Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1220: My baby (1)

Lao Liang cursed in his heart, and let people stop!

I heard Ouyang Ke shouting outside: "Be careful, Zi Weng, there are assassins!"

Liang Ziweng was shocked, thinking that the assassin came at him. But now he is completely naked, it must be too late to get dressed. Because of his thick-skinned face, he jumped up from the water and rushed onto the bed.

I just wrapped the quilt and prepared for a battle, but saw that the door of the room was kicked open, and a person came in.

As soon as he saw this person, the courage that Lao Liang had just plucked back again, he suddenly covered his head with the quilt.

Guo Jing entered the room and saw that there was no one inside, but the bath water was still hot, and he was a little confused.

At this time, Hua Zheng's consciousness was a little blurred. Although Ouyang Ke's poisonous snake seemed ordinary, he used a special method to feed it. So very toxic.

Guo Jing said, "Sister Huazheng, take a break first, and I will help you with exercises and heal your injuries!"

Huazheng still has a three-thirds conscious mind. Hearing what he said, he immediately said, "Brother Guo, stop! Leave me alone and run for your own life. Find Brother Lu and remember to let him avenge me!"

Guo Jing immediately said: "What the girl said, how can I abandon you and run away alone, don't talk, I will heal you first!"

He said, ignoring Hua Zheng's objection, and immediately gave her luck.

Even if Hua Zheng refused, he couldn't resist.

Two people are healing, Ouyang Ke has already yelled at the door.

"Guo Jing, we have surrounded you. I advise you to take a profile picture immediately, and maybe let you go. If you resist, there is only one dead end!"

Guo Jing frowned and did not answer.

Although Ouyang Ke wanted to rush in, Guo Jing made him impressed tonight. He was naturally afraid of death and would not do anything before he knew how strong the opponent was.

He made people surround Liang Ziweng's room, and he was muttering.

"Zi Weng didn't come back? But what are you doing with the light in your room if you don't come back!"

He thought about it, but still didn't understand, so he could only sit and wait for Liang Ziweng to come back.

He didn't know that Liang Ziweng was really in the room, hiding in the bed watching Guo Jing's healing.

He was not a timid person, but Lu Yang really frightened him.

Guo Jing was healing, and suddenly heard Sisi's voice. He opened his eyes and saw a giant python jumping out of nowhere.

This one was busy with a thick mouth and looked fierce. Guo Jing was startled when he saw it. But in the process of healing, you can't middle your finger, otherwise Hua Zheng's life will be worrying.

Liang Ziweng also saw the poisonous snake that day, and he recognized that poisonous snake, which was a poisonous snake that he fed with various elixir of Changbai Mountain. Drinking the snow of this snake can greatly increase his skill, but what about his beloved baby!

Guo Jing didn't know, he thought it was Ouyang Ke's poisonous snake, and said that Hua Zheng had already been bitten once, and he would be killed if he was asked again. Brother Lu believed in himself, so he entrusted Huazheng to himself. Even if he died, he would not let him make mistakes.

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes and glared at the python.

That python used to take a leisurely walk.

It was not born a vegetarian, but Liang Ziweng forced him to take herbs every day for the sake of the purity of snake blood. The snake I ate has forgotten the smell of meat.

Originally, this point was that when it was serving food, it was waiting for Liang Ziweng to give him herbs, but he waited for Liang Ziweng to not come.

It's also fortunate that it has taken such a panacea, and its physique has also improved.

Seeing Guo Jing staring at him fiercely, the python was furious, I'm still hungry, why are you staring at me!

Without saying anything, it opened its mouth to bite Guo Jing!

Guo Jing was thinking about Hua Zheng, where he was willing to admit defeat, he could not open his hands, but his mouth was still there. Seeing the python about to come, he also opened his mouth and bit at the python.

Liang Ziweng in the quilt didn't dare to come out, so he could only pin his hope on the python, heart said, kill him, kill him, my dear, kill him!

You think, he alone may not be Guo Jing's opponent, let alone his pet!

The python just wanted to show off, and seeing that Guo Jing was more fierce than him, he jumped, and said to his heart, this person is even hungry than me!

It had the intention to run away, but it couldn't let go of the food, and immediately took advantage of its own nature to catch Guo Jing!

Liang Ziweng was overjoyed, his heart said, this beast still has some brains!

Guo Jing couldn't open his hands freely, so he could only let the python hold it by himself, and slowly tighten the python as he opened his eyes!

Guo Jing was very anxious, but he didn't care much, and opened his mouth to bite the python.

The python eats pain, and the fierce star is unconscious. If you don't give you a pair of intestines today, you don't know that your grandfather python is on JB!

One person and one snake battle silently.

If normal, Guo Jing wins, but now he is healed for Huazheng, he is at a disadvantage. Seeing that the python gradually tightened, Guo Jing's chest became stuffy, and his internal organs were painful, and he could only use his mouth. Drinking boa's snow.

The blood of this python was flooded by Liang Ziweng to increase his skill, and the effect was not comparable to that of ordinary panacea. Guo Jing took a sip and suddenly felt that his throat was hot. It seemed that a stream of heat was poured directly into the pubic area, which was a bit more energy than usual.

Guo Jing was overjoyed, and for whatever reason, he drank the blood of the python.

The python was also happy, this person could not move, he was the best prey, but when he saw Guo Jing's face suddenly turned red, it seemed that a burst of red light was useful from his face. Immediately afterwards, the part tightened by him suddenly grew!

The more Guo Jing drank, the more comfortable he was, and the tighter and harder the python tightened.

Liang Ziweng, who was in the bed, happened to see this scene and felt a great pain. He couldn't take much care of it. He jumped out of the bed and yelled, "Shut up!"

He came down too abruptly, even if Guo Jing was calm, he was shocked. Seeing a naked old man jump out of the bed, he attacked him with one move.

Guo Jing didn't dodge in time, so he stopped!

Seeing a cyan figure suddenly rushed to my eyes, blocking the blow for myself!

Guo Jing was startled, but when he looked again, he saw Liang Ziweng's face pale, holding the python's head in a daze!

It turned out that the python didn't know that Guo Jing was drinking his own blood, but he was already Qihu going south, and wanted to release Guo Jing but was afraid that he would take the opportunity to fight back. I can only pester him honestly, hoping that Guo Jing can be exhausted. Seeing Liang Ziweng jump out of the bed, the python was overjoyed. ..


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