Martial Arts Conquer System

Chapter 1254: Conspiracy 2

He smiled slightly and flirted with the woman for a while before watching her leave.

As soon as the woman left, Ouyang Ke chanted triumphantly: "Bad prince, beautiful prince, singularly wish good prince."

Next to him was his maid, who couldn't help but sighed when she heard these words: "I don't know which girl has suffered again!"

She glanced at Ouyang Ke, saw that he turned to look at herself, and hurriedly lowered her head.

"Follow the pair of little lovers and check the details of the woman!" Ouyang Ke had fierce eyes and peach blossoms on his face.

"Yes!" The maid replied, and immediately followed Cheng Yaojia.

"How about it, is it okay?" Cheng Yaojia left Ouyang Ke and immediately asked Lu Guanying secretly.

Lu Guanying nodded inadvertently and whispered: "Very good, even I believe it!"

"Really?" Cheng Yaojia suddenly ran over with a wink, causing Lu Guanying to be full of spirits, and quickly avoided.

Cheng Yaojia was deliberately showing off, wanting to see how attractive he is to her sweetheart. Seeing him avoiding like a monster, she couldn't help feeling a little bit of resentment in her heart. If it weren't for me to like you, I really could Followed that Ouyang Ke! Even though he has bad eyes, he is more interesting than you!

Where does Lu Guanying know what she thinks, in his impression, Cheng Yaojia has always regarded a weak and docile girl, who has a pretty demeanor.

He didn't know that in the eyes of a woman, his man was usually decent, but in private, it was really boring.

The two talked for a while, nothing more than praising each other. When they arrived at the edge of the woods, Cheng Yaojia couldn't take care of it as soon as it was about to be separated, lying in her lover's arms, very reluctant.

Lu Guanying smiled and comforted: "Well, someone has been following us just now, you are not doing well like this!"

Cheng Yaojia knew that the important matter was important, so he let go of him and reluctantly left after watching him get on the boat.

The maid of Ouyang Ke followed all the way to the river bank, and saw their affectionate appearance, and said to her heart that the master was about to tear down the mandarin duck again. She sighed, shook her head helplessly, and continued to follow Cheng Yaojia.

In the evening, the maid came back, and when she saw Ouyang Ke, she immediately said, "Young Master, I have ascertained the identity of that woman!"

Ouyang Ke was drinking tea and thinking about something good. Hearing these words, he immediately said: "Quickly tell, which girl is she from!"

The female disciple was also surprised to see him so impatient, and immediately said: "That girl is the eldest lady of Peng Lucheng's family, and the master is one of the seven sons of the true grandson of Dao Buer!"

"Oh?" Ouyang Ke put away his contempt, squinted his eyes and thought for a while: "Sun Buer, is that the only female of the seven sons of the whole truth?"

The female disciple nodded, after thinking about it, and a little worried: "Master, if it is the Seventh Son of Quanzhen, this matter will be a little difficult!"

"Hehe," Ouyang Ke didn't care at all. He smiled and said: "What about the seven sons in the town, let alone his grandson, even if all the seven sons are pulled, I am not afraid of him! Immediately Get ready, tomorrow morning, come home to propose marriage!"

The female disciple was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't dare to say anything, and immediately went to prepare the bride price. Early the next morning, Ouyang Ke came to the door with the betrothal gift. He didn't go to the front door and went straight to the main hall of the house.

At this time Cheng Yaojia's father was drinking morning tea and talking with a friend, and suddenly saw a man in white carrying a box come in.

The box looked very big, presumably heavy, but it was as light as a feather in his hand.

Ouyang Ke entered the main hall, put down the box and said, "Which is the father of Cheng Yaojiacheng!"

Cheng Yaojia's father hurriedly stood up, knowing that this person was extraordinary, and said, "It's right here, I don't know if the son is..."

Ouyang Ke glanced at him, and before he could finish speaking, he immediately said: "Next, Ouyang Ke, this is my dowry gift. I will come to win your lady in the afternoon. I hope you will prepare early!"

He left without looking back, leaving Cheng Yaojia's father alone.

After a long time, this old man recovered and immediately went to the backyard.

In the backyard, Sun Buer was pointing Cheng Yaojia martial arts, and the old man yelled as soon as he came in, "Daoist help!"

Sun Buer was startled when he saw him like this, and said in doubt, "What happened?"

The old man said immediately: "A man called himself Ouyang Ke just now. He brought a box and came to propose marriage, saying that he would win my Yao family tonight!"

Sun Buer was taken aback when he heard it. She had heard of Ouyang Ke's name. Why did he come to Jiangnan too? How did he know Cheng Yaojia?

Thinking of this, she turned her head and looked at Cheng Yaojia suspiciously.

Cheng Yaojia was secretly happy when she heard this, and said to her heart that Big Brother Lu's plan really succeeded. Seeing the master look over, he immediately woke up and hurriedly pretended to be more and more sad and said: "Father, this Ouyang Ke is sinister and vicious, not a good person, and my daughter will not marry him!"

Father Cheng was willing to let his daughter marry such a person, and when he heard these words, he burst into tears and cried out for help.

Seeing his father and daughter like this, Sun Buer was also secretly angry. He thought that Ouyang Ke was too mad. Don't you know that Cheng Yaojia belongs to me?

But even though she was angry, there was no way, her martial arts and Ouyang Ke's level still didn't know. Even if he knew, his uncle Ouyang Feng couldn't deal with it himself.

But if this matter goes to Quanzhen Sect to rescue soldiers, it will be too late. Not to mention that my brothers travel overseas all the year round, but they are all in the Quanzhen Sect, and they can't keep up with them once and again!

She thought for a while and finally gritted her teeth and said: "Mr. Cheng, you immediately let the housekeeper take precautions. The heroes of the rivers and lakes in the past few days have also asked them to help. We are prepared tonight. I don't believe that Ouyang Ke is God man, dare to trespass here!"

After hearing her words, Cheng's father felt relieved a little, but Cheng Yaojia was worried about Ouyang Ke.

I don't know if this person has gotten a false name, if I can't be snatched from me tonight, this will be a waste of work.

Cheng Fu and Sun Bu'er were worried about the effort, but she became anxious for Ouyang Ke, and the three of them looked at each other, all worried.

At night, when Cheng Yaojia was about to rest, Huang Rong suddenly came to her room. ..


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