, how many lives are counting on you, if you don't hesitate, many people will die!"

Guo Jing shook his whole body when he heard it, and raised his head to look at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang smiled satisfied and said, "Do you understand now?"

Guo Jing nodded solemnly and said: "Brother, I understand that killing is to save people!"

Lu Yang praised: "Yes, killing people, sometimes to save more people. If these spies of the Kingdom of Jin do not die, how many people of the Song Dynasty will die in the future!"

After listening, Guo Jing stood up abruptly from his chair, and said with a fist to Lu Yang: "Thank you, brother, I understand. I won't hesitate anymore!"

Lu Yang looked at him as if he had changed. Unexpectedly, this guy is a bit stupid, this truth understands that adults are so fast!

Guo Jing is indeed a natural talent, and Tian can be said to be a jealous talent!

Guo Jing heard what Lu Yang said, and did not hesitate to go to the place of the Beggar Gang.

Lu Yang is dead and going there for the second time. The Beggar Gang is divided into two factions, Dieyi and Jingyi, and he still prefers the latter in comparison, at least not looking annoying.

These two factions are just like the Conservative Party and the Radical Party, one stubborn and the other cunning. After all, Hong Qigong is old and likes the former, while Lu Yang prefers the latter.

He sat for a while, got up and went back to the room. Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, a scent filled his nose. He looked up and saw that Huang Rong was sitting on his desk, catching what he was thinking.

Lu Yang was taken aback. Did this little Nizichun understand and want to take the initiative to dedicate her life?

To be honest, if this were the case, he would hesitate. It's not that he doesn't like Huang Rong, it's just that if his father finds out that he is sleeping with his girl, will he fight hard with him?

Thinking of such an old man desperately fighting himself, he was full of excitement.

He coughed and said in a relaxed tone: "It's so late, why don't you rest."

Huang Rong saw that he was back with joy on her face. She hurriedly got up and helped Lu Yang take off his robe like a little wife, and poured him a cup of tea.

Lu Yang felt a little soft in his heart.

Just sleep once, not too much. Besides, if Huang Laoxie is more powerful, he doesn't know all about it.

Thinking of this, he looked at Huang Rong's agile figure. Beautiful cute face band.

She has just grown up and the charm of a woman has just appeared, but she is a clever and cute temperament, not very obvious.

Huang Rong saw him looking at herself with weird eyes, her face turned slightly red, she took her tea, took a sip, and concealed her shyness.

Seeing her shy appearance, Lu Yang's mind became even hotter. He coughed in a hurry to hide his thoughts. In a calm tone: "Is there anything, come to me most of the night without sleeping."

Huang Rong was less shy after hearing what he said. She looked melancholy and said, "Brother Lu, do you hate me?"

Lu Yang was taken aback, and said in doubt: "What are you talking about, what's wrong, have I been alienating you in the past two days?"

Huang Rong shook her head and said, "No, but what I said today, do you think I am a bad woman!"

"Ah!" Lu Yang felt ashamed for a while, what was in his mind every day. Such a pure girl, she actually...

He said ashamed: "Why, you think about me. How can I hate you for that."

Huang Rong looked at him suspiciously and said, "Really?"

Lu Yang said with a sincere expression: "Naturally it is true. If you can love me, I am very satisfied. Why do I still hate you. What happened today. Besides, if you are not sincere to me, how can you treat me? I am too moved to say these things!"

Huang Rong stood up happily, jumped in front of him, and kissed him on the cheek: "Thank you, Brother Lu!"

Lu Yang had thoughts in his heart. After being kissed by her at such a close distance, no matter where he could stand it, he hugged Huang Rong all of a sudden and wanted her to kiss her lips.

Huang Rong was taken aback by his sudden attack, and realized it instantly. The whole person froze.

It was not the first time the two kissed, but this time it was too sudden, since it made Huang Rong feel like a deer hitting her heart.

What is he going to do? ..


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