Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1240: Guiyun Zhuangzhu

When Lu Yang saw her awake, Lu Guanying took the two to Lujiazhuang.

At the door of Lujiazhuang, Lu Yang looked up and saw the three characters on the door, returning to Yunzhuang. Xin said that Lujiazhuang is not called Lujiazhuang.

When the two entered the front door, they realized that there was so much chess and cards inside. Lu Yangxin said that if he wanted to live in seclusion in the future, he must build a house of the same size.

The three of them came to the front hall while talking, only to see a middle-aged man in Confucian clothing inside, waiting anxiously.

When the three of them came, the man immediately stepped forward and said, "Guanying, you have gone there!"

After hearing what he said, Lu Guanying even hesitated: "I...I'll go..."

When Lu Yang saw him, it seemed that he had met the woman privately, and no one else knew it. He smiled and said, "This gentleman, I just met the gangster in the next place. Thanks to Lu Shaoxia's gang leader, he was able to get away."

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at Lu Yang. He didn't know if he believed it or didn't believe it. Instead, he said to Lu Guanying, "Go and see your father!"

Lu Guanying didn't hesitate after hearing this, and immediately said to Lu Yang, "The two rest for a while. When I see my father, I will look for them!"

Lu Yang smiled slightly and said, "Master please!"

Lu Guanying seemed to be very afraid of her father, and hurriedly went inside.

As soon as he left, Huang Rong asked the middle-aged man curiously: "This gentleman, is there an inner courtyard behind this? I don't know who this old Lu family is?"

The middle-aged man immediately frowned upon hearing his words, impolite in his heart. Are you asking about things about the host?

He is also not easy to have a seizure, but his complexion does not heal: "This is the Patriarch of my Lu family, you two don't need to ask more!"

Huang Rong rolled her eyes.

The way Lu Yang saw her knew that her young lady had a temper. He couldn't say anything, he just smiled and said to her: "Okay, you are also tired, let's rest first."

The middle-aged man also said, "I will arrange a room for the two immediately, and the two will come with me!"

He said that he took Lu Yang and the others except the front hall, and then handed them to the servants in the village.

As soon as the middle-aged person left, Huang Rong arrived: "Brother Lu, I think there is a ghost in Guiyun Village!"

Lu Yang rolled his eyes and said in his heart, no matter how you see ghosts everywhere, you can't stop playing. He smiled bitterly: "My eldest lady, are you not tired?"

Huang Rong glared at him, took his hand and said, "Follow me!"

The servant was leading the way, suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, turned his head and disappeared.

The two of them didn't know how to turn around and went to a peach grove. Huang Rong showed an expression like that, and said, "Sure enough!"

Lu Yang was a little surprised, wondering how she knew the road here.

Huang Rong said: "This Guiyunzhuang house implies a hundred and twenty-eight days. The owner must be a master of gossip!"

Lu Yang was a little surprised, why does Huang Rong understand the Book of Changes?

He didn't dare to underestimate him, and immediately asked: "Do you know all this?"

Huang Rong glanced at him triumphantly and said: "This is natural, most people can only calculate 64 days, only my father can calculate one hundred and twenty-eight days. This one hundred and twenty-eight..." When she was halfway through, she saw Lu Yang's expression change from surprise to plain, she glared at him and said: "Of the Four Books, the I Ching is the most profound. It can be estimated that 64 is no longer a mortal. You What does this look mean?"

Lu Yang chuckled and said immediately: "How dare I, I mean that my lady really knows everything and learns to be rich."

Huang Rong rolled her eyes, indicating that she was not interested in his flattery.

Lu Yang smiled and said nothing. Huang Rong took his hand and went to the peach grove. Unexpectedly, after walking for a long time, Lu Yang turned dizzy.

He was busy working hard to distinguish the position, and in a short while, he calculated that there were ghosts in the peach forest.

These peach trees seem to be planted casually, but they have a mystery.

He was secretly frightened, and began to let go of the six senses, and within a short while he realized the way out.

He was about to pull Huang Rong out, but he saw Huang Rong walking and thinking deeply. Xindao's performance just now made this stronger little Nizi sad, and now she can't do her best. He smiled inwardly and put on a blank look on his face.

Huang Rong stayed with Lu Yang for a long time before leaving the peach grove. Looked at Lu Yang with a dazed look of accomplishment.

Seeing her appearance, Lu Yang felt cute in his heart, with an expression of admiration on his face, saying, "The lady is indeed a **** and man!"

Huang Rong smiled triumphantly, and suddenly felt that his name was strange, and his face flushed: "Take less advantage!"

Lu Yang smiled, the two of them talked. Suddenly an angry shout came from inside the door: "Who is out!"

Lu Yang glanced at Huang Rong, then pushed the door open.

I saw an old man sitting inside, who seemed to be a little older, but his face was righteous, and his face was not angry or pretentious.

Next to him is Lu Guanying.

The old man frowned when he saw two people. Lu Guanying was taken aback, and immediately said: "Why don't you two rest in the guest room? What are you doing here? This is my forbidden area in Lujiazhuang!"

As he was talking, suddenly there was a noise outside the door, and the middle-aged man came in with a group of people.

"Why didn't the two stay in the guest room and rush in my Lujiazhuang!"

Lu Yang laughed, it's hard to explain now.

When the middle-aged man saw that he was hesitant to speak, he beckoned, and two family members immediately came over to arrest them.

Just listen to the old man in the room suddenly shouting loudly: "Hold on!"

The middle-aged man was taken aback and looked at him suspiciously.

The old man looked at Lu Yang, then at Huang Rong, and said to the middle-aged man: "Okay, you can withdraw!"

The middle-aged man was surprised and looked at Lu Yang and the others before taking them away.

After the middle-aged man left, the old man looked at Lu Yang and said, "Sir, can you tell the old man how you got through this peach forest puzzle!"

Lu Yang laughed, just about to say that he came here in a daze. Huang Rong has already preemptively said: "Although this peach blossom formation is strange, it is just a change of gossip. It is very easy."

The old man hadn't spoken yet, Lu Guanying had already summoned him, and he said anxiously, "Girl!"

The old man waved his hand and interrupted him and said, "The girl is not a mortal. To be honest, since the old man has grown plum needles for more than ten years, no one has ever lived safely!" ..


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